Gabriela A. Nagy

Assistant Professor

Lab Website:

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Degree: PhD in Clinical Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2017

Research Interests:

The overarching focus of my research is on reducing mental health care inequities experienced by minoritized communities. In this space, I have worked most extensively with immigrants and refugees from Latin America. My lab is focused on understanding social and structural factors contributing to health inequities; developing and testing psychosocial interventions to support the health of minorities communities; and dissemination and implementation of strategies that hold promise for reducing health inequities. I utilize community-engaged research methods, mixed-methods, and human-centered design approaches. Click here to learn more about this work.

Teaching Interests:

I am passionate about optimizing education methods in the spaces of multiculturalism, cultural humility, population health approaches, and health equity.

Selected Publications:

Nagy, G. A., LeMaire, K., Miller, M., Howard, M., Wyatt, K., & Zerubavel, N. (2019). Development of a multicultural consultation team in a large medical center. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 26(4), 656-675. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpra.2019.02.004

Nagy, G. A., Wandrey, R., Vargas, S., & Cahill, S. (2019). Multiculturalism in clinical psychology journals: A 20-year content and trend analysis. The Behavior Therapist, 42(3).

Nagy, G. A., LeMaire, K. L., Miller, M. L., Bhatt-Mackin, S., & Railey, K. (2020). Training and education to advance multicultural mental health-care delivery (the “TEAM mental health-care delivery model”): A pilot evaluation of outcomes, acceptability, and feasibility. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1037/tep0000347

Stafford, A. M., Nagy, G. A., Gonzalez-Guarda, R.M., & Draucker, C. B. (2020). The influence of peer relationships on Latina adolescents’ experiences with depressive symptoms. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.07.004

Gonzalez-Guarda, R.M., Befus, D., Steigerwald, M., Stafford, A., Nagy, G. A., & Conklin, J. (2021). A systematic review of the physical health consequences of acculturation stress among Hispanics in the US. Biological Research for Nursing. DOI:10.1177/1099800420968889

Friis-Healy, E. A., Nagy, G. A., & Kollins, S. H. (2021). It’s time to REACT: Opportunities for digital mental health apps to reduce mental health disparities. JMIR Mental Health. DOI: 10.2196/25456

Santos, M. M., Nagy, G. A., Kanter, J. W., & Lopez, S. R. (2021). Applying a process model of cultural competence to Behavioral Activation for depression. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 28(2), 127-146. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpra.2020.11.007

Nagy, G. A., Solorzano, R., Stafford, A. M., Mercado Emerson, M., & Gonzalez-Guarda, R.M. (2021). Cultural and linguistic adaptation of psychosocial measurements for Latinx participants - When linguistic translation is not enough. Research in Nursing and Health. 44(3), 581-590. DOI: 10.1002/nur.22134

Martinez-Bianchi, V., Maradiaga Panayotti, G., M., Corsino, L., Felsman, I. C., Gonzalez-Guarda, R. M., Nagy, G. A., Peña, A., & Friedmann, P. (2021). Health and Wellness for Our Latina Community: The Work of the Latinx Advocacy Team and Interdisciplinary Network for COVID-19 (LATIN-19). North Carolina Medical Journal. 82(4), 278-281.

Bravo, L., Nagy, G. A., Stafford, A. M., McCabe, B., & Gonzalez-Guarda, R.M. (2021). Development of depressive symptoms in young adult Latinx immigrants: The roles of social support, acculturative stress, and adverse childhood experiences. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. DOI: 10.1080/01612840.2021.1972190

Nagy, G. A., Arnold, M. L., Gagliardi, J. P., Convoy, S., Molloy, M., Wall, P. Mauro, C., & Rosenthal, M. Z. (2021). Adaptation of the TEAM Mental Healthcare Delivery Model: A mixed-methods evaluation. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. DOI: 10.1080/01612840.2021.1975330

Wu, M., Case, A., Kim, B., Cochane, Nagy, G., N., Bolognesi, M., & Thorston, S. (2022). Racial and ethnic disparities in the imaging workup and treatment of knee and hip osteoarthritis. The Journal of Arthroplasty. DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2022.02.019

Stafford, A.M., Tanna, A., Moreno Bueno, K., Nagy, G.A., Felsman, I. C., de Marchi, S., Cholera, R., Evans, K., Posada, E., & Gonzalez-Guarda, R. (2022). Documentation status and self-rated physical health among Latinx young adult immigrants: The mediating roles of immigration and healthcare stress. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

Nagy, G. A., Cuervo, C., Ramos Rodríguez, E. Y., Plumb Vilardaga, J., Zerubavel, N., West, J., Falick, M.C., & Parra, D. C. (2022). Building a more diverse and inclusive science: Mindfulness-based approaches for Latinx Individuals. Mindfulness. DOI: 10.1007/s12671-022-01846-2

Mansfield, L., Nagy, G.A., Solorzano, R., Carreño, M., Mercado Emerson, M., Solis Guzman, M. L., & Gonzalez-Guarda, R. M. (2022). Targeted strategies for recruitment and engagement of Latinx immigrants in longitudinal biobehavioral research. Hispanic Health Care International. DOI: 10.1177/15404153221083659

Zhan, C., Nagy, G. A., Wu, J., Stafford, A. M., McCabe, B., & Gonzalez-Guarda, R.M. (2022). Acculturation stress, age at immigration, and employment status as predictors of sleep among Latinx immigrants. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-022-01342-8

Stafford, A.M., Sojda, D., Nagy, G.A., McCabe, B., Mercado Emerson, M., & Gonzalez-Guarda, R. M. (2022). Age of immigration and depressive symptoms among young adult Latinx immigrants: A test of explanatory models. Hispanic Health Care International. DOI: 10.1177/15404153221088929

Martinez-Bianchi, V., Maradiaga Panayotti, G. M., Corsino, L., Kennedy, D., Silberberg, M., Zullig, L. L., Felsman, I. C., Gonzalez-Guarda, R., Rocha, P., Vergara, E., Smith, L., Granados, I., Nagy, G. A., The LATIN-19 Investigators; Pollak, K. I. (2022). LATIN-19: A grass-roots coalition to mitigate the effect of COVID-19 on the Latinx community in North Carolina. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action.16(2), 33-38. DOI: 10.1353/cpr.2022.0036

Nagy, G. A., Robbins, C., Anand, D., Coleman, J., Arnold, M., Nwosu, J., Singh, S. & Woodward, E. (2022). Building a multicultural peer-consultation team: Planning, implementing, and early sustainment evaluation. Transcultural Psychiatry. 1-19.