Tiffany, Tanya
- PhD Johns Hopkins University, History of Art, 2004
- MA Johns Hopkins University, History of Art, 1997
- BA University of Wisconsin-Madison, graduated with Honors and Distinction, Majors: Art History and Spanish, 1995
Research Interests:
- Golden-Age Spanish painting and sculpture
- Gender and race in the early modern world
- Feminine devotion in Post-Tridentine Spain
- Deventeenth-century artistic theory
- Early modern texts and images
- Prints and visual culture in Spain
- Artistic exchange between Spain and Italy
Courses Taught:
- ArtHist 102: Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture
- ArtHist 241: Introduction to Baroque Art
- ArtHist 260: Spanish Visual Art and Culture: 1450-1830
- ArtHist 333: High Renaissance Art in Italy
- ArtHist 333: High Renaissance Art in Italy (online)
- ArtHist 342: Art and Civic Culture in Fifteenth-Century Florence
- ArtHist 445: Art in Seventeenth-Century Spain
- ArtHist 447: Topics in Early Modern Art: Gender and Art in Italy, 1400-1700
- ArtHist 700: Graduate Proseminar in Art History
- ArtHist 730: Velázquez and the Art of Invention
- ArtHist 730: Spirituality and Visual Culture in Golden-Age Spain
Diego Velázquez’s Early Paintings and the Culture of Seventeenth-Century Seville (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012).
Edited volume:
Velázquez Re-Examined: Theory, History, Poetry, and Theatre [with Giles Knox] (Brussels: Brepols Publishers, 2017). Includes my translation (from Spanish) of “Heresy, Judaism, and Paganism in the Hall of Realms,” by Javier Portús.
Recent Articles and Essays (published and forthcoming):
“The Infant Christ at the Spanish Court: Polychrome Sculptures in the Devotional Practice of Sor Margarita de la Cruz (1567-1633),” Sixteenth Century Journal, forthcoming.
“God’s Design: Painting and Piety in the Vida of Estefanía de la Encarnación (ca. 1597-1665),” in “Quid est sacramentum?”: On the Visual Representation of Sacred Mysteries in Early Modern Europe and the Americas, 1400-1700, ed. Walter S. Melion, Lee Palmer Wandel, and Elizabeth Carson Pastan (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
“Intellect, Piety, and Religious Experience: Recent Perspectives on El Greco’s Sacred Art in Post-Tridentine Spain,” in Research Companion to El Greco, ed. Jeffrey Schrader (London: Taylor and Francis, forthcoming).
“‘Little Idols’: Royal Children and the Infant Jesus in the Devotional Practice of Sor Margarita de la Cruz (1567-1633),” in The Early Modern Child in Art and History, ed. Matthew Averett (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2015), 35-48.
“El Retrato de la Madre Jerónima de la Fuente de Velázquez y el Monasterio de Santa Clara de Sevilla” / “The Portrait of Madre Jerónima de la Fuente and the Convent of Santa Clara in Seville,” trans. Ari Zighelboim, in El joven Velázquez: A propósito de la “Educación de la Virgen” de Yale / The Young Velázquez: Studies on “The Education of the Virgin” at Yale, ed. Benito Navarrete Prieto (Seville: ICAS, 2015), 292-311.
“El Greco” [with Laura R. Bass], in Oxford Bibliographies Online: Renaissance and Reformation, http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195399301/obo-9780195399301-0199.xml (2014).