Translation Night at Boswell Books

Translation Night, featuring Lorena Terando author of Spiral of Silence, Jacob Riyeff, author of In the Bosom of the Father, and Caroline Froh, Tuesday, November 26, 7 pm, at Boswell Books

Enjoy an evening of literature in translation with UWM Associate Professor of Translation and Interpreting Studies Lorena Terando, Marquette Visiting Assistant Professor of English Jacob Riyeff, and former Boswellian Caroline Froh, now a graduate student at the University of Iowa. Cohosted by the University of Marquette English Department and the UWM Translation & Interpreting Studies Program.

Lorena Terando presents her translation of Elvira Sánchez-Blake’s shattering testimonial novel, which depicts the impact of Colombia’s civil war on three women; an upper-class army wife, a young rebel and mother, and a girl who comes of age at a critical moment in the country’s history.

Jacob Riyeff presents his translation of the work of Swami Abhishiktananda, a French Benedictine monk who lived in India for more than two decades and strove to understand and live his Christian faith through the enlightening teachings of Hindu Advaita Vedanta.

And former Boswellian Caroline Froh presents work from a translation-in-progress titled Words of Resistance (Widerworte), a collection of texts by Mariella Mehr. Born in 1947 to the nomadic Jenish people in Switzerland, Mehr was a victim of a forced assimilation which systematically removed Jenish children from their families. Much of Mehr’s work draws from her life and confronts trauma, violence, gender, and life in the margins of society.