Public Books Database
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many publishers have made hundreds of their titles available to the public. The Public Books Database aims to catalog all of these offerings into a master list so that items of interest can be easily found. Many of the offerings focus on Latin America, the Caribbean, or the Latinx diaspora. There are different expiration dates for each offering, so please keep that in mind. Below are some titles of interest. The entire list can be found here.
Divided Peoples: Policy, Activism, and Indigenous Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Border
The Resilience of the Latin American Right
Anthropomorphic Imagery in the Mesoamerican Highlands: Gods, Ancestors, and Human Beings
Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America
Kugel and Frijoles: Latino Jews in the United States
Memory, Migration and (De)Colonisation in the Caribbean and Beyond
Rhythms of the Afro-Atlantic World: Rituals and Remembrances
Sex, Skulls, and Citizens: Gender and Racial Science in Argentina (1860-1910)
Writing Revolution in Latin America: From Martí to García Márquez to Bolaño
Water Graves: The Art of the Unritual in the Greater Caribbean