September 13, 2023  |  News & Events, Timely Announcements

Student Listening Session with Provost Andrew Daire

When?  Tuesday, September 26: 1:30-2:45pm

Who?  All UWM students 

Where?  Curtin 175 and hybrid (Teams meeting link; complete Teams connection information below)

Specifically, the Provost would like to hear students’ ideas on how UWM can become truly student centered in each of these areas: 

  • Faculty-student interaction 
  • Student success and participation in undergraduate research 
  • Creating a caring campus 
  • Innovative class content, practice, and culture that can advance student learning

Andrew P. Daire is UWM’s provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, as well as a professor in Educational Psychology. Provost Daire is also a successful researcher and scholar, an experienced administrator, and a champion of student success.

Students who cannot attend the September 26 event are encouraged to attend one of the upcoming Provost Town Halls.

Teams connection information:

Link to join Student Listening Session
Meeting ID: 252 102 069 315
Passcode: VhmBe8
Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)
+1 414-253-8850,,885330448#   United States, Milwaukee
Phone Conference ID: 885 330 448#
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