Kathleen Dolan
Distinguished Professor
Bolton Hall 672
Office Hours
MW 11:30 am – 12:30 pm & by Appt
PhD, University of Maryland – College Park
Fields of Study – American Government and Political Behavior
MA, University of Maryland – College Park
BA, Providence College, Providence, R.I., Major: Political Science
Courses Taught
- PolSci 104 – Intro. to American Government and Politics
- PolSci 203 – Intro. to Political Science Research
- PolSci 425 – Women in Politics
- PolSci 700 – Scope and Methods of Political Science
Undergraduate Syllabi
Graduate Syllabi
Teaching Interests
American Government, Political Behavior, Women and Politics, Research Methods, Congress, Elections and Voting
Research Interests
Electoral Behavior, Women and Politics, Public Opinion, Political Participation, Legislative Politics, Survey Methodology.
Selected Publications
Dolan, Kathleen A. “Voter Sex, Party, and Gender-Salient Issues: Attitudes about Sexual Harassment and Brett Kavanaugh in the 2018 Elections” American Politics Research 48. (2020): 532-542.
Dolan, Kathleen A. “The Variable Nature of the Gender Gap in Political Knowledge” Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy 41. (2020): 127-143.
Dolan, Kathleen A., and Lynch, Timothy. “The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Voting for Women Candidates by Level and Type of Office” Politics & Gender (2016).
Dolan, Kathleen A., and Lynch, Timothy. “Making the Connection: Attitudes about Women in Politics and Voting for Women Candidates” Politics, Groups, and Identities (2015).
Dolan, Kathleen A. When Does Gender Matter? Women Candidates and Gender Stereotypes in American Elections New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 2014.
Dolan, Kathleen A., and Lynch, Timothy. “It Takes a Survey: Understanding Gender Stereotypes, Abstract Attitudes, and Voting for Women Candidates” American Politics Research 42. (2014): 656-676.
Dolan, Kathleen A. “Gender Stereotypes, Candidate Evaluations, and Voting for Women Candidates: What Really Matters?” Political Research Quarterly 67. (2014): 96-107.
Dolan, Kathleen A. “Do Women and Men Know Different Things? Measuring Gender Differences in Political Knowledge” Journal of Politics, Cambridge University Press 73. (2011): 1-11.
Dolan, Kathleen A., and Stokes-Brown, Tia. “Race, Gender, and Symbolic Representation: African American Female Candidates as Mobilizing Agents” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, & Parties, Routledge 20.3 (2010): 474-494.
Dolan, Kathleen A. “The Impact of Gender Stereotyped Evaluations on Support for Women Candidates” Political Behavior 32. (2010): 69-88.
Dolan, Kathleen A. Voting for Women: How the Public Evaluates Women Candidates Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 2004.