Supplemental Instruction

Last Day of Tutoring/SI Sessions is Thursday, May 9th!
We are offering Spring 2024 Final Exam Reviews for select classes – check to see what classes are our tutors/SI Leaders are conducting a final exam review!

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a program specially designed for large lecture classes. SI Leaders regularly attend class along with students in order to take notes and keep up with class discussions. Our SI Leaders then offer four (or more) review sessions each week to review course material and provide personal attention to student questions. Each Supplemental Instruction review session will last 50-60 minutes. Our Access to Success data has shown that students who regularly attend SI sessions receive higher course grades. UWM research shows that SI participants stay in college and graduate in higher numbers than nonparticipants.

Click on our SI  Leaders’ profiles to learn more about them and the available Supplemental Instruction times. Because SI groups discuss current course content, we recommend you attend at least once each week for the best results.

Please read our SI Expectations and Guidelines

All SI Sessions (except ARCH, Bus Adm + Econ) takes place in Golda Meir Library East Wing (E154) – click to find directions to Library East Wing E154

SSC has certification or awards from the following: