Ben Lorenz


Ben Lorenz is majoring in Physics with an Astronomy emphasis and a Computer Science minor, and is also pursuing an Honors College degree. He researches long timescale variability in pulsars with Dr. David Kaplan at the UWM Center for Gravitation, Cosmology, and Astrophysics. His first involvement in research was as a senior in high school, where he worked with the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center to search for sources of neutrino emission in the nearby universe. Since coming to UWM, however, Ben has worked exclusively with pulsars, rotating stellar remnants which emit beams of radio waves. His current research is involved with the NANOGrav collaboration, a group which works to detect gravitational waves using observations of pulsars in a network known as a Pulsar Timing Array. Ben is also a varsity athlete at UWM, competing on the Men’s Swimming and Diving team where he currently holds two program records. After graduation, he plans to pursue a PhD in Astrophysics and become a Physics professor.