An internship is a professional learning opportunity that is offered by an employer to provide meaningful and practical work related to a student’s field of study. Internships are a great way for students to develop a range of new and valuables skills and a network of connections in your field.
The experience will help you to develop your career goals and will look great on your future resume! Employers that offer internships will also benefit from your work and contributions to their company. Many employers will hire past interns after they graduate.
In our Biological Sciences program, we offer up to 6 credits towards your major for completing internships. This is done by finding an internship opportunity and then enrolling in either BIO SCI 289 or BIO SCI 489. See details below for how to enroll.
Answers to your questions about Internships in Biological Sciences:
What are the benefits of doing an internship?
What are the requirements to get Biological Sciences credit for an internship?
How will the internship work?
Will I be paid?
How do I find an internship?
List of potential opportunities and prior UWM internship experiences
What are the benefits of doing an Internship?
There are significant benefits to completing an internship. Here are just a few:
- You will have the opportunity to gain academic credit towards your biological sciences major will gaining practical experience and skills.
- You will have a chance to develop your knowledge and skill set in a particular field or industry and explore different career choices and trajectories.
- You will have the opportunity to meet new people and form a valuable new network of contacts.
- Internships are an excellent addition to your CV or Resume which can set you apart from other candidates in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
What are the requirements to get Biological Sciences credit for an Internship?
Enroll in BIO SCI 289 or 489 to obtain credit for your internship. To enroll, you will need to meet the following pre-requisites and complete the Internship form.
BIO SCI 289: Lower-level Internship requirements:
- Have a GPA of at least 2.5
- Have completed an intro course in BIO SCI (preferably BIO SCI 150 and 152)
- One credit earned for academic work is based on 40 hours in Internship
- No more than 6 credits of Internship can count towards the major (289 and 489 combined)
- Consent of a Biological Sciences Faculty Sponsor
- Complete the Biological Sciences Internship form
- Complete a final report to submit to the Biological Sciences office before the end of finals during the semester you have enrolled for credit.
- Have your Internship Supervisor Complete the Evaluation Form and have it submitted to the Biological Sciences Faculty Sponsor.
BIO SCI 489: Upper-level Internship requirements:
- Have a GPA of at least 2.5
- Have completed at least one upper-level Biological Sciences course (300 level or above)
- Must be junior standing
- One credit earned for academic work is based on 40 hours in Internship
- No more than 6 credits of Internship can count towards the major (289 and 489 combined)
- Consent of a Biological Sciences Faculty Sponsor
- Complete the Biological Sciences Internship form
- Complete a final report to submit to the Biological Sciences office before the end of finals during the semester you have enrolled for credit.
- Have your Internship Supervisor Complete the Evaluation Form and have it submitted to the Biological Sciences Faculty Sponsor.
How will the internship work?
- Internship Supervisor (role)
- This person is your day-to-day supervisor at the internship site where you are conducting the work.
- Your supervisor will complete the Evaluation Form and discuss your work with your Biological Sciences Faculty Sponsor.
- Biological Sciences Faculty Sponsor (role)
- This person will deal with the UWM-related administration to help you enroll for credit and sign your Internship Form.
- Your Faulty Sponsor will work with your Internship Supervisor to interpret the University assessment and grading.
- If you have more questions, discuss your options and Internship with your current Biological Sciences Faculty Advisor.
Will I be paid?
It depends. Whether or not you will be paid depends solely on the employer that is offering the Internship. Some internships are paid, and some are on a volunteer basis. When applying for internships this information should be made available by the employer. If you are uncertain about the payment options discuss that with the employer offering the internship.
Keep in mind that paid internships are often very competitive and do not often provide a very high wage. However, the overall benefits of an internship are likely to outweigh the low levels of compensation.
How do I find an Internship?
Think of finding an Internship like looking for a job. There are many ways to apply for Internships.
- You can look through advertisements (see list below for local companies that have relationships with UWM or have hosted UWM student interns in the past)
- You can send out applications to companies that you are interested in to inquire about possible opportunities.
- Talk to your friends and colleagues!
Advice for applying.
- Clearly follow all application instructions for a given opportunity.
- Demonstrate your knowledge, skills, interest, and motivation relevant to the internship.
- Check the deadlines!!
- Start looking at least six months in advance of when you would like to start an internship. For example, if you want an internship for the summer, be sure to start looking in January.
- Although most employers will not expect you to have previous work experience, be sure that you meet the stated requirements. They will look at your skill set, interests, and academic record.
- Some companies may have you complete an online application, some may decide on candidates based on a cover letter and resume, while others may require interviews. Be prepared ahead of time.
List of Potential Opportunities and Prior UWM Internship Experiences:
- Urban Ecology Center – MANY opportunities, paid and unpaid
- Discovery World
- Riveredge Nature Center – various opportunities
- Medical College of Wisconsin (PURE Program, Research based)
- Schlitz Audubon
- Bureau of Land Management
- Click here to read about a previous UWM undergraduate student’s experience interning for the Bureau of Land Management.
- Milwaukee County Zoo – Zoological Society of Milwaukee
- – Search for “Internships”
- Boerner Botanical Gardens
- Additional Companies and Organizations that have relationships with UWM or have hosted UWM student interns within the past 5 years.
- UWM Career Planning and Resource Center