NCCLA Spring 2022 Conference (Virtual)
Call for Papers
Special NCCLA Remote Conference
April 23, 2022
The Pandemic Today and the History of Public Health
In Latin America
an interdisciplinary conference
COVID-19 has once again prevented the NCCLA from hosting the annual in-person Conference. Hopefully, we will be able to be in person in the Fall. In the interim, the NCCLA will be hosting a virtual one-day meeting focused on the experience of the Pandemic in Latin America today, as well as the historical experience of responding to health challenges in the region. The organization invites proposals for panels, round tables, and papers from all disciplines that highlight salient topics in Latin American History, Politics, Anthropology, Art, Music, Economics, Literature, and more as they intersect with issues of the current pandemic and public health generally and/or historically. As an added bonus, the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS) has a journal (JOLLAS) that accepts special issues. It is possible that submissions to this conference could be included in a special issue on the topic.
Interdisciplinary and comparative analyses are always welcome. Proposals may focus on any region and may be written and presented in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Teaching panels concerning pedagogical strategies, teaching and learning methods, and in-class or long-distance innovative approaches are especially invited. Papers and panels are encouraged that link a common theme in Latin America across several disciplines. Papers are also encouraged that highlight how trends and tendencies in Latin America influence Latinx in the United States.
Proposals (250-300 word abstracts) must be submitted by February 28th. Please enclose a cover sheet stating professional affiliation, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of each participant. E-mail submissions are preferred.
Graduate and advanced undergraduate students are encouraged to participate. The NCCLA is especially interested in presentations of faculty-student collaborative research.
Conference presenters are eligible for NCCLA Research and Teaching Awards (see NCCLA web page).
Email abstracts and proposals to:
Eduardo Magalhães III, NCCLA Special Programs Chair:
Simpson College, 701 N. C St., Indianola, IA (515) 961.1657