Raymond Fleming
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 1986
Research Interests:
My research interests are in stress and coping, aging, risk perception, and sexuality and health. I conduct laboratory experiments, quasi-experimental field studies, and survey research on the affective, behavioral, and physiological aspects of health, stress, and emotion.
Courses Taught:
Psych 193: Stress and Coping
Psych 510: Advanced Psychological Statistics
Psych 610: Experimental Design
Psych 656: Psychophysiology
Psych 756: Psychophysiology
Selected Publications
Nelson, A. , & Fleming, R. () Gender Differences in Diet and Social Media: An Explorative Study.Appetite.Appetite.
Fleming, R. , Pedrick, L. , Stoiber, L. , Kienzler, S. , Fleming, R. R., & Reddy, D. M.(2018) Increasing undergraduate success: A randomized controlled trial of U-Pace instruction.under review in the Online Learning Journal.
Fleming, R. , Kienzler, S. , Stoiber, L. C., Fleming, R. R., Pedrick, L. E., & Reddy, D. M.(2018) Randomized controlled trials of U-Pace instruction: Outcomes in two gateway courses.Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(6).
Stearns, S. S., Fleming, R. , & Fero, L. J.(2017) Attenuating physiological arousal through the manipulation of simple hand movements.Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 42(1), 39-50.
Toussaint, L. L., Lange, L. J., Chen, W. , Hodge, M. , O'Connor, M. , & Fleming, R. (2017) Control-oriented coping buffers stress responses in evacuees from a technological accident.Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 22(3), 1-15.
Nakajima, M. , Wei-Ru, C. , & Fleming, R. (2017) Effects of unrecognized arousal on positive and negative emotions.Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research.
Levine, J. C., Fleming, R. , Piedmont, J. I., Cain, S. M., & Chen, W. (2016) Heart rate variability and generalized anxiety disorder during laboratory-induced worry and aversive imagery.Journal of Affective Disorders, 205, 207-215.
Fleming, R. , Pedrick, L. , & Reddy, D. M.(2016) Progress on U-Pace instruction.EDUCAUSE Review.
Levine, J. C., Burns, E. , Whittle, J. , Fleming, R. , Knudson, P. , Flax, S. , & Leventhal, H. (2016) Randomized trial of technology-assisted self-monitoring of blood glucose by low-income seniors: improved glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus.Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 39(6), 1001-1008.
Fleming, R. , Stoiber, L. , Pfeiffer, H. , Kienzler, S. , Fleming, R. R., Pedrick, L. , Barth, D. , & Reddy, D. M.(2016) Using U-Pace instruction to improve the academic performance of economically disadvantaged undergraduates.Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 32, 304-313.
Crowley (student), O. , Marquette (student), J. , Reddy, D. M., & Fleming, R. (2013) Factors predicting likelihood of eating irradiated meat.Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(1), 95-105.
Rameshbabu (student), A. , Reddy, D. M., & Fleming, R. (2013) Correlates of negative physical health in call center shift workers.Applied Ergonomics, 44, 350-354.
Reddy, D. M., Fleming, R. , Jirovec, D. L., Pedrick, L. E., Pfeiffer, H. M., & Stoiber, L. C.(2013) Increasing student success in higher education through U-Pace instruction.Higher Learning Commission Collection of Papers on Self-study and Institutional Improvment.
Reddy, D. M., Fleming, R. , Pedrick, L. E., Jirovec (student), D. L., Pfeiffer (student), H. M., Ports (student), K. A., Barnack-Tavlaris (student), J. L., Helion (student), A. M., & Swain, R. (2013) U-Pace instruction: improving student success by integrating content mastery and amplified assistance.Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 17(1), 147-154.
Reddy, D. M., Fleming, R. , & Pedrick, L. E.(2012) Increasing student success: Evaluating the effectiveness of U-Pace instruction at UWM.EDUCAUSE Seeking Evidence of Impact Case Study Series.
Reddy, D. M., Fleming, R. , Pedrick, L. E., Ports (student), K. A., Barnack-Tavlaris (student), J. L., Helion (student), A. M., & Swain, R. (2011) U-Pace: Facilitating academic success for all students.Educause Quarterly, EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 34(4).