The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies plays a unique role at UWM and beyond. Supported by the UWM College of Letters and Science and the U.S. Department of Education, CLACS serves each in an intertwined and overlapping way with Latin America and the Caribbean at its core. At UWM, CLACS hosts academic offerings such as the LACUSL major and the Latin American and Caribbean Studies certificate, and provides program and financial support for faculty and students with research-travel monies. CLACS serves a large body of faculty across Schools/Colleges at UW-Milwaukee and from public and private institutions in the Upper Midwest region. Teacher training support for the greater K-16 community, public engagement with community organizations, course development, and library support are all major pillars of its federal grant funding.
Photo contributions on the CLACS website are attributed to current and former students, staff, K-12 teachers, and faculty:
Alida Cardós Whaley
Oscar Hernández Santoyo
Armando Manriquez
Jeanette Martín
Pablo and Jackie Muirhead
Aimee Orndorf
Andrew Roznowski
Bill Wood