May 1, 2020  |  News & Events, Timely Announcements

Dear Students, Staff, and Faculty,

With great pleasure I write to encourage you to enjoy the 2020 UWM Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium, opening this morning, May 1, at 8 a.m.

The Office of Undergraduate Research and University Relations teamed up over the last weeks to bring the 12th annual celebration of faculty-student research collaboration into an online form, and the website showcases the work of over 270 students working with over 200 research mentors across our campus.  Those of you who have visited the Symposium in the Union over the years know how important, energizing, and intellectually fulfilling this event is in our annual calendar. In the context of all the disruption and stress of the last month, it is heart-warming indeed to see that so many of the students who hoped to present have been able to share some of their remarkable research accomplishments from this last year.

My congratulations to the students and their research mentors! And thank you, too, to the 90 staff and faculty who have signed up to be judges this year!  You are all outstanding representatives of our institution!

Take care,


Johannes Britz
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs