2018 UWM Research Magazine Released

The 2018 edition of UWM Research magazine has launched, celebrating the stories and work of nearly 100 faculty members, students and staff.
“I’m amazed every day at the sheer breadth of research at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,” UWM Chancellor Mark Mone writes in the magazine’s welcome message, “and I’m immensely proud of the faculty, staff and students whose commitment drives it forward. As you read this latest edition of UWM Research, you’ll understand why.”
The 60-page print magazine, formerly known as Research Report, contains some 50 articles that showcase people from UWM’s research-conducting schools and colleges. In addition to in-depth features, you’ll find sections dedicated to spotlighting UWM’s research on energy, health and wellness. The magazine also devotes sections to the impressive work of UWM’s undergraduate and graduate researchers.
The magazine’s online version – uwm.edu/uwmresearch – augments those stories with engaging multimedia packages, including traditional and animated videos, photo slideshows, innovative infographics and audio recordings. New this year are author’s readings from two of the publications in the magazine’s books section.
Stories explore a broad range of topics, including the cover feature’s in-depth look at how UWM physicists are pulling back the curtain on a new era of astronomy. You’ll also learn about UWM’s new Connected Systems Institute and how it’s laying the groundwork for a new industrial revolution.
There are features that show the personal impact research can make, such as the work done by historian Chia Youyee Vang. Once a Hmong refugee who arrived in the United States at age 9, she’s now one of the world’s leading authorities on Hmong refugees, and her work is informing policy regarding modern refugee populations.
Magazine stories show how UWM researchers are working to aid the fight against cancer, opioid abuse and a host of other health issues. That includes the work of Karyn Frick, who’s unraveling the puzzle of menopause’s complex relationship with memory loss.
You’ll learn how researchers are collaborating on an underwater map of Milwaukee’s inner harbor that will help revive its fish and environment.
And take a step into virtual reality to see how leaders of UWM’s Immersive Media Lab are exploring the technology’s potential to change the future of education.
Together, these stories show why UWM is one of America’s top research universities.