Due to inclement weather, the Golda Meir Library and UWM at Waukesha Library are closed Tuesday, January 21. Online library resources and services remain available.

The UWM Libraries Digital Collections include nearly 200,000 digital objects drawn from the collections of the Archives, Special Collections, the Curriculum Collection, Music Collection, and the American Geographical Society Library. We make these materials available in order to facilitate their use for non-commercial and educational purposes, and to advance the mission of the Libraries and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

We make every effort to provide factual information about copyright ownership where possible. When rights information is available, we include it in the “Rights” field of the metadata record for an item.  Due to the nature of historical collections, it may not be possible to fully determine the copyright ownership of a particular item. The UWM Libraries endeavor to provide as complete a record of the legal status and rights holder as possible. Any copyright owners who are not properly identified on this website should contact UWM Libraries so that we can make any necessary corrections.  Upon request, we will remove material from our online collections while we review a copyright claim.

It is the responsibility of the user to determine and satisfy copyright and other use restrictions when reproducing and using materials from our collections. Permission and possible fees may be required from the copyright owner.  UWM Libraries does not believe that users need permission to reproduce and use items clearly marked as “public domain”.  However, users must determine for themselves whether or not an item is protected by copyright or in the public domain.  As a service to other researchers, we request that users credit the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries as the source.

Inquiries about permissions and re-use of digitized materials and reproductions for materials not in the public domain may be initiated via our Digital Collections Order Form. Your inquiry may be directed to a specific department. Individuals may also contact directly the appropriate unit housing the collection or item of interest:

Archives Department

Special Collections

American Geographical Society Library

Music Collection

Curriculum Collection