Brenda Cárdenas

Associate Professor Emerita


MFA, Creative Writing-Poetry, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1995
BA, English, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1987

Areas of Research and Teaching

Poetry Writing
United States Latinx Literatures and Cultures
Performance Art
Poetry in Collaboration with Other Arts

Awards and Honors

University of Wisconsin System Outstanding Women of Color in Education Award (UW-Milwaukee), 2017-2018.

English Department’s Faculty Graduate Teaching Award for 2015-2016.

Arts and Humanities Research Travel Award, December, 2014.

Wisconsin Humanities Council Grant for “Cantos Latinos: A Mosaic of Latino Poetry,” a Collaborative Project with Milwaukee Public Libraries, UWM Creative Writing Program, Woodland Pattern Book Center, and Latino Arts, Milwaukee, WI, March 2012.

Appointed Poet Laureate of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Milwaukee Public Library System, April 2010-April 2012

Other Relevant Activities

Faculty for the CantoMundo Latinx Writing Retreat, University of Arizona Poetry Center, June, 2020

Faculty for “Pintura: Palabra—Poetry Inspired by Art, a Master-Level Workshop in Ekphrasis” in conjunction with Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C, February, 2014.

Ex-Officio Board Member, MARCH (Movimiento Artistico Chicano) Inc, Chicago, IL

Ex-Oficio Advisory Circle Member, Con Tinta Latino Literary Organization

Selected Publications

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “On the Coast in Pedasí.” Because We Come from Everything: Poetry and Migration. Ed. Aragón, Francisco, and Trellis, Emma. The Best American Poetry Blog, (2017): 1.

Cárdenas, Brenda E., Boughn, Michael, Bradley, John, DeSilva-Johnson, Lynne, Fleisher, Kass, Harrison, Roberto, Johnson, Kent, Levy, Andrew, Mackey, Nathaniel, Medina, Ruben, Metres, Philip, Noveno, Nita, Patton, Julie, Randall, Margaret, Rothenberg, Michael, Strofolino, Chris, Waldman, Anne, Welish, Marjorie, and Williams, Tyrone, eds. Resist Much/Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance. Spuyten Duyvil Press and Dispatches Editions, 2017: 738.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “What Will We Give Our Children?.” The Golden Shovel Anthology: New Poems Honoring Gwendoyn Brooks 1st. Ed. Kahn, Peter, Shankar, Ravi, and Smith, Patricia. The University of Arkansas Press, (2017): 45-46.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Our Lady of Sorrows.” POETRY 207.6 Ed. Share, Don. Poetry Foundation, (2016): 601.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Placa/Roll Call.” POETRY 207.6 Ed. Share, Don. Poetry Foundation, (2016): 599.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Placa/Roll Call Podcast.” March 2016: Roll Call POETRY Podcast. Ed. Share, Don. Poetry Foundation, (2016): podcast.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Chiral Formation.” Jet Fuel Review 10. Ed. Jordan, Jess, Cotter, Michael, Parr, Sabrina, Muench, Simone, and White, Jackie. Lewis University, (2015): 1.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Inverse.” Jet Fuel Review 10. Ed. Jordan, Jess, Cotter, Michael, Parr, Sabrina, Muench, Simone, and White, Jackie. Lewis University, (2015): 1.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Spiral Unwound from the Inside Out.” Jet Fuel Review 10. Ed. Jordan, Jess, Cotter, Michael, Parr, Sabrina, Muench, Simone, and White, Jackie. Lewis University, (2015): 2.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Ghost Species.” City Creatures: Animal Encounters in the Chicago Wilderness. Ed. Van Horn, Gavin, and Aftandilian, Dave. University of Chicago Press, (2015): 332-333.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “The Red Fox Who Toys with the Dead.” City Creatures: Animal Encounters in the Chicago Wilderness. Ed. Van Horn, Gavin, and Aftandilian, Dave. University of Chicago Press, (2015): 115-116.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “On the Coast in Pedasí.” Cave Canem Anthology XIV: Poems 2010-2011 1st. Ed. Horton, Randall, and Meyers, Alison. Willow Books, (2014): 14-15.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Ars Resistencia.” I Didn’t Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin: Three Decades of Hispanic Writing. Ed. Mireles, Oscar. Cowfeather Press, (2014): 84-85.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Juan Felipe Herrera: Secret Rubble Juggler.” Angels of the Americlypse: New Latin@ Writing.. Ed. Giménez-Smith, Carmen, and Chavez, John. Counterpath Press, (2014): 87-90.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. Brenda Cardenas: Spotlight on U.S. Hispanic Writers. Ed. Dorn, Georgette M. Library of Congress, 2014: Online.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Under Water.” Verse Wisconsin 113. Ed. Busse, Sarah, and Vardaman, Wendy. (2014): 5.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Rupture.” Cuadernos de ALDEEU 26. Ed. Gala, Candelas, Jato, Monica, Dick, Bruce, and Fisher, Andres. La Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en Estados Unidos / Spanish Professionals in America, Inc., (2013): 233.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. “Nexus.” Cuadernos de ALDEEU 26. Ed. Gala, Candelas, Jato, Monica, Dick, Bruce, and Fisher, Andres. La Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en Estados Unidos / Spanish Professionals in America, Inc., (2013): 234.

Cárdenas, Brenda E., and Harrison, Roberto A. Bread of the Earth/The Last Colors (Chapbook). Ed. Daniels, Jeff. Decentralized Publications, 2011: 7.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. Boomerang: Poems by Brenda Cárdenas. Ed. Keller, Gary. Bilingual Review Press, 2009: 92.

Cárdenas, Brenda E. From the Tongues of Brick and Stone: Poems by Brenda Cárdenas. Ed. Aragon, Francisco. Momotombo Press, Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame, 2005: 48.

Cárdenas, Brenda E., and Vazquez Paz, Johanny, eds. Between the Heart and the Land/Entre el corazón y la tierra: Latina Poets in the Midwest. 2001. MARCH/Abrazo Press, 2001: 161.

Cárdenas, Brenda E., Rodriguez, Aide, Casas, José, Ortiz, Jesus, Compean, Juan, and Compean, Ricardo. Sonido Ink(quieto)'s Chicano, Illnoize: The Blue Island Sessions. Ed. Cardenas, Brenda, and Rodriguez, Aide. DeSPICable Records, 2001: Compact Disc.