Kennan Ferguson
Bolton Hall 642
Office Hours
T 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm, R 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm & by Appt
PhD, Political Science, University of Hawai’i
BA, Political Science (magna cum laude) and Philosophy, Amherst College
Research and Teaching Interests
Political Theory, broadly conceived.
Courses Taught
- Pol Sci 110 – Sex and Power
- PolSci 281 – Classics of Political Theory
- PolSci 382 – Modern Political Thought
- PolSci 711 – Current Topics in Political Science
- PolSci 801 – Proseminar in Environmental Political Theory
- PolSci 815 – Problems in Political Theory: Native American Political Theory
- PolSci 815 – Problems in Political Theory: The Sex Wars
Undergraduate Syllabi
Graduate Syllabi
Selected Publications
The Big No. (Editor) University of Minnesota Press, 2022.
Cookbook Politics. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020.
Ferguson, Kennan R.“Why does Political Science Hate American Indians?” Perspectives on Politics14.4 (2016).
Ferguson, Kennan R.“The Nigh is End: Politics After Time” Paradoxa27. Ed. Vint, Sherryl. (2016): 205-222.
Ferguson, Kennan R.Refusing Settler Colonialism: Simpson’s Mohawk Interruptus2015.
. The Encyclopedia of Political Thought (8 volumes)Ed. Gibbons, Michael T., Coole, Diana, Ellis, Elisabeth, and Ferguson, Kennan R.Wiley-Blackwell. 2014: 4360 pages
Ferguson, Kennan R.“”Speed Limits and Speed Bumps: On International Law and its Lack”” Law and Disciplinarity: Thinking Beyond BordersEd. Beck, Robert. Palgrave MacMillan. (2013).
Ferguson, Kennan R.All in the Family: On Community and IncommensurabilityDuke University Press. 2012.
Ferguson, Kennan R.“The Gift of Freedom” Social Text25.2 (2007): 39-52.
Ferguson, Kennan R.The Politics of Judgment: Aesthetics, Identity, and Political TheoryLexington Books. 2007.
Ferguson, Kennan R.William James: Politics in the PluriverseRowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2007.
Ferguson, Kennan R.“La Philosophie Americaine: James, Bergson, and the Century of Intercontinental Pluralism” Theory & Event9.1 (2006).
Ferguson, Kennan R.“I ♥ My Dog” Political Theory32.3 (2004): 373-395.