May 1, 2023  |  Instructional Updates, News & Events, Timely Announcements


I hope that your courses are wrapping up successfully and that you’ll get a chance to rest soon.  Please see below for some details regarding your upcoming grade submissions.

Take care,




The grading deadline for Spring 2023 is May 25, 2023. Students who have not received a grade by that time will receive a notation of NR (Not Reported). 

NOTE: Once you have changed grades to “Approved” status they become visible to students within 24 hours. 

Fs and Incompletes 

F Grades. When entering an F grade for a student, please select “F” and the number that best corresponds with the student’s “last week of participation” (e.g., an F0 for “never attended” and an F8 for “stopped attending at midterm”). Collecting this information is important for our compliance with federal financial aid requirements.

Incompletes. Like many institutions, UWM has seen an increase in incompletes in recent semesters. Incompletes should only be offered in specific situations when a student has nearly completed the coursework (per our incomplete policy: and you and the student have agreed on a plan and timeline for the student to complete the work. If an incomplete is not appropriate given the situation, please refer students to their advisors to discuss other options (such as a course repeat or a potential withdrawal appeal).

Need Assistance? 

Solve common problems: 

  • I can’t access my courses in PAWS. If you are not assigned to a section you are teaching, or you believe that you do not have proper grading access, please contact your academic department to be properly assigned; academic departments determine this access.
  • I can’t “approve” my grades. PAWS only displays 20 students per page; please ensure that you have entered grades for all your students.

View grading FAQs: Additional instructor grading information is available at

Request help via the RO Contact Form (  Choose “Grading (Instructor)” to ensure your email is routed to the correct RO staff members.


NOTE: This message was sent to Spring 2023 instructors on May 1, 2023