Leaders and Teachers from the Good Land

Once again EQI has been awarded funding to prepare American Indians to be educators and administrators. This is the fourth consecutive round of funding by the U.S. Department of Education’s Bureau of Indian Education.
Leaders from the Good Land: Electa Quinney Indian Education Development is the teacher and administrator training project title proposed by the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. With the support and partnership of the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee’s College of Community Engagement & Professions, the Indian Community School (ICS), Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS), partners directing education programs at the tribal level, and other U.W. Campuses, the Electa Quinney Institute (EQI) hopes to continue increasing the number of American Indian individuals who are able to maintain their identity and become leaders as Teachers and Administrators in schools throughout the State of Wisconsin. This project will address teacher and administrator shortages in the American Indian community and will work with school districts throughout the state.

Have more questions? Please reach out to Sommer Drake, project coordinator for this grant.

Participants receive funding while they work toward their teaching or administrator license thorough the various degree programs currently available through UW-Milwaukee College of Community Engagement & Professions or an approved U.W. School (applicable only for teachers at this time). The supported programs must result in licensure. Funding from this grant is contingent upon a service payback obligation, meaning that it will not need to be paid back if graduates seek employment in qualifying schools in the state of Wisconsin. Financial support covers the cost of tuition, books, initial licensing exams, a one-time allowance for a laptop as needed and stipend for general expenses. To ensure participants have enough time to complete their education with the grant support, applicants need to have a minimum of 2 years of college (24 to 30 credit hours) to be accepted. Exceptions for this requirement will be determined on an individual basis.

Ready to apply for the Teachers from the Good Land program? Click here to get started

Currently licensed teachers can work toward the Administrative Leadership MS: Concentration in Educational Administration. This program leads to a principal licensure.

Ready to apply for the Leaders from the Good Land program? Click here to get started

The Office of Indian Education requires that any student in the program to understand the service regulations including the service obligation (“work payback”) equal to the total period of time for which training was received; the requirement that work payback be related to the training received and benefits Indian people; that if student does not meet the payback requirement, the student must repay the total amount received and expended for training or “cash back.”

For example:

  • Student A receives 2 years of funding for training.
  • Student A graduates and begins to look for employment.
  • Student A will need to consider the State Local Education list (below)* for employment where a percentage of the student population is American Indian.
  • Student A would have to inform the EQI office about the completion of their program and comply with all the requirements of the Professional Development Program (PDP) which tracks service obligation.

* As a student nears graduation and begins to explore employment opportunities, the student should consult with Sommer Drake and review the school districts which have a percentage of American Indian students. Wisconsin has 35 school districts meeting this requirement. Click here to download the list of eligible schools.

Please note that if a student finds employment in a private school, this school is not eligible for payback requirements.

If you are unsure if this program is the best fit for you, or if you are unsure about applying to college please contact us. There are other opportunities and ways we can help you with your college hopes and plans.

Our Leaders and Teachers from the Good Land Cohort!