The HOLA Archives Podcast Project is a collaboration between the UWM Libraries and the UWM Roberto Hernandez Center, and was made possible by a grant from the Wisconsin Humanities Council. The HOLA Archives take a deep dive into the stories of Milwaukee Latino/as who fought to make Milwaukee a more welcoming community. Drawing on oral history collections at the UWM Libraries and the Wisconsin Historical Society, this set of pilot episodes tells the story of the founding of the Spanish Speaking Outreach Institute – now the Roberto Hernandez Center; and the experience of Latina activists in Milwaukee in the late 1960s-early 1970s.

HOLA Episode 1: Latino/a Activism at UWM and the Roberto Hernandez Center

This episode describes the community activism that came together to establish the Spanish Speaking Outreach Institute at UWM in 1971. The SSOI eventually became the Roberto Hernandez Center. Speakers include Tony Baez, Ricardo Fernandez, and Graciela De La Cruz. The narrator is Gabriela Dorantes. Introduction by Alberto Maldonado. Script by Ann Hanlon. This episode draws on UWM Professor Joseph Rodriguez’s 2005 article, “Latino at UWM: A History of the Spanish Speaking Outreach Institute and the Roberto Hernandez Center.”

Full oral histories are available:
Tony Baez:
Ricardo Fernandez:
Graciela De La Cruz: Forthcoming

Also at this permanent URL:
Production work by SourceTen Productions, Michel Cros, Producer.

HOLA Episode 2: Latina Activism in Milwaukee

This episode describes how Latina women approached activism in Milwaukee and the challenges they faced. Speakers include Graciela De La Cruz, Patricia Torres-Najera, Maria Rodriguez, and Leonor Rosas. The narrator is Gabriela Dorantes. Introduction by Alberto Maldonado. Script by Ann Hanlon. This episode is based in part on Patricia Torres-Najera’s 2018 dissertation (UWM), “We Were the Outsiders and Treated as Such:” Community Activism and the Intersections of Ethnicity, Gender, Class, and Race Among Latinas in Milwaukee.

Full oral histories are available:
Graciela De La Cruz: Forthcoming
Patricia Torres-Najera:
Maria Rodriguez:
Leonor Rosas:

Maria Rodriguez and Leonor Rosas were interviewed for the Wisconsin Historical Society’s Somos Latinas Project. For further information, see the edited volume, Arenas, Andrea-Teresa., & Gómez, E. (2018). Somos Latinas: Voices of Wisconsin Latina Activists. The Wisconsin Historical Society Press.

Also at this permanent URL:
Production work by SourceTen Productions, Michel Cros, Producer.