UW Milwaukee Administration discourages the use of 12/15 passenger vans. However, if it is necessary for an employee or student to use a 12/15 passenger van when all other options have been exhausted, it is imperative that the 12/15 passenger van requirements are followed.
Driver Authorization is required for any individual requesting to drive a 12/15 passenger van. Additionally, individuals must adhere to the following requirements:
- Twenty-five (25) years of age or older,
- Completion of a van training program which meets the standards established by the Department of Administration/Bureau of State Risk Management. Authorization and proof of certification as a van driver must be received by the Campus Risk Manager prior to using the van,
- Abstinence from the use of drugs or alcohol,
- Absolutely nothing is to be towed by or attached to 12/15 passenger vans.
- Rental of a 12/15 passenger van will require individuals to demonstrate proof of van driver certification at the time of rental. A university issued wallet card certification will be the only acceptable proof of certification.
12/15 Passenger Van Training
A few 12/15 passenger van training options are listed below. Please note that these are subject to change at anytime.
- Madison College (Madison Area Technical College) Create a Madison College Student account and then register for the class via their student portal. Here are the direct links to view the available classes: https://cs.madisoncollege.edu/
- On campus trainers There are a couple 12/15 passenger van trainers on campus. Please contact Risk Management at riskmgt@uwm.edu for additional information.