Dennis Lynch

Associate Professor Emeritus


PhD, University of California, Berkeley
MA, University of California, Berkeley

Research Interests

Modern Rhetorical Theory
Composition Studies

Teaching Interests

Modern Rhetorical Theory
Rhetorical History and Theory
Rhetoric and Composition

Selected Publications

Wysocki, Anne F., and Lynch, Dennis A.The DK Handbook, 2nd edNew York: Longman. 2010.
Wysocki, Anne F., and Lynch, Dennis A.compose/design/advocate: a rhetoric for integrating the written, visual, and oralNew York: Longman Press. 2006.
Lynch, Dennis A.“Complicating the Scene of Argument: Into, Through, and Beyond Pro and Con” Advances in the History of Rhetoric vol. 8Ed. Mclish, Glen. College Park: American Society for the History of Rhetoric. (2005).