Terminal Master of Science Program

The Department of Psychology is accepting applications for admission to one terminal M.S. program (MS in Psychology: Health Psychology Master’s Program).

Health Psychology

The terminal master’s program in health psychology offers training in research and theories relevant to health promotion, stress and its management, the patient in the treatment setting, management of chronic illness, and causes and consequences of health disorders such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, AIDS, cancer, and arthritis.

The program is appropriate for students planning applied research careers in health settings and for students who plan to later seek doctoral training in psychology or related fields. Current research topics include health disparities, gender and health, aging, health education, patient advocacy and self-care behaviors, the effects of stress and mechanisms of coping with it, risk perception, complementary interventions, and pediatric conditions and pain. Research is conducted in the laboratory as well as in clinical settings and many faculty have strong ties to the Milwaukee community and surrounding region. Applications are due by March 1, 2024; and will be reviewed on a rolling basis by recruiting faculty members [see the link above] starting on January 31, 2024. If there are specific questions about the program, feel free to email Dr. Marcellus Merritt [merrittm@uwm.edu].

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