Non-language Specific

TRNSLTN 710 Comparative Systems for Translation
3 cr. Graduate.
Comparative systems in society; how those systems relate to field of translation; how to make informed translation choices based on subtle differences in systems.

TRNSLTN 726 Computer-Assisted Translation
3 cr. Graduate.
Introduction to computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools for professional translators focusing on the basic use of CAT tools, terminology management, translation memory creation/use, hands-on practice working with industry standard software programs.

TRNSLTN 730 Internship in Translation/Interpreting
3 cr. Graduate.
Internship offering on-the-job experience to graduate students in Translation and Interpreting Studies.

TRNSLTN 790 Thesis
1-6 cr. Graduate.
Independent study and research on a master's thesis under supervision of the student's advisory committee.

TRNSLTN 820 Translation Theory
3 cr. Graduate.
Survey of translation theory from historical to contemporary thinkers; study of cultural and ideological forces shaping translation with research paper engaging in theoretical thought about translation.