Coordinated Master of Arts/Master of Library & Information Science Degree

The MLIS/MA Art History Coordinated Degree Program prepares students for positions as art librarians, as curators of rare books and special collections, and as archivists, registrars, and collections managers in art museums.

Degree Requirements

  • 30 Credits MLIS. The MLIS portion of the coordinated degree can be completed online.
  • 24 Credits MA Art History.
  • Candidates for the coordinated degree program will be expected to fulfill the degree requirements of both programs. Degrees will be awarded simultaneously.

The Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) component of each of the coordinated programs includes 30 credits of SOIS courses. These include the MLIS core courses (12 credits). The remaining 18 MLIS credits are selected from the School’s offerings in accordance with the student’s goals in the coordinated degree program.

The Master of Art History component includes 24 credits of Art History courses. These include core courses (12 credits) and distribution requirements (12 credits). In order to complete the MA Art History portion of the coordinated degree in 24 credits, students must complete the thesis option rather than the thesis exhibition option. See the MA/MLIS Progress to Degree Worksheet for more details.

Please see the following Information Studies page for more information: