
Insurance Programs

Property – The UW System campuses are part of the State of Wisconsin Self-funded Property Program (SSPP). The SSPP provides coverage for loss of university-owned property, physical damage to motor vehicles, business interruption (revenue loss that occurs as a result of property loss) and extra expense due to a property loss. The SSPP is administered by the Bureau of State Risk Management (BSRM) which is part of the Wisconsin Department of Administration.

Liability – A liability exposure arises when one party can be held legally and financially responsible for the injury of another person or their property. UW System campuses are covered for liability claims under the State Self-funded Liability Program (SSLP) when all three of the following criteria are met: the incident involves a state officer, employee or agent (agency status) who commits a negligent act while in scope of their employment.

BSRM and ORM have purchased additional commercial insurance to cover gaps in the self-funded programs. These include the following:

Boiler and Machinery Coverage – ORM and BSRM obtain commercial insurance through Liberty Mutual. Annual premiums are allocated to the institutions based on the institution’s property values and the previous three years of loss experience.

Blanket Contractual Coverage – ORM obtains a policy that covers bodily injury and property damage liability which the university has assumed through contractual agreements specifically designated in the policy. This coverage is specifically purchased for those contracts that impose liability that cannot be covered by the SSLP due to statutory limitations. Coverage may only be secured after a specific agreement has been reached between the parties regarding the limits of liability.

Crime Bond – The SSPP does not cover losses due to employee embezzlement or theft. To cover this gap in coverage, ORM purchases a comprehensive crime policy with the corresponding premium allocated to the campuses. Current deductible is $1000 for credit card forgery and $500,000 per occurrence for all other claims.

Cheerleader/Mascot Insurance – ORM purchases coverage for accidental death, dismemberment, medical and dental expense for all cheerleaders, dance team members, and mascots while participating in spirit competitions, practice, alumni events, charity events, or any other activity not related to a specific sporting event. Premium is allocated to campuses based on counts they provide on an annual basis.

Camps and Clinics Blanket Accident Insurance – Camps and clinics insurance is purchased by ORM to reduce the potential for liability claims arising out of injuries that occur at campus sponsored camps and clinics. This is not a substitute for liability insurance but rather provides “goodwill coverage” for small medical bills incurred by camp participants. Coverage provides medical benefits up to $7500 per participant for medical expenses that are the result of a covered accident. This is not an illness policy.

Marine Cargo Insurance – Property which is owned by the university is subject to loss while in transit. The university self-insures under the SSPP its owned and non-owned transit exposures. BSRM also purchases a separate transit policy for shipments of high value equipment >$100,000 when the university is responsible for its value during shipment either over land, air or water. For university-owned property, shipments (overseas and domestic) that are valued at $50,000 and greater are required to be reported to BSRM via an on-line form on a per shipment basis.
Fine Art Coverage – This is included under the SSPP. It also includes coverage for museum collections and temporary loans. Coverage is extended to property of the institution or property of others loaned to the institution and which the institution has been instructed to insure, covering the property on a “wall to wall” basis from the time the property is removed from its normal repository, incidental to shipment, until returned at or other points designated by the institution. Coverage includes while in transit and while on exhibition. If we are responsible for insuring exhibits that are coming to or leaving campus worth more than $50,000 in any one shipment, transit coverage MUST be discussed with BSRM prior to the shipment.

Special Event Insurance – This ORM-purchased insurance covers lessees and vendors who use university space but would not be covered under the university’s liability program because they fall outside of the mission of the university. The risk Management must complete a Special Event Questionnaire and submit to Gales Creek for coverage. Coverage premium depends on type of event, total event attendance and the number of days the event runs.

Europ Assistance – BSRM purchases medical emergency assistance coverage for employees while traveling on business for the state employees outside of the USA. Europ Assistance is designed to ensure the availability of competent health care as promptly as possible in situations where health care may not be available or not be up to U.S. standards. Coverage includes: 24 hour, seven days a week, toll-free emergency assistance service; medical evacuation and repatriation coverage; and limited accidental death and dismemberment coverage. Risk Management or the CIE can issue cards which should be carried with travelers. The card will have the necessary phone numbers should they become necessary. Europ Assistance does not cover the cost of actual health care.

CISI – ORM purchases a comprehensive package of medical benefits and emergency services specifically designed to address the risks associated with study abroad. The coverage is primary. Specific benefits include: Medical Expense, Accidental Death/Dismemberment, Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation, Team Assist Plan, Emergency Medical Reunion and Security Evacuation.