The CIE Main Office (Garland 138) will be closed to in-person visitors during the week of the Republican National Convention (July 15-19, 2024). Our staff can be reached virtually at or 414-229-4846 during our regular office hours, Monday – Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

**Note that we are not tax professionals and cannot provide tax advice. The following information is for reference only and may not reflect current law, policies, or procedures.**

UWM ISSS General Tax Overview

ISSS has compiled some general tax information into a presentation; click here to access the presentation.

Reminder: ISSS does not have expertise in U.S. tax filing and we cannot assist in determining your filing requirements. The information provided is for reference only and may not reflect the most current law, policies, or procedures.

UW-System Tax Resources

Note: Glacier Tax Prep offers some live workshops for tax filing assistance. To access a live session, login to your Glacier Tax Prep account and select the link to “Live General Nonresident Alien Tax Information and GTP Q&A Sessions”. 

Wisconsin State Tax Filing Webinar: Tax Tips for UW International Students

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue has provided a pre-recorded webinar for the University of Wisconsin System International students where they  discuss how to file Wisconsin state taxes for the tax year 2021. Click here to access the 2021 tax year recording. If we are provided an updated workshop for any future tax year, it will be posted here.

Frequently Asked Tax Questions

Do I need to file taxes?

All international students who were in the United States during the tax year must file federal and state tax returns whether or not income was earned. See the following questions for more information on your filing status and how to file.

How do I know what my filing status for taxes is?

Refer to the following website to determine if you are a nonresident alien or a resident alien: IRS Resident and Nonresident Aliens Definition.

I am considered a nonresident alien for tax purposes and I earned income; what do I need to file?

You must file to report all your income from U.S. sources. You need to complete both a  Form 8843 and a Form 1040NR. You may be required to file a state income tax return as well. You should read the instructions on the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website to determine any filing requirements.

I am considered a resident alien for tax purposes; what do I need to file?

You must follow the same tax laws as U.S. citizens. Therefore you must report all your income. You will file the federal Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return as well as a state income tax return.

I did not earn any income last year, do I still need to file taxes?

If you identify as a nonresident for tax purposes with no U.S. income, you and any dependents are required to file the Form 8843 only. 

How do I answer questions 9 and 10 in Part III of my 8843?
  • Use the following for Answer 9: University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, 2200 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI 53211, (414)229-1122
  • Use the following for Answer 10: Jennifer Gruenewald, 2441 E. Hartford Ave. Garland 138, Milwaukee, WI 53211, (414)229-4846
  • An example of what this should look like can be found on this example document: 8843 Example Document (spring 2021)
When should I file my taxes?

Federal and State Tax filings for the prior calendar year are due by April 15th each year (if this date falls on a government holiday or weekend date, the filing due date will be the next business day).

Who can help me complete my tax filing?

For students who were employed by UWM, you should have access to the Glacier Tax Preparation service provided through the Human Resources Department. You can contact the Human Resources Department for further information or review the following UWM Glacier website

Below are helpful links:

If you need assistance completing your tax filings, you should hire a Tax Professional who is experienced working with International Students. 

What should I do if I missed the deadline for the prior year’s tax filing?

You still have the opportunity to submit your missed tax filing; you should submit your missed year tax filings immediately. We suggest that you work with a professional to determine your best options.  

What if I filed incorrectly for a prior year’s tax filing?

You have the opportunity to update your filing; you should update your filing immediately. We suggest that you work with a professional to determine your best options.