Fall 2024
- POL SCI 330G-201 The Politics of International Economic Relations
Instructor: Shale Horowitz (shale@uwm.edu)
Meets: No Meeting Pattern - POL SCI 361G-001 History of International Political Thought
Instructor: Kristin Horowitz (trenholm@uwm.edu)
Meets: TR 10am-11:15am - POL SCI 700-001 Scope and Methods of Political Science
Instructor: Steven Redd (sredd@uwm.edu)
Meets: M 4:30pm-7:10pm - POL SCI 701-001 Techniques of Political Science Research
Instructor: Kyle Mcwagner (mcwagnek@uwm.edu)
Meets: W 4:30pm-7:10pm - POL SCI 715-001 Introduction to Comparative Politics I
Instructor: Ora John Reuter (reutero@uwm.edu)
Meets: M 1:30pm-4:10pm - POL SCI 750-001 Seminar in the Study of American Political Behavior
Instructor: Kyle Mcwagner (mcwagnek@uwm.edu)
Meets: R 4:30pm-7:10pm - POL SCI 814-001 Major Political Theorists: Politics & Apocalypse
Instructor: Kennan Ferguson (kennan@uwm.edu)
Meets: T 5:30pm-8:10pm - POL SCI 961-001 International Political Theory
Instructor: Robert Beck (rjbeck@uwm.edu)
Meets: T 2:30pm-5:10pm