Visiting Faculty/Research Scholars

CLACS supports international as well as domestic guest faculty and researchers affiliated with the university or invited to UWM by CLACS faculty from across Schools and Colleges.

Visiting Faculty and Research Scholars

Leah Leone Anderson

Leah Leone Anderson

Fernanda Barros dos Santos

Christiane Taubira

Christiane Taubira

Vicki Unruh

Vicky Unruh

Leah Leone Anderson
Translator and Translation Scholar
Affiliation: CLACS/Translation and Interpreting Studies (ongoing)
Country of Research:
Research Interests:
20th Century Inter-American Cultural Diplomacy; Translation, Gender, Sexuality and Embodiment

Fernanda Barros dos Santos 
Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Center for Studies on Public Policies in Human Rights (NEPP-DH) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Professor at the Postgraduate Course in Public Policies on Human Rights (PPDH/UFRJ)
Country of Research: Brazil
Research Interests: race, class, gender, public policies and comparative studies.

Christiane Taubira
Former French Justice Minister, 2012-2016
Affiliation: CLACS/French, Italian and Comparative Literature (ongoing)
Country of Residence: French Guiana
Research Interests: women’s rights, discrimination, civil rights, racism, criminal justice.
Complete bio

Vicky Unruh
University of Kansas (Emerita)
Affiliation: CLACS/Spanish & Portuguese (ongoing)
Country of Research: Cuba
Research Interests: Literary and intellectual culture of Spanish America

  • Elena Mihas

    Elena Mihas

  • Rafael Ortega

    Rafael Ruiz Ortega

Elena Mihas
James Cook University, Australia
Affiliation: CLACS/Linguistics
Country of Research: Peru
Research Interests: Linguistics, language preservation

Rafael Ruiz Ortega
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. (CIDE)
Affiliation: CLACS/School of Freshwater Science (Fall 2016)
Country of Research: Mexico
Research Interests: Water conflicts and policy