Broadly stated, my laboratory is interested in studying the manner in which experience shapes the structure and function of the brain and, in turn, how these alterations affect behavior. Given that experience can take many forms, it should not be surprising that morphological and functional changes also exhibit varied patterns. For example, it has recently been reported that motor skill learning is accompanied by increases in the density of Purkinje cell synapses in the cerebellum of the rat. In contrast, exercise, in the absence of learning, produces increases in the density of capillary innervation of the cerebellum. My laboratory is interested in how these plastic changes, individually and in concert, facilitate behavioral adaptation. Our research focuses on changes in motor systems, particularly the cerebellum and motor cortex, associated with motor skill acquisition and repetitive motor activity (exercise).
Current projects in the lab fall into two separate but related categories. The first category examines the relationship between motor activity and plasticity of vascular and synaptic networks of the brain. The work also addresses the impact that these plastic changes have on the learning process. The second research category explores the nature of cerebellar contributions to higher cognitive function. Of particular interest is the manner in which cognition is degraded following ablation of the cerebellum and how manipulations of both behavior and brain morphology can begin to reverse these degradative changes.
Behavioral Neuroscience/Psychobiology; Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Brain Injury and Recovery
Stevenson, M. E., Nazario, A. S., Czyz, A. M., Owen, H. A., & Swain, R. A.(2021)
Motor learning rapidly increases synaptogenesis and astrocytic structural plasticity in the rat cerebellum.Neurobiology of Learning and Memory,
Stevenson, M. E., Kay, J. J., Atry, F. , Wickstrom, A. T., Krueger, J. R., Swain, R. E., & Swain, R. A.(2019)
Wheel running for 26 weeks is associated with sustained vascular plasticity in the rat motor cortex.Behavioural Brain Research,
Behnke, V. K., Stevenson, M. E., & Swain, R. (2018) Inactivation of the cerebellar fastigial nuclei alters social behavior in the rat.Behavioral Neuroscience, 132, 552-560.
Stevenson, M. E., Behnke, V. K., & Swain, R. (2018) Exercise pattern and distance differentially affect hippocampal and cerebellar expression of FLK-1 and FLT-1 receptors in astrocytes and blood vessels.Behavioural Brain Research, 337, 8-16.
Bauer, D. J., Peterson, T. C., & Swain, R. (2014) Cerebellar dentate nuclei lesions alter prefrontal cortex dendritic spine morphology.Brain Research, 1544, 15-24.
Berggren, K. L., Kay, J. M., & Swain, R. (2014) Examining cerebral angiogenesis in response to physical exercise.Milner, R. (Ed). Methods in Molecular Biology: Cerebral Angiogenesis, 139-154. Humana Press.
Reddy, D. M., Fleming, R. , Pedrick, L. E., Jirovec (student), D. L., Pfeiffer (student), H. M., Ports (student), K. A., Barnack-Tavlaris (student), J. L., Helion (student), A. M., & Swain, R. (2013) U-Pace instruction: improving student success by integrating content mastery and amplified assistance.Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 17(1), 147-154.
Peterson, T. C., Villatoro, L. , Arneson, T. , Ahuja, B. , Voss, S. , & Swain, R. (2012) Behavior modification after inactivation of cerebellar dentate nuclei.Behavioral Neuroscience, 126, 551-562.
Swain, R. , Berggren, K. L., Kerr, A. L., Patel, A. , Peplinski, C. , & Sikorski, A. M.(2012)
On aerobic exercise and behavioral and neural plasticity.Brain Sciences,
2, 709-744.
Bauer, D. J., Kerr, A. L., & Swain, R. (2011) Cerebellar dentate nuclei lesions reduce motivation in appetitive operant conditioning and open field exploration.Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 95, 166-175.
Kerr, A. L., & Swain, R. (2011) Rapid cellular genesis and apoptosis: Effects of exercise in the adult rat.Behavioral Neuroscience, 125, 1-9.
Reddy, D. M., Fleming, R. , Pedrick, L. E., Ports (student), K. A., Barnack-Tavlaris (student), J. L., Helion (student), A. M., & Swain, R. (2011) U-Pace: Facilitating academic success for all students.Educause Quarterly, EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 34(4).
Kerr, A. L., Steuer, E. L., Pochtarev, V. , & Swain, R. (2010) Angiogenesis but not neurogenesis is critical for normal learning and memory acquisition.Neuroscience, 171, 214-226.
Kerr, A. L., Hensel, M. L., Peterson, T. C., Villatoro, L. O., Nye, S. H., & Swain, R. (2010) Introgression of Brown Norway chromosome 13 improves visual spatial memory in the Dahl S rat.Behavior Genetics, 40, 76-84.