February 5, 2019

UC Chair Kris O’Connor reported that he attended the Faculty Reps meeting last week. The pay plan, Program Monitoring Policy, a new Teacher Education Task Force, the UW-Whitewater Chancellor search, Title and Compensation Review, and PTR were discussed. A revision… Read More

January 22, 2019

UC Chair Kris O’Connor reported that he met with Chancellor Mone earlier in the day and discussed the AAUP resolution regarding program productivity monitoring. They have also identified a new appointee for the Chancellor’s Advisory Task Force on LGTBQ+ Issues,… Read More

December 18, 2018

UC Chair Kris O’Connor reported that our R1 status has officially been renewed. He attended the Faculty Reps meeting last week, at which the Program Productivity Monitoring process was discussed. At that meeting, UW System President Ray Cross discussed the… Read More

November 27, 2018

UC Chair Kris O’Connor reported that the Chancellor’s Expanded Cabinet met and discussed the rollout of the new UW System reference check hiring policy. The Chancellor reported that the Higher Education Regional Alliance (HERA) received a $500k grant to increase… Read More

November 20, 2018

Provost Johannes Britz attended the meeting. UC discussed with the Provost a request from the chair of the Awards Committee for limited travel support for teaching observations at UWM-Waukesha and UWM-Washington County. The Northwestern Data Sciences Endowed Professor search will… Read More