November 18, 2022  |  News & Events, Provost's Updates, Timely Announcements

Good morning, colleagues. Here is this week’s update from Academic Affairs. There will be no update next week during the Fall recess. My next update will be on December 2. I hope you all have a pleasant and restful break.

2030 Feature of the Week 
Proposals for faculty recruitment are currently being accepted as part of the Strategic Hiring Fund initiative. This fund was established to recruit three faculty from diverse backgrounds, annually, over the next five years. One of the goals of the DEI One-Year Action Plan (2021-2022) is to support campus partners to develop their own plans. Resources have been compiled to help guide unit heads and department chairs with this process.

Rachel Buff (History) was honored by the Women’s Fund of Greater Milwaukee last night, recognizing her work in advocating for gender equity and building solidarity to ensure advances for all women. Congratulations, Rachel!

César Ferreira (Spanish and Portuguese) was elected as a member of the North American Academy of Spanish Language (ANLE). The ANLE is one of twenty-four members of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language, an institution that brings together the language academies of Spain, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, Puerto Rico, the United States, and nineteen Latin American Countries. Well done, César!

Cindy Reindl (Student Scholarships) was appointed to the College Goal Wisconsin Board, the state affiliate of the national organization that provides free information and assistance to families who need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the federally required form for students seeking financial aid, such as grants and loans. Cindy has volunteered with College Goal since 2007 and has organized the event held at West Bend High School for the last four years. Congratulations, Cindy!

Kudos to the 36 outstanding UWM faculty and staff who have made a difference in the lives of UWM international students and students pursuing study abroad. They were honored at the Center for International Education’s first International Advocate Recognition Ceremony on November 16.

The UWM Alumni Association has announced its 2023 honorees, an accomplished group of 13 individuals and one organization who will be officially recognized during a ceremony at Milwaukee’s Pfister Hotel on Friday, February 24 (date corrected). The alumni award recipients and the corporate partner were chosen based on their outstanding professional achievements, civic involvement, and partnerships with the university. Congratulations to all!

In the News
The Nation published a review essay of Carolyn Eichner’s (History and Women’s and Gender Studies) recent book, “The Paris Commune: A Brief History” (Rutgers University Press, 2022).

The Week in Retrospect
It was another busy week with many events. On Monday, I gave updates at the Associate Deans meeting and then joined an event at the Lubar Entrepreneurial Center where some outstanding student entrepreneurs met with System Regent Ashok Rai. On Tuesday, I had a chance to attend part of an event at the Student Union aimed at bringing awareness to the plight of those in Iran who have protested for basic freedoms and been met with violent government crackdowns. It was a moving event that was also a tribute to the accomplishments and qualities of our Iranian students. I followed that with a Town Hall meeting focused on a variety of topics aligned with UWM’s opportunities and challenges. Wednesday began with a Deans meeting and also included a meeting with Student Association leads that touched on important student concerns. Thursday, I provided updates to the campus APBC and the Faculty Senate. I ended the day with the opening celebration of the International Children’s Literature Collection at the Golda Meir Library, and the Urban Studies’ State of Milwaukee Summit. Friday I will attend a System Provost meeting.


  • McNair Program Accepting Applications
    The UWM Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Education and housed in the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, is designed to increase the number of first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented minority students who enter graduate studies leading to the doctorate. All application materials are due by November 30. More information.
  • Trauma Informed Care Toolkit
    The Campus Cares team has updated the trauma informed care toolkit for supervisors. These toolkits include tips on how to create a culture of care in and out of the classroom. If you look at the toolkits and are interested in a conversation about them or a workshop for your team, please contact Dean of Students Adam Jussel at 

Campus Events

  • Discussing Stress and Building Community: Campus Dialogue Sessions
    Faculty and staff are encouraged to join leaders from the Campus Cares team during some informal dialogues, to share feelings relating to college realignment, emotional and mental support, civil and climate stress, and others. RSVP required. The informal dialogues will be held in person on:

    • Monday, November 28: 3:30-5 p.m. LEC Manpower Room
    • Tuesday, December 13: 3:30-5 p.m. LEC Room 107
  • Film Screening and Discussion
    Iranian filmmaker and women’s rights activist Mahnaz Mohammadi’s 2019 film “Son-Mother” will screen at UWM on Monday, November 28 at 6 p.m. in Mitchell B91. Following the film, there will be a discussion of the film’s possible connections to the ongoing revolution in Iran.
  • Open Access and Open Scholarship in the Humanities
    Join the Center for 21st Century Studies for a conversation about open access and open scholarship in the humanities, facilitated by Ann Hanlon, on Wednesday, November 30 from 12-1:30 p.m. in the Gallop Seminar Room (Curtin 939).
  • UWM Holiday Party and Toy Drive
    UWM faculty and staff are invited to the annual holiday party on Thursday, December 1, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the UWM Union Ballroom. Celebrate and support community partners with food from local food trucks and a toy drive for Capuchin Community Services. RSVP here for the celebration. For more information on donations, see the toy drive webpage.
  • Community Building Through Dance
    Come learn something new and have fun with campus leadership, faculty, and staff with an evening of Latin music and appetizers on Thursday, December 1 from 5-7 p.m. at the LECWC. This is a chance to join your UWM colleagues, including Chancellor Mone, and connect through the spirit of Latin dance. UWM dance instructor Krislyn World will lead basic lessons of traditional dance forms guaranteed to have you dancing the night away! RSVP.
  • Call for Volunteers
    The Secretary of the University is looking for marshals and volunteers for Commencement Honors on December 12 and Commencement on December 18. Sign up to be a marshal. Contact Marissa Steinhofer ( for other volunteer opportunities.

Something Different 
It is not only the largest, but nearly the oldest living organism on the planet.

Take care,

Scott Gronert
Interim Provost
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Chapman 215