Upcoming Ceremony and Event Dates
UWM Employee Excellence Awards Ceremony
Each October the UWM Employee Excellence Awards ceremony honors faculty and staff who have made, or continue to make valuable contributions to our university.
Please contact the following for further nomination information for the UWM Employee Excellence Awards:
Faculty Awards: Faculty Awards and Recognition Committee
Academic Staff Awards: Academic Staff Awards Committee
University Staff Awards: University Staff Awards Committee
Ernest Spaights Plaza Awards: Honorary Degrees Committee
Office of Research Awards: Interim Vice Provost Kristian O’Connor krisocon@uwm.edu
Joanne Lazirko Award for Innovative Use of Learning Technologies: Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) cetl@uwm.edu
Criteria to Establish New Awards for Fall Awards Ceremony
To propose a new award be recognized at the annual fall awards ceremony, review the criteria and process. Proposals will be reviewed by one or more of the three University governance committee, depending on the type of award and intended employee group(s).
Additional Honors/Commencement related activities:
Graduating with an honors degree from the Honors College–Honors College Information
Please contact your dean’s office to inquire about commencement honors/ commencement -related activities that might be planned by your specific school or college.
- College of the Arts & Architecture
- School of Architecture & Urban Planning: (414) 229-4016
- Peck School of the Arts: (414) 229-4763
- Sheldon B. Lubar College of Business: (414) 229-4235
- College of Community Engagement & Professions: (414) 229-4400
- College of Engineering & Applied Science: (414) 229-4768
- School of Freshwater Sciences: (414) 382-1700
- College of General Studies
- Washington County Campus: (262) 335-5200
- Waukesha Campus: (262) 521-5200
- College of Health Professions & Sciences : (414) 229-4189
- College of Letters & Science: (414) 229-5895
- Joseph J. Zilber College of Public Health: (414) 229-2758