
Marcus Ethridge

Professor Emeritus


Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1979
M.A., Vanderbilt University, 1977
B.A., Wake Forest University, 1974

Courses Taught

  • PolSci 203 – Intro. to Political Science Research
  • PolSci 452 – Administrative Law
  • PolSci 500 – Capstone Course in Political Science

Research Interests

Interest Groups, Rational Choice Theory, the U.S. Constitution, Public Administration, Administrative Law

Current Research Projects

Revising work on an article-length manuscript on the problem of gridlock, institutions, and representation.
Revising a book-length manuscript provisionally entitled The Anti-Constitutional Spirit.

Selected Publications

Ethridge, Marcus E., and Handleman, Howard. Politics in a changing world, 6th edition Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 2013.
Ethridge, Marcus E. The Case for Gridlock Lexington Books. 2010.
. The political research experience: readings and analysis Ed. Ethridge, Marcus E. ME Sharpe. 2002.