Have questions about what to do if x happens or where to find y, look no further!
General Questions
Q:What is an e-signature?
A: An e-signature or electronic signature is a signature given electronically either by email or by a written signature scanned into an electronic document (via adobe sign or another application).
Registration Related Questions
Q: I need to enroll in 790/990 and PAWS wont let me (i.e. course is full), what do I do?
A: English 790 and 990 have restricted enrollment, meaning you need department consent in order to enroll in the course. Once you are given department consent, you need to manually enroll in the course through PAWS.
Q: I’ve just completed my prelims and want to be a dissertator, how many credits of 990 should I enroll in?
A: Dissertators enroll in 3 credits of 990 (unless otherwise instructed). ** Students taking prelims or in their prelim semester should enroll in 1 credit of 990.
Q: I’m interested in enrolling in *xyz English course* does this course for a Plan A/B/C/H requirement?
A: Please see your advisor about course questions related to requirements.
Q: I’ve just completed my prelims and want to be a dissertator, how many credits of 990 should I enroll in?
A: Dissertators enroll in 3 credits of 990 (unless otherwise instructed). ** Students taking prelims or in their prelim semester should enroll in 1 credit of 990.
Q: I am a Teaching Assistant and would like to take a course in the Summer. Does TA tuition remission apply to courses taken in summer sessions?
A: For TAs in English the answer is no. Tuition remission is only available if a Graduate Assistant is officially under contract for 33% or more in a given semester. Even if an English TA teaches a course in Summer, they are only under contract for 25% and must pay for summer courses out-of-pocket. Tuition remission is also unavailable for UWinteriM courses.
Examination Related Questions
Q: I would like to schedule my Academic Review, Prelim, Masters Examination or Dissertation Defense, what are my first steps?
A: Here are the following steps you should take
- Email at gradeng@uwm.edu with the following information: date, time, room (if you have a preference) you would like along with a list of your committee members, specifying your chair
- Email at gradeng@uwm.edu and committee members a Declaration Committee form (found in the Forms and Links page) and ask the members to sign it (an in person or electronic signature both work well)
Q: By what date do I need to have completed my Masters Exam?
A: This Spring 2020 Semester, Masters Exams need to be completed by May 15th, 2020.
Form related Questions
Q: I cannot see my MA transfer credits on PAWS. Why are they not showing up?
A: MA Credits used on forms such as the Program of Study or Transfer Credit Evaluation form are departmental forms only! This means that the graduate school does not record all of the classes you took in your UWM transcript. You will need to either stop by the Graduate Studies Office to pick up a copy of your MA transcripts.
**Note: Students who received their MA from UWM should be able to see their MA transfer credits on PAWS.
Financial Questions
Q: I am unsure why I was charged x amount on my tuition bill. Can you tell me why?
A: Please see the Bursars Office for information regarding tuition charges. The Bursars office should be able to give you an accurate breakdown of the charges on your bill. See below for their contact info.
Accounts Receivable Office:
Mitchell Hall #295
Cashier’s Office:
Mitchell Hall #285
3203 N. Downer Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Email: bursar@uwm.edu