Publications & Translations

Planetarium Events

In the Spring months of 2018, the UWM Manfred Olson Planetarium, the Electa Quinney Institute, and the native community came together to share stories and connections of star and earth. The development and lessons learned from the “Indigenous Voices” program was published in Vol 47 No 4 – December 2018 issue of the Plaentariun.

Student Density Map

This map illustrates the density of American Indian students in each of Wisconsin’s counties (using DPI enrollment data from 2013).

One Act Plays

These one act plays are offered for educators in support of Act 31 curriculum. Community members are encouraged to use these as well.
Play: This Dance Among Dances
Play: Morning Becomes Electa
Play: Woodpecker’s Love Song

History through Art

A 12 panel installation of art and language created by Bernie Perley, Professor in American Indian Studies and Anthropology. Dr. Perley is highly regarded nationally for this work on linguistic anthropology.