The Digital Collections at the UWM Libraries include over 190,000 photographic images, maps, and books drawn from the collections of the American Geographical Society Library, the Archives, Special Collections, and the Curriculum Collection.

Afghanistan: Images from the Harrison Forman Collection contain images that document the life and culture of Afghanistan in the 1950s and 1960s.

Africa presents images from the holdings of the American Geographical Society (AGS) Library. The selection focuses on the countries of southern and eastern Africa.

The African Americans in the Milwaukee Police Department Oral History Project includes twelve audio interviews with retired and current Milwaukee Police, 2016-2017

A collection of interviews with prominent African American alumni of UWM

The AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin collection presents 226 images and 7 films documenting the fight against AIDS in Milwaukee, and the work of the ARCW

This collection presents 143 images and documents from Anna Estelle Paddock's work for the Young Women's Christian Association in China from 1905-1913.

Architectural Drawings of Willis and Lillian Leenhouts digital collection includes over 80 architectural drawings and sketches from the mid-1940s through the 1980s.

Selections from the Records of the American Geographical Society of New York, founded in 1851, the oldest geographical organization in the U.S.

This exhibit views the history of HIV-AIDS in Wisconsin through the lens of the Aids Resource Center of Wisconsin and allied groups

Art Muscle Magazine (1986-1996) was a bi-monthly art publication located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Asia and Middle East presents over 30,000 images (and counting) from the holdings of the American Geographical Society Library.

The Aviation History Collection presents the development of modern aviation through sources from the George Hardie Collection.

The Atlas Novus Coelestis (1742) is the major work of Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr. Also featured is the Grosser Atlas Uber die Ganze Welt, 1731.

The Chinese Scrolls and Fan Paintings collection presents over 120 scrolls and fans from the 18th-20th centuries.

Cities Around the World presents over 6,100 photographic images from the slide collections of the American Geographical Society Library.

Conversation is a series of 29 half-hour video interviews with prominent Americans produced by UWM from 1970 to 1972.

COVID-19 MKE launched on March 15, 2020, inviting the greater Milwaukee area to share items that would document its encounter with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Curative Care Network was a service organization helping people with disabilities in the Milwaukee region. This collection includes select video, 1930-1982.

Selections from the Curriculum Historical Collection including 30 full-text books, picture books, instructional books and primary readers for teaching.

Collection of interviews with Danube Swabian immigrants giving insight into the Danube Basin, prisoner-of-war camps, realities of WWII, and settlement in Milwaukee.

Oral histories and photographs documenting the experience of South Asian immigrants to Milwaukee and Wisconsin, 1950-1970.

This collection of photographer and filmmaker Dick Blau’s ethnographic projects includes over 500 images from Blau’s published work.

The Digital Map Collection currently contains over 5,000 maps, ranging from early maps of Asia to historical maps of Wisconsin and many other cities and sites.

Early Imprints on Wisconsin, 1836-1860 includes printed works on the Territory and State of Wisconsin published before the American Civil War in the UWM Libraries

Eldon Murray was a prominent activist in the Milwaukee LGBT community. This collection includes selections from his Papers.

Europe presents images from the extensive holdings of the American Geographical Society (AGS) Library, focusing on the countries of Europe.

The digital collection includes a selection of French World War I posters from the holdings of the AGSL.

Gathering Places is a living archive of Milwaukee’s places of worship; an ongoing project developed by the UWM Public History Program.

Greetings from Milwaukee Postcard Collection presents 755 postcards from Thomas and Jean Ross Bliffert in the Archives Department.

Harrison Forman was a prominent photojournalist and world traveler and a Fellow of the American Geographical Society. The diaries cover the period from 1932-1973.

The House of History collection includes twenty three oral history interviews with Black LGBTQ+ Milwaukeeans known for their historical significance in the community

Images of Russia and Caucasus Region 1929-1933 presents over 800 images and 21 films, particularly of rural areas in Georgia and Dagestan.

The Invictus, launched in 1977, was published by the UWM Black Student Union (BSU) and ran until 1995.

Transcripts and audio from an oral history project studying the first generation Italians who settled in Milwaukee's Third Ward.

The James Blair Murdoch Photographs collection presents 2,636 images from 1920-1965 of Milwaukee area businesses and schools.

The Jeypore Portfolio of Architectural Details digital collections includes two of the twelve volumes from an original 1890-1913 publication.

The Kaleidoscope Newspaper was a radical-liberal underground news source in Milwaukee from 1967-1971 with a total of 105 biweekly issues.

This collection documents efforts during 1970-71 academic year to improve conditions for the Latino community at UWM

UWM Archives houses many collections documenting LGBT+ history in Milwaukee, including the Gay and Lesbian Liberation Movement, AIDS activism and marriage equality.

Living for the City: The Black Middle Class in Milwaukee is an ongoing oral history project led by UWM Professor Ermitte Saint Jacques

The Look Here! initiative asked artists to reimagine, transform, and engage with our digital collections.

This digital collection presents a window onto Milwaukee’s civil rights history during the 1960s with photographs, film footage, text documents and oral interviews.

Select video produced by the Milwaukee Gay/Lesbian Cable Network (MGLCN) from 1987 to 1994

Interviews conducted by members of the Milwaukee LGBT History Project from 2003 to 2007

This collection features maps housed at the City of Milwaukee’s official records center and document repository, the Milwaukee Municipal Research Center (MRC).

Milwaukee Neighborhoods presents 832 photographs and 12 historical maps of Milwaukee from 1885-1992.

The Milwaukee Polonia collection presents 32,000 images taken by Roman Kwasniewski illustrating the history of the Polish-American community from early 1900s-1940s.

Milwaukee Repertory Theater Photographic History presents 1,800 images documenting 195 performances over 17 seasons from 1977 to 1994.

Emil Seidel was Milwaukee's first socialist mayor. This collection includes his mayoral and personal papers, and his unpublished autobiography.

Interviews with eight individuals concerning Milwaukee's transgender community and its history

This collection presents 90 images documenting the beginning of World War II in Poland, in late August and early September 1939

AGSL Digital Photo Archive - North and Central America presents images from the holdings of the American Geographical Society (AGS) Library.

AGSL Digital Photo Archive - Oceania presents images from the holdings of the American Geographical Society (AGS) Library.

Picturing Golda Meir is a collection of 157 images documenting the life of Golda Meir between 1904 and 1987, housed in the Archives Department.

The Polar Exploration collection includes 628 images documenting several expeditions to the polar regions from late 19th century to mid-20th century.

The Polish-Jewish Relations in Milwaukee Oral History Project presents seven oral history interviews conducted with merchants and their descendants in 1990.

The American Geographical Society Library (AGSL) holdings include several volumes of early printed Ptolemaic geographies.

The Digital Sanborn Maps of Milwaukee 1894 and 1910 collection includes two atlases of the fire insurance maps of Milwaukee produced by the Sanborn Map Company.

Shall Not Be Recognized presents images and verbal portraits of thirty Milwaukee long-term same-sex couples by Will Fellows and photographer Jeff Pearcy.

The Sheet Music Collection includes over 350 (and growing) items, from song sheets to solo piano and violin sonatas

The Society of American Archivists (SAA) collection contains oral history interviews with leaders from the archival profession

AGSL Digital Photo Archive - South America presents images from the holdings of the American Geographical Society (AGS) Library.

Published in Milwaukee from 1993-1995, The Sphere is the nation's first grocery fanzine.

This collection includes the yearbooks of the Milwaukee Normal School - the predecessor to what is now UWM.

The digital collection presents historical maps and images of Tibet from the holdings of the American Geographical Society (AGS) Library.

Transportation Around the World: 1911-1993 presents over 650 photographic images from the collections of the American Geographical Society Library.

UWM Book Arts Collection includes digital representations of 31 artists' books from the Special Collections at the UWM Libraries.

The UWM Oral History Project collection presents 21 interviews as a part of UWM's 25th anniversary celebration.

UWM Photo Collection presents 684 images documenting the history of the University from 1956 - present to commemorate UWM's 50th anniversary.

The UWM Post Newspaper collection includes a full run of the UWM Post as it appeared in print from 1956-2012

Images from the first 50 years of the UW-Milwaukee at Waukesha Field Station located between Wales and Dousman in Waukesha County.

To commemorate UWM's 50th anniversary, the UWM Libraries prepared a digital collection of the student yearbook, The Ivy.

The collection includes transcripts and audio interviews with six Milwaukee barbers, conducted as part of a 1994 class project.

The Western Photograph Collection presents 250 images from the American Geographical Society Library, by Timothy H. O’Sullivan (1840-1882)

The William Allison "Definition of Liberalism" collection includes letters from prominent politicians, in 1960, answering Allison's question, "What is Liberalism?"

The Wisconsin Arts Projects of the WPA from 1935-1943 features artwork, manuscripts, published materials, and audio recorded interviews.

This collection includes video interviews with medical and social service workers, and long-time survivors who describe the history of HIV/AIDS in Wisconsin

WTMJ-TV News Search is a catalog of nearly 50,000 news stories broadcast from 1950 to 1980 by WTMJ-TV, an NBC-affiliated station located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Yiddish Poster collection presents 78 posters of advertisements for performances and presentations between the 1920s-1930s in Eastern Europe.