The declaration of major process varies depending upon where you are in your college career:
If you are applying to UWM…
On your application for admission, indicate your interest in becoming a biological sciences or microbiology major. Your intended major will be reflected on your record and will allow us to provide you with news about scholarship opportunities, upcoming events, and other information that may be useful to you. Please note that an “intended major” does not replace a declaration of major.
If you are a current UWM student, please read the following to select a Biological Sciences Major or Option that best fits your interests…
The Biological Sciences Department offers two majors: Biological Sciences and Microbiology.
- Students wishing to explore diverse interests in Biological Sciences can choose the General Biology Option.
- Students interested in studying the structure and function of organisms and biological processes at the level of cells and macromolecules can choose the Cellular and Molecular Biology Option (CMB).
- Students interested in exploring the mechanisms governing interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment can choose the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavioral Biology Option (EEB).
- Students interested in studying genetics and molecular biology of microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi) and viruses, and the roles they play in human, animal, and plant health and disease, as well as in biotechnology, can choose the Microbiology Major.
To initiate your declaration of a Biological Science or Microbiology major, fill out and submit the…
You will be contacted by the Departmental Coordinator who will assist you in the process of completing your Declaration of Major/Minor and connecting you with a faculty advisor in your specific area of interest within the Biological Sciences.
Declare Your Minor
In order to complete your declaration, you will need to complete Foundations in Biological Sciences I (Bio Sci 150), and pass with a C or better. Learn more about the Biological Sciences minor here. To declare a Biological Science minor, fill out and submit the…
You will be contacted by the Departmental Coordinator who will assist you in the process of completing your Declaration of Major/Minor and connecting you with a faculty advisor in your specific area of interest within the Biological Sciences.