HOLA Archives Podcast Project
Here at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the Roberto Hernandez Center has begun the HOLA Archives project to document the history of Latinx student activism and community through the decades. The published episodes are on “Latino/a Activism at UWM and the Roberto Hernandez Center” and “Latina Activism in Milwaukee” and feature such prominent local voices as Tony Baez, Ricardo Fernandez, Graciela De La Cruz, Patricia Torres-Najera, Maria Rodriguez, and Leonor Rosas. Visit this link to listen to these podcasts and find the full oral histories of these speakers.
Other local Latinx activism and community-related items include the Wisconsin Historical Society’s “Somos Latinas” oral histories project, the Milwaukee Public Libraries’ piece on the “History of Latinos in Milwaukee Mural”, a graduate dissertation entitled, “A Latinx Educational History in Milwaukee: Community, Identity and Institutions, 1920 – 1980”, and the Midwest Emmy Award-winning film, Latino Wisconsin. Some related books include Latinos in Milwaukee by Dr. Joseph Rodriguez and Walter Sava; Obereros unidos: The Roots and Legacy of the Farmworkers Movement by Jesus Salas; and Somos Latinas: Voices of Wisconsin Latina Activists by Andrea-Teresa Arenas & Eloisa Gómez.
We’d also love to hear from you about your favorite local Latinx-related teaching resources—feel free to email us with resources and we will add them to this post.
“Latina Lives in Milwaukee” by Teresa Delgadillo, University of Illinois Press, 2015
“Mexicans in Wisconsin” by Sergio Gonzales Wisconsin Historical Press, 2017