Natural History at Home – At Home in the Rainforest Canopy
The Smithsonian has two, free, upcoming virtual events for a variety of ages. Each event will feature real-time captioning for accessibility. On July 17th, the program mentioned above will include Museum technician Ingrid Rochon who will guide kids and families through an exploration of the canopy layer of the rainforest in Panama, including practicing identifying flora and fauna adaptations, and creating a model of this habitat. Find more information including a link to register here.
For older students and adults, Challenging the Face of Science: Women Scientists Share Their Stories on July 29th lets you meet senior research geologist and curator of vertebrate paleontology Kay Behrensmeyer, and Deep Time Peter Buck Fellow Camilla Souto (of Brazil) and hear from them about what it’s like to be a woman in a science career, the people and experiences that have had a significant impact on their journeys, the skills that helped them be successful, and the challenges they have overcome. There will be a Q+A portion at the end of the webinar for those with questions.