January 15, 2019

UC Chair Kris O’Connor reported that UW System President Ray Cross will attend the January 24th Faculty Senate meeting; the Rules Committee will amend the agenda for the meeting to facilitate a question and answer period with President Cross. The resolution on program productivity pending for the Faculty Senate meeting was discussed and wording changes suggested, and names were identified from faculty preference lists for potential membership on the Chancellor’s Advisory Task Force on LGTBQ+ Issues. Work load policy for Mechanical Engineering was discussed, and referred back to the department as an internal matter.

UC member John Reisel reported that the Rules Committee met and established an agenda for the Faculty Senate meeting next week, which will be amended due to the visit by UW System President Cross. The Economic Benefits Committee met and discussed the benefits survey completion rate, which is 29% at UWM. Benefits cannot be cut by System because they are controlled by ETF.

Awards and Recognition Committee Chair Joe Rodriguez attended to brainstorm methods of recognizing nominees for teaching awards. The committee recommended that a letter be sent to all nominees informing them of their nomination, and that the nomination could be recorded on Digital Measures and CVs.