Archeology and Anthropology in a LAC Context
The Arch and Anth Podcast, hosted by Dr Michael B. C. Rivera, “aims to provides entertaining and educational content about archaeology and anthropology.” The 150 episodes include a variety of topics and covers many areas, including artifact restitution to Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, archaeology and osteology in the history of enslaved people in the Dutch Caribbean, and coexistence between St. Vincent’s La Soufrière volcano and local communities.
Antiquity, the Archaeology review out of Durham University, has a selection of open articles found here. Read about “Complicating an early state: a social network analysis of agents in Wari art (c. AD 700–850)“, “Demystifying jadeite: an underwater Maya discovery at Ek Way Nal, Belize“, et cetera. Project Gallery access includes items such as “Bridging ancient and modern artisanal fisheries in Latin America: assessing the role of cultural heritage in poverty alleviation in coastal Brazil” and “Cavescapes in the pre-Columbian Caribbean.”