Group of UWM exchange students gathered in front of flowers

UWM has established partnerships with Universities across the world, and we are happy to welcome our incoming exchange students to our community.

Please note that only schools listed below have an active exchange agreement. If your school is not listed, or you are not being sponsored by your school for participation on an exchange with UWM, you must apply to UWM as a degree-seeking, or non-degree student. If your school is not on the list and you believe it should be, please contact Sue Conway,

UWM Exchange Partner Universities

CountryUniversity Name
BrazilPontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio
EcuadorUniversidad San Francisco de Quito
England/UKUniversity of Birmingham
England/UKUniversity of Kent
England/UKUniversity of Sheffield
FranceSciences Politiques
GermanyEuropa-Universitat Viadrina
GermanyFolkwang University
GermanyHessen Exchange
GermanyJustus Liebig University
GermanyOtto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
JapanChiba University
JapanHokusei Gakuen University
JapanHosei University
JapanNanzan University
JapanSeijo University
MexicoTecnologico de Monterrey ITESM
PeruPontifica Universidad Católica de Peru
South KoreaAjou University
South KoreaKookmin University
SpainUniversidade de Santiago de Compostela
SpainUniversidade de Vigo
SwedenJonkoping International School of Business
SwedenMalardalen University