May 31, 2024  |  News & Events, Timely Announcements

Read Provost Daire’s May 31, 2024 message on the College of the Arts and Architecture Dean Search:

Dear UWM Community,

Thank you so much for your continued interest and support in the search for our new Dean. After thoughtful consideration and review, I have decided to continue the search process in hopes of expanding the pool of candidates. Please know that the search has not failed, it is continuing. In an effort to do so, we will be confirming continuation of the search committee members over the next several weeks, readvertising the position description in national publications, and opening the campus survey links to allow additional thoughts and recommendations of appropriate candidates for the position.

In terms of timeline, our search firm will lead the recruiting efforts through the summer with plans for the search committee to begin review and evaluation in late August. We will maintain communication with the College throughout but anticipate campus interviews taking place in mid-fall with an announcement before Thanksgiving.

I would like to thank the search committee and chair, John Berges, for their hard work. They have done and will continue to do an outstanding job. Your continued support and recommendations are critical through this next iteration of the search process. We look forward to your participation and feedback.

With appreciation,

Andrew P. Daire, PhD
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs