Katharine Beutner
Associate Professor
Personal Website
- PhD, English, University of Texas at Austin, 2011
- MA, Creative Writing/English, University of Texas at Austin, 2006
- AB, Classics, Smith College, 2003
Areas of Research and Teaching
- Fiction and nonfiction writing
- 18th-century British literature
- Environmental writing
- Genre studies
- Gender & sexuality studies
Awards and Honors
- Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award for fiction, 2022
- Edmund White Debut Fiction Award, The Publishing Triangle, 2011
- Lambda Literary Awards finalist, Lesbian Debut Fiction, 2011
- American Association of University Women American Dissertation Fellow, 2010-2011
- PEO Scholar Award, Philanthropic Educational Organization, 2010-2011
Other Relevant Activities
- Editor in chief, The Dodge: thedodgemag.com
- Reviewer for Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (ISLE)
Recent Publications
Beutner, Katharine. Killingly. Soho Press, New York, NY: 2023.
Beutner, Katharine. “Historical Research as Procedural,” CrimeReads. Live June 8, 2023: https://crimereads.com/historical-research-as-procedural/
Beutner, Katharine. “Mānoa Arcadia.” Tinfish 21, live January 1, 2021. Finalist for the Center for Women Writers’ Penelope Niven Award in Creative Nonfiction: https://www.tinfishpress.org/beutner
Beutner, Katharine. “Delarivier Manley Understands the Ladies Better Than You: The Female Wits, Genre, and Feminocentric Satire.” New Perspectives on Delarivier Manley and Eighteenth Century Literature: Power, Sex, and Text. Ed. Aleksondra Hultquist and Elizabeth J. Mathews. Routledge: New York, 2017.