Wisconsin Department of Justice Open Meeting Compliance Guide
UW-System General Counsel Overview of Wisconsin’s Open Meeting Law
Open Meeting Online Form
Open Meeting Notices
Current interpretation of the “Open Meeting Law” is that standing faculty committees, standing academic staff committees and university staff committees are “governmental bodies” and are, therefore, subject to the provisions of the law. Some of the relevant provisions to be aware of are:
- Committee meetings will be open unless the purpose of the meeting qualifies under one of the exceptions listed in 19.85(1)(a)-(h).
- Note, in 19.85(1), the requirements for convening in closed session. A motion citing the purpose (by Section number) for closing the meeting must be made and seconded, and the vote must be by recorded roll call vote.
- Note, in 19.84, the requirements for public notice. This means, in practice, that the date, time, place, and agenda for each committee meeting should be filed with UWM News Services (click on the link above for the Open Meeting Online Form). A notice must be filed whether or not the meeting is open or closed and the expectation of a closed session should be indicated as part of the agenda.