
Robert Beck

Associate Professor
 Bolton Hall 644


Office Hours

T 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm & by Appt


PhD, Georgetown University
Honors BA, Marquette University

Courses Taught

  • Global 101 – People and Politics
  • PolSci 398 – Cyberpolitics 
  • PolSci 316 – International Law

Undergraduate Syllabi
Graduate Syllabi

Research Interests

International relations, international law, and foreign policy.

Other Relevant Activities

Former Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Information Officer, UW-Milwaukee

Current Projects

I am completing the second edition of International Law and the Use of Force.

Selected Publications

. International Law and the Rise of Nations: The State System and the Challenge of Ethnic Groups Ed. Beck, Robert J., and Ambrosio, Thomas. Chatham House. 2001.
Beck, Robert J., Arend, Anthony C., and Vander Lugt, Robert D. International Rules: Approaches from International Law and International Relations Oxford University Press. 1996.
Arend, Anthony C., and Beck, Robert J. International Law and the Use of Force: Beyond the U.N. Charter Paradigm Routledge. 1993.