Pamphlet Files 381-1200
MiscellaneousBox # | Primary Author | Secondary Author | Date | Notes | |
380 | Mooney, James E. (Editor) | Dedication, Amundsen-Scott IGY, South Pole Station | 1957 | ||
380 | Mossman, R.C. | Meteorological Results of the Shackleton Antarctic Expedition, 1914- 1917 (Weddell Sea Party): Preliminary Notice | 1921 | From Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society vol. 47 No. 197 | |
Murillo Ordonez, Emilio | El continente antarctico y sus alrededores (Breve estudio geofisico) | 1936 | |||
380 | Murphey, Charles J.V. | Alone/A Flight for Life | 1935 | The American Magazine | |
380 | N/A | The New Zealand Antarctic Research Activities, 1957 and 1958 Report No. 1 to SCAR | 1959 | New Zealand National Committee for Antarctic Research | |
380 | N/A | Norway and the British Claims for Antarctic Sectors | 1933 | Norwegian Journal of Commerce and Shipping (Original and Photostat copy) | |
380 | Nybelin, Orvar | Subantarctic and Antarctic Fishes | 1951 | ||
380 | O'Brien, Jack | Admiral Byrd -- Parlor Hero/Byrd in Antarctica | 1934 | Real America (2 editions, October and November) | |
380 | O'Brien, Jack | Admiral Byrd -- Parlor Hero | 1934 | Copy from Real America for October | |
380 | Olsacher, Juan | Diaz, Horacio/Teruggi, M. | Contribucion a la geologia de la Antartida occidental | 1956 | Instituto Antarctico Argentino Publicacion No. 2 |
380 | Olsacher, Juan | Observaciones geologicas en Caleta Armonia, Isla Nelson. Islas Shetland del Sur Antartida Argentina | 1958 | Contribucion No. 20 del Instituto Antartico Argentino | |
380 | Orr, N.W.M. | Food Requirements and Weight Changes of Men on Antarctic Expeditions | 1965 | British Journal of Nutrition, 19, 79 | |
380 | Panzarini, Rodolfo N. | La campana Antartica 1950-1951 | 1959 | Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 22 | |
380 | Panzarini, Rodolfo N. | La campana Antartica 1952-1953 | 1959 | Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 24 | |
380 | Panzarini, Rodolfo N. | La ciencia argentina en el Antartico | 1960 | Ciencia Interamericana vol. 1 No. 3 | |
380 | Panzarini, Rodolfo N. | Intereses cientificos argentinos en el Antartico | 1959 | Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 41 | |
380 | Paulter, James Charles | Byrd Antarctic Expedition II, 1933-1935. scientific Program. Scientific Accomplishments and Correspondence with W.L.G. Joerg | 1936 | ||
380 | Pauly, Antonio | Projekt einer Argentinischen Sudpol-expedition | 1928 | Sonderabdruck aus "Phoenix" (2 copies) | |
380 | Penck, Albrecht | Erich v. Drygalski: Ozean und Antarktis. Meereskundliche Forschungen u. Ergebnisse der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901- 3 | 1926 | Deutsche Literaturzeitung | |
380 | Pirie, J.H. Harvey | Brown, R.N. Rudmose | The Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Second Antarctic Voyage of the "Scotia" | rec 1905 | Scottish Geographical Magazine |
380 | Pollog, Carl Hanns | Ellsworths Fluss uber die Antarktis | 1936 | Schweizer Aero Revue | |
380 | Poulter, Thos. C. | The Scientific Work of the Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition | 1939 | Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly | |
380 | Randall, Wilfred L. | Recent Antarctic Exploration | 1922 | ||
380 | Roberts, Brian | British Naval Hydrographic Surveys in the Antarctic, 1948-1954 | 1965 | Reprinted from British Antarctic Survey Bulletin | |
380 | Roberts, Brian | Sound Effects in Polar Conditions | 1944 | Reprinted from the Polar Record No. 27 | |
380 | Robin, G. de Q. | Five Years of Antarctic Research | 1961 | Reprinted from the I.C.S.U. Review vol. 3 | |
380 | Robinson, Peter | Japan's Growing Interest in the Antarctic | 1956 | Letters from Tokyo No. 7 | |
380 | Ronne, Finn | The Main Southern Sledge Journey from East Base, Palmer Land, Antarctica | 1945 | Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society vol. 89 No. 1 | |
380 | Ronne, Finn | Robertson Latady, William | Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition, 1946-1948/ Report on the Aerial Photography of the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition | 1948 | Reprinted from Photogrammetric Engineering |
380 | N/A | Russia. Ministry of the Navy. Information Bulletin of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition 15, 1960 | rec 1962 | ||
380 | Saavedra Rojas, Eduardo | Exploraciones en el continente antartico | n.d. | Memorial del Ejercito | |
380 | Saunders, Harold E. | The Flight of Admiral Byrd to the South Pole and the Exploration of Marie Byrd Island | 1940 | Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society vol. 82 No. 5 | |
380 | Schokalsky, J. | Centenaire de l'Expedition Antarctique Russe, Comandee par Th. Bellingshausen et M. Lazarev, qui appareilla le 4 Juillet, du calendrier Julien 1819 de Cronstadt | 1928 | In Russian, table of contents and title in French | |
380 | N/A | Scott Antarctic in Memoriam Association, London | n.d. | Missing several pages | |
380 | Searle, D.J.H. | The Evolution of the Map of Alexander and Charcot Islands, Antarctica | 1963 | Reprinted from the Geographical Journal vol. 129 Part 2 | |
380 | Shackleton | Farthest South | 1909 | Taken from McClure's Magazine, vol. XXXIII Nos. 5, 6, 7 | |
380 | Shackleton, E.H. | Some Results of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-9 | 1910 | From the Smithsonian Report for 1909 | |
380 | Shirase | The First Japanese Polar Expedition | 1912 | From the Independent (Photostat copy) | |
380 | Slocum, Victor | Shackleton's Boat Voyage | 1931 | Yachting Magazine | |
380 | N/A | Soviet Antarctic Expedition | 1963 | Information Bulletin Issue No. 4 Vol. 4 | |
380 | Stackpole, Edouard A. | The First Recognition of Antarctica | 1952 | The Boston Public Library Quarterly | |
380 | Stephenson, Alfred | Fleming, W.L.S. | King George the Sixth Sound | 1940 | Reprinted from the Geographical Journal vol. XCVI No. 3 |
380 | Stoeks, Theodor | Lotarbeiten der "Schwabenland" Dezember 1938 bis April 1939 | 1939 | Sonderabdruck aus Annalen der Hydrographie Heft VIII | |
380 | Stofs, Wilhelm | Die Bedeutung der antarktischen Forschung | 1899 | ||
380 | Stuart, A.W. | Bull, C. | Glaciological Observations on the Ross Ice Shelf near Scott Base, Antarctica | 1963 | Reprinted from the Journal of Glaciology vol. 4 No. 34 |
380 | Taylor, Griffith | The Antarctic Today. Exploration of the Seventh Continent | 1956 | The Etruscan vol. 6 No. 2 | |
380 | Toja, Hirosi | Observeto al Antarkta Kontinento el Geomorfologaij Okuloj | 1957 | Oomoto Organo de Oomoto Kaj U.H.A. (Includes photos) | |
380 | N/A | Die transantarktische Flugexpedition von Ellsworth | 1934 | Neue Zuricher Zeitung | |
380 | Treves, Samuel B. | The Geology of Cape Evans and Cape Royds, Ross Island, Antarctica | 1962 | Reprinted from Antarctic Research, Geophysical Monograph No. 7 | |
380 | N/A | United States Antarctic Projects Officer | rec 1958 | ||
380 | N/A | U.S. National Science Foundation. United States Antarctic Research Program | 1963 | ||
380 | N/A | Voyage of the Tula Towards the South Pole | 1835 | Photostat from The Nautical Magazine vol. IV | |
380 | Wade, F. Alton | Petrological and Structural Relations of the Edsel Ford Range, Marie Byrd Land to Other Antarctic Mountains | 1937 | Bulletin of the Geological Society of America vol. 48 | |
380 | Wagner, Hermann | Erich von Drygalskis Polarwerk: "Zum Kontinent des eisigen Sudens" | 1905 | Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin | |
380 | Waldman, Phillip | [Letter regarding Silver Memorial to members of the Scott Antarctic Expedition] | 1913 | ||
380 | N/A | With Byrd in the Antarctic | 1930 | Mid-Week Pictorial vol. XXXI No. 12 | |
380 | N/A | Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. Oceanographic Results of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, 1933-35. Tables of Echo Soundings | 1937 | ||
380 | Zimmermann, Maurice | The Antarctic Land of Victoria from the Voyage of the "Discovery" | 1910 | From the Smithsonian Report for 1909 | |
381 | Bartlett, H.H. | Fire, Primitive Agriculture, and Grazing in the Tropics | 1956 | Reprint Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth | |
381 | Beckinsale, R.P. | The Nature of Tropical Rainfall | 1957 | Reprinted from Tropical Agriculture vol. 34 No. 2 | |
381 | Behrmann, W. | Die oberflachenformen in den feucht-warmen Tropen | 1921 | ||
381 | Blaut, James M. | The Ecology of Tropical Farming Systems | 1961 | Reprinted from Revista Geographica, 28 | |
381 | Budel, Julius K. | The Ice Age in the Tropics | 1957 | Universitas vol. 1 No. 2 | |
381 | Buechner, Helmut K. | Fosberg, F. Raymond | A Contribution Toward a World Program in Tropical Biology | 1967 | Reprinted from Bio-Science vol. 17 No. 8 |
381 | Calciati, Cesare | I termitai nel paesaggio tropicale | 1925 | Estratto dalla periodico L'Universo Anno VI N. 8 | |
381 | Chevalier, Aug. | Sur les Legumineuses de la tribu des Tephrosiees cultivees dans les pays tropicaux pour capturer le poisson: leur usages et leur distribution geographique | 1925 | Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences No. 20 | |
381 | Cutler, J. Elbert | Tropical Acclimatization | 1902 | From the American Anthropologist (N.S.), vol. 4 | |
381 | Degener, Otto | Tropical Plants the World Around | 1945 | Reprinted from the Journal of the NY Botanical Garden | |
381 | Floyd, Barry | Agricultural Land Use in the Humid Tropics: A Select Geographic Bibliography | 1965 | ||
381 | Floyd, Barry N. | Settlement in the Humid Tropics | rec 1969 | Occasional Paper No. 5 Geography Dept. U of West Indies | |
381 | Fosberg, F.R. | The Physical Background of the Humid Tropics - Substratum | 1963 | Reprinted from the Symposium on the Impact of Man on Humid Tropics Vegetation | |
381 | Fosberg, F.R. | Vegetation as a Geological Agent in Tropical Deltas | 1966 | Proceedings of the Dacca Symposium, UNESCO | |
381 | Giesecke, F. | Tropische und Subtropische Humus- und Bleicherdebildungen | 1930 | Sonderabdruck aus Handbuch der Bodenlehre | |
381 | Gregory, J.W. | Inter-Racial Problems and White Colonization in the Tropics | 1924 | British Association Section E.-Geography. Toronto | |
381 | Hanson, Earl P. | Geography Goes Fluid | rec 1940 | Harpers Magazine | |
381 | Hanson, Earl Parker | Tropical Adaptation: A Revaluation | 1951 | The American Scholar | |
381 | N/A | A History of Tropical Medicine | 1939 | Reprint from The Indian Medical Gazette v. LXXIV No. 10 | |
381 | Hosseus, Carl Curt | La Madera de "Teak" | 1939 | El Ingeniero, vol. 2 Numero 11 | |
381 | Huntington, Ellsworth | The Adaptability of the White Man to Tropical America | 1914 | Reprint from the Journal of Race Development v. 5 No. 2 | |
381 | Knoche, Walter | Eine Bemerkung uber die Termitensavannen | 1937 | Sonderabdruck aus Mitteil. Geograph Gesellschaft, bd. 80 | |
381 | Langer, Karl | Sub-Tropical Housing | 1944 | University of Queensland Papers vol. I No. 7 | |
381 | Lee, Douglas H.K. | Courtice, R. | Assessment of Tropical Climates in Relation to Human Habitation | 1940 | From Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene vol. 33 No. 6 |
381 | Lee, Douglas H.K. | Physiology as a Guide to Combating Tropical Diseases | 1950 | ||
381 | Lee, Douglas H.K. | Physiological Principles in Tropical Housing with Especial Reference to Queensland | 1944 | University of Queensland Papers Dept. of Physiology vol. I No. 8 | |
381 | Linton, D.L. | The Tropical World | 1961 | ||
381 | Lundell, C.L. | New Crops and New Uses for Old Crops | 1945 | Chemurgic Reprint Series No. 16 | |
381 | Macdonald, T.P. | Tropical Lands and White Races | 1908 | The Journal of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine vol. XI | |
381 | Mills. Clarence A. | Diet and the Enervating Effects of Tropical Heat | rec 1939 | ||
381 | Orton, W.A. | Botanical Problems of American Tropical Agriculture | 1926 | Reprint Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club, 53 (2 copies) | |
381 | Pelzer, Karl J. | Agriculture in the Humid Tropics | 1957 | Ninth Pacific Science Congress | |
381 | Pendleton, Robert L. | Agricultural and Forestry Potentialities of the Tropics | 1950 | Reprinted from Agronomy Journal vol. 42 No. 3 (2 copies) | |
381 | Pendleton, Robert L. | The Place of Tropical Soils in Feeding the World | 1954 | Ceiba vol. 4 No. 4 | |
381 | Pendleton, Robert L. | Potentialities of the Tropics | 1949 | ||
381 | Pendleton, Robert L. | Soil Erosion in the Tropics | 1940 | Reprinted from Journal of Forestry v. XXXVIII No. 10 | |
381 | Pendleton, Robert L. | Soil Erosion as Related to Land Utilization in the Humid Tropics | 1939 | Reprinted from Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress v. IV (2 copies) | |
381 | Pico, Rafael | Notes on Geography and Development in the Tropics | 1967 | ||
381 | Portela, Guillermina | Condiciones especiales del modelado por la Erosion en los paises tropicales durante la estacion seca y en los paises calidos sin estacion seca bien marcada | 1931 | ||
381 | Price, A. Grenfell | The White Man in the Tropics | 1935 | The Medical Journal of Australia | |
381 | Rhoad, A.O. | Development of Dairy Breeds for the Tropics | 1949 | Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences | |
381 | Sapper, Karl | Tropenakklimatisation in ihrer Bedeudtung fur Siedelung und Wirtschaft | 1930 | Unterrichtsblatter fur Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, 36. Jahrg. | |
381 | Sawyer, Wilbur A. | The Importance of Environment in the Study of Tropical Diseases | 1938 | Reprint American Journal of Tropical Medicine v.18 No. 1 | |
381 | Simonett, David S. | The Role of Landslides in Slope Development in the High Rainfall Tropics | 1962 | Annual Summary Report of Scientific Progress | |
381 | Smith, T. Lyon | The Population Problems of the Tropics | 1948 | Reprint from Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria | |
381 | N/A | Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene | 1908 | The Journal of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine | |
381 | Sternberg, Hilgard O'Reilly | Land and Man in the Tropics | 1964 | Latin American Trends vol. XXVII No. 4 | |
381 | Stigler, Robert | Der Weisse in den Tropen | 1940 | ||
381 | Stone, Kirk H. | A Bibliography of Bibliographies on the Geography of the Tropical Region | 1966 | Geographic Section. Organization for Tropical Studies | |
381 | Stone, Robert G. | Climate and Man in the Tropics | rec 1944 | ||
381 | Tricart, J. | Les caracteristiques fondamentales du systeme morphogenetique des pays tropicaux humides | 1961 | Extrait de l'Information Geographique No. 4 | |
381 | Tricart, J. | Observations sur le faconnement des rapides des rivieres intertropicales | 1959 | Extrait du Bulletin de la Section de Geographie du Comite des Travaux historiques et scientifiques, 1958 | |
381 | Troll, C. | Zur physiognomik der Tropengewachse | 1958 | ||
381 | Troll, Carl | Termiten-Savannen | rec 1936 | Sonderdruck aus Landerkundliche Forschung | |
381 | Visher, Stephen S. | Rainfall and Wind Conditions Retarding Tropical Development | 1930 | Reprinted from Economic Geography vol. 6 | |
381 | Visher, Stephen S. | Tropical Cyclones as Calamities | 1924 | ||
381 | Visher, Stephen Sargent | Variability vs. Uniformity in the Tropics | 1922 | Reprint The Scientific Monthly vol. XV No. 1 (2 Copies) | |
381 | Waibel, Leo | The Tropical Plantation System | 1941 | Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly | |
381 | Ward, Robert DeC. | The Acclimatization of the White Race in the Tropics | 1929 | Reprint New England Journal of Medicine v. 201 No. 13 | |
381 | Ward, Robert DeC. | Man and his Climatic Environment in the Tropics | 1929 | Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly | |
381 | Weck, J. | Uber Koniferen in den Tropen | 1958 | ||
381 | Wickizer, V.D. | The Plantation System in the Development of Tropical Agriculture | 1958 | Reprinted from The Journal of Farm Economics vol. XL No. 1 | |
381 | Wickizer, V.D. | Plantation Crops in Tropical Agriculture | 1958 | Reprint from Tropical Agriculture vol. 35 | |
383 | Allen, Clarence R. | Earthquakes and Mountains Around the Pacific | 1963 | Bulletin of the CA Institute of Technology vol. 72 No. 1 | |
383 | Carter, George F. | Movement of People and Ideas Across the Pacific | 1963 | 10th Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1961 | |
383 | Cooley, Mary E. | The Exploring Expedition in the Pacific | 1940 | Reprint Proceedings American Philosophical Soc v.82 #5 | |
383 | Cotton, C.A. | The Rim of the Pacific | 1958 | Reprinted from the Geographical Journal v. CXXIV Pt. 2 | |
383 | Fleming, J.A. | Geomagnetism in the Pacific | 1939 | Reprint Proceedings of 6th Pacific Science Congress | |
383 | Fosberg, F.R. | The Protection of Nature in the Islands of the Pacific | 1954 | VIII Congres International de Botanique | |
383 | Fosberg, F.R. | The Vegetation Provinces of the Pacific | 1953 | Eighth Pacific Science Congress | |
383 | Friis, Herman R. | United States Scientific Geographical Exploration of the Pacific Basin 1783-1899 | 1961 | ||
383 | Hallier, Hans | Uber Fruhere Landbrucken, Pflanzen- und Volkerwanderungen Zwischen Australasien und Amerika | 1912 | Mededeelingen van's Rjks Herbarium Leiden. No. 13 | |
383 | Lasker, Bruno | I. Our Debt to the Pacific/II. Exploring the Pacific/III. America and the Pacific | rec 1939 | Department of the Pacific Area Golden Gate International Exposition. Pacific House Bibliographies. | |
383 | Mbaginta'o, Ivan G. | Medicine Spirits of the Dunkwi Anga | 1972 | ||
383 | Merlivat, L./Ravoire, J. | Vergnaud, J.P./Lorius, C. | Tritium and Deuterium Content of the Snow in Groenland | 1973 | Reprint Earth and Planetary Science Letters v. 19 No. 2 |
383 | Nagy, Deszo | Free Air Anomaly Map of Canada from Piece-Wise Surface Fittings over Half-Degree Blocks | 1973 | Reprinted in Canada from The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 27 No. 4 | |
383 | Parsons, James J. | The Hawksbill Turtle and the Tortoise Shell Trade | 1972 | Etudes de geographie tropicale offertes a Pierre Gourou | |
383 | Plischke, Hans | The Colonization of Polynesia -- A Reply to Thor Heyerdahl | 1957 | Universitas vol. 1 No. 4 | |
383 | Price, A. Grenfell | The Geographical Transformation of the Pacific and Its Present Significance | 191 | Extract from Proceedings, Royal Geographical Society, South Australian Branch Session 1950-1951 vol. 52 | |
383 | Price, A. Grenfell | Western Influences in the Pacific and Its Continents | 1958 | Reprinted from the Third Annual Report of the Australian Humanities Research Council | |
383 | Swithbank, Charles | Arctic Pack Ice from Below | 1972 | Reprinted from Sea Ice Conference Proceedings | |
383 | Vening Meinesz, F.A. | The Difference of the Tectonic Development on the East and the West Coast of the Pacific | 1960 | Koninkluke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings Series B. v. LXII No. 1 | |
383 | Vestine, E.H. | Magnetic Secular Variation in the Pacific Area | 1939 | Reprint Proceedings of 6th Pacific Science Congress | |
383 | Wadhams, P. | Measurement of Wave Attenuation in Pack Ice by Inverted Echo Sounding | 1972 | Reprinted from Sea Ice Conference Proceedings | |
383 | Wroth, Laurence C. | Maps of the Pacific Battleground | 1943 | New York Herald Tribune Weekly Book Review | |
395 | Jakobsson, S.P./Pederson, A.K. | Ronsbo, J.G./Melchior Larsen, L. | Petrology of mugearite-hawaiite: Early extrusives in the 1973 Heimaey eruption, Iceland | 1973 | Museum of Natural History. Department of Geology & Geography, Reykjavik. Miscellaneous Papers No. 63 |
395 | Kuhn-Schnyder, Emil | Die Triasfauna der Tessiner Kalkalpen | 1974 | ||
395 | Laut, Agnes C. | The Search for the Western Sea. The Adventures of M. de la Verendrye | 1904 | Scribner's Magazine vol. XXV No. 3 | |
401 | Abbott, Wilbur C. | Cossack or Republican? | 1918 | Reprinted from the Yale Review | |
401 | Alderson, Albert Wm. | Why the War Cannot be Final | 1915 | ||
401 | N/A | American Defense Society, Inc. Germany's War Plans to World Dominion | rec 1919 | ||
401 | N/A | Armenia. Parliamentary Debates | 1918 | ||
401 | Asquith, H.H. | How Do We Stand To-Day? | 1915 | ||
401 | Austin, O.P. | Effect of the War on World Trade and Industry. The Fifty New Political Divisions | 1919 | ||
401 | N/A | Baedeker as an Office of Military Intelligence | 1918 | Scientific American. Vol. 119 No. 18 (2 copies) | |
401 | Balfour, A.J. | The Navy and the War (August 1914 to August 1915) | 1915 | 2 copies | |
401 | Becker, Carl L. | German Attempts to Divide Belgium | 1918 | World Peace Foundation. A League of Nations v. 1 No. 6 | |
401 | N/A | Belgian. The Second Grey Book | 1915 | ||
401 | Bernard, Augustin | L'Effort de l'Afrique du Nord | 1916 | L'Hommage Francais | |
401 | Blanchard, Raoul | Front Italien | 1915 | Revue de Paris | |
401 | Boyden, William C. | My Impressions of New Poland | n.d. | National Polish Committee of America | |
401 | N/A | Bulgarian Delegation at the Peace Conference. Note to the President of the Peace Conference | 1919 | ||
401 | N/A | Les Campagnes belges au Cameroun et dans l'est Africain allemand | rec 1917 | ||
401 | Carnovale, Luigi | Only by the Abolition of Neutrality Can War be Quickly and Forever Prevented | 1920 | ||
401 | Cassi, Gellio | La Geografia come causa nell'attuale conflitto europeo | 1916 | La Geografia Anno IV | |
401 | N/A | The Causes of the War: What to Read | rec 1918 | Aids to Study No. 4 | |
401 | Chisholm, Geo. G. | Geography and the Course of the War | 1916 | Reprint The Scottish Geographical Magazine v. XXXII | |
401 | Chudeau, Rene | Le role economique de nos colonies pendant et apres la guerre | 1918 | Association Francaise pour l'Avancement des Sciences | |
401 | Churchill, Marlborough | "M.I.D." and How it Works | 1922 | From the American Consular Bulletin | |
401 | N/A | Commission on International Labour Legislation. Draft Articles for Insertion in the Treaty of Peace | n.d. | Preliminary Peace Conference | |
401 | N/A | The Committee on Public Information. How the War Came to America | 1917 | ||
401 | N/A | Conseil National Central de la Dobroudja. Extrait du Memoire | rec 1919 | ||
401 | N/A | Correspondence with the United States Ambassador Respecting the Execution of Miss Cavell at Brussels | 1915 | Miscellaneous. No. 17 | |
401 | N/A | Correspondence with the United States Ambassador Respecting the Treatment of British Prisoners of War and Interned Civilians in Germany | 1915 | Miscellaneous. No. 19 | |
401 | N/A | Dalmatian Question. Memorandum on the | rec 1919 | ||
401 | N/A | Delimitation entre les Serbes et les Roumains dans le Banat | rec 1920 | ||
401 | Dernburg, Bernhard | Search-Lights on the War | 1915 | ||
401 | N/A | Les Documents les plus importants de la Republique Ukrainienne de l'ouest | 1918 | ||
401 | N/A | Documents Rutheno-Ukrainiens | 1919 | Bureau Polonais de Publications Politiques | |
401 | N/A | L'effort des Serbes, Croates et Slovenes dans la guerre mondiale 1914- 1918 | 1919 | ||
401 | N/A | Falsification des statistiques Allemandes de Recensement | 1919 | ||
401 | Fisher, Irving | The Equation of Exchange for 1914 and the War | 1916 | Reprinted from American Economic Review vol. V No. 2 | |
401 | Fletcher, C.R.L. | The Germans and What they Covet | 1914 | ||
401 | Foscue, Edwin J. | Rainfall on the Western Front During the World War | 1934 | Field and Laboratory vol. 3 No. 1 | |
401 | Frobenius, H. | Germany's Hour of Destiny | 1914 | The International Monthly | |
401 | N/A | Germany. Note du Gouvernement Allemand aux Gouvernements allies du 25 septembre 1921 | 1921 | ||
401 | N/A | Germany -- World War I | 1915 | Bureau de Deutschen Handelstages, Berlin | |
401 | Grant, W.L. | Colquhoun, Mr. & Mrs. A. | Facts about the War for Ready Reference | rec 1915 | |
401 | N/A | The Great Fiscal Reform and Rehabilitation of Italian Finances | rec 1920 | ||
401 | N/A | Greece before the Peace Conference | rec 1919 | ||
401 | Gribaudi, Piero | La Nuova Europa | n.d. | ||
401 | N/A | Guaranty Trust Company of NY. The Effect of the War on European Neutrals | 1919 | ||
401 | Gueshoff, J.E. | Tskoff, D. | Memorandum Addressed to the Peace Conference | 1919 | Reprinted by Macedono-Bulgarian Central Committee |
401 | Guicherd, J. | Maitrot, C. | Les terres des regions devastees | 1921 | Journal d'Agriculture Pratique |
401 | Hale, William Bayard | Explains in Detail the Purpose of German Decree Confiscating all Grains and Flour | 1915 | From The New York Sun | |
401 | N/A | Hamburgisches Kolonialinstitut. German War News. No. 6, 9-15, 17-22 | 1914/1915 /1916 | Otto Meissners Verlag, Hamburg | |
401 | Hettner, Alfred | Unsere Aufgabe im Kriege | n.d. | Geographische Zeitschrift (2 copies) | |
401 | Hobbs, William Herbert | The World War and Its Consequences. Bibliography for a Six Weeks Course of Study | rec 1919 | ||
401 | Hyde, James Hazen | "Flowers from the Field of Franco-American Friendship" | n.d. | ||
401 | N/A | L'Industrie du Petrole en Galicie | 1919 | Paris Peace Conference | |
401 | N/A | Inhuman Blockade Strangling a Nation | 1920 | Friends of Ukraine | |
401 | N/A | Instituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche. Il Breviario della Guerra Vittoriosa | rec 1923 | ||
401 | Johnson, Douglas W. | The Role of the Earth Sciences in the War | 1920 | Reprinted from the "New World of Science" | |
401 | Johnson, Douglas W. | Lettre d'un Americain a un Allemand | 1916 | La Revue de Paris | |
401 | Khan, Aligholi | Requete adressee par le Gouvernement Persan a la Conference des Preliminaires de Paix a Paris afin d'etre admis a y participer | 1919 | ||
401 | N/A | Die Kosten des Krieges | 1916 | ||
401 | Krebs-Freiburg, Norbert | Die territorialen Veranderungen des Weltkrieges | rec 1922 | Siebente Sitzung. | |
401 | N/A | Der Krieg im August 1917 | rec 1921 | ||
401 | Leotard, Jacques | La Guerre et la Paix. Resume historique des operations de guerre en 1918 et des traites de paix en 1919 | rec 1920 | Chambre de Commerce, Marseille | |
401 | N/A | List of Commissions, Conferences, Tribunals, &c. to be set up under the Treaty of Peace with Germany | rec 1922 | ||
401 | N/A | Lithuania. Petition respectueuse des Lituaniens de la Prusse Orientale aux Gouvernements Allies et a Monsieur le President des Etats-Unis d'Amerique | rec 1919 | ||
401 | Lloyd, W.A. | Address Delivered in the Central Hall, Liverpool, January 8th, 1920 | 1920 | The Anglo-Hellenic League | |
401 | Lucas, Charles | The Gold Coast and the War | 1920 | ||
401 | MacDonald, Arthur | War's Effect upon Education and Literature | 1921 | Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina | |
401 | N/A | Les Macedo-Roumains devant le Congres de la Paix | rec 1919 | ||
401 | McSweeney, Edward F. | The Attack on America | 1920 | America First | |
401 | de Magistris, L.F. | XXIV Maggio 1915-1923 | 1923 | ||
401 | Malle, Chef d'Escadron | The Making of War Panoramas | 1918 | ||
401 | N/A | Manifesto, a Suspect and a Neutral Expert | n.d. | ||
401 | Masterman, C.F.G. | After Twelve Months of War | 1915 | ||
401 | Masterman, C.F.G. | The Triumph of the Fleet | 1915 | ||
401 | N/A | Memoire sur l'Epire du Nord | rec 1919 | ||
401 | N/A | Memoire sur le Galicie | 1919 | Paris Peace Conference | |
401 | N/A | Memorandum de la Delegation parlementaire des Cosaques de la Kouban | 1919 | ||
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440 | Haarut, Robert | Columbus-Entdechungen auf dem Gemma Frisius-Globus | 1953 | ||
440 | Haebler, K. | Die Columbus-Literatur der Jubilaumszeit | rec 1921 | ||
440 | Hamdani, Abbas | Columbus and the Recovery of Jerusalem | 1979 | Journal of the American Oriental Society, 99.1 | |
440 | Harrisse, Henry | Christophe Colomb et les Academiciens espagnols | 1894 | ||
440 | Harrisse, Henry | Le quatrieme centenaire de la decouverte du nouveau monde | 1887 | ||
440 | Hubbard, Lucius Lee | Did Columbus Discover Tobago? | rec 1931 | ||
440 | N/A | De Insulis inuentis. Facsimile | 1885 | ||
440 | Isnard, Albert | La carte pretendue de Christophe Colomb | 1925 | 2 copies | |
440 | N/A | Italians Remain Aloof about Leif | 1965 | Italian-American Review | |
440 | Jos, Emiliano | El libro del primer viaje. Algunas ediciones recientes | 1950 | Publicado en Revista de Indias Num. 42 | |
440 | Jos, Emiliano | Los problemas colombinos en autores americanos | 1947 | Estudios Geograficos Num. 29 | |
440 | Jos, Emiliano | Las impugnaciones a la "Historia de Almirante" escrita por su hijo | 1942 | Publicado en la Revista de Indias Num. 8 (2 copies) | |
440 | Jos, Emiliano | Centenario de Fernando Colon y la enfermedad de Martin Alonso | 1942 | Publicado en la Revista de Indias Num. 7 | |
440 | Jos, Emiliano | En las postrimerias de un centenario colombino poco celebrado | 1941 | Estudios Geograficos Num. 4 | |
440 | Jos, Emiliano | Fernando Colon y su historia del Almirante | 1940 | ||
440 | Kahle, P. | The Lost Columbus Map of 1498 Discovered in a Turkish Map of the World from 1513 | n.d. | Manuscript | |
440 | Kahle, Paul | Die verschollende Columbus-Karte von Amerika vom Jahre 1498 in einer turkischen Weltkarte vom 1513 | 1932 | ||
440 | Kahle, Paul | A Lost Map of Columbus | 1933 | The Geographical Review vol. 23 | |
440 | Kish, George | The Caprarola Portrait of Columbus | 1954 | Reprinted from The Geographical Review vol. CXX Pt. 4 | |
440 | N/A | Kolumbus und Toscanelli | 1906 | ||
440 | N/A | Kolumbus zum 500. Geburtstag des Entdeckers | 1951 | ||
440 | Kybal, Vlastimil | A XVIth Century Italian Portrait of Christopher Columbus | rec 1951 | ||
440 | N/A | Letter of Christopher Columbus, describing his first voyage to the Western Hemisphere | 1875 | 2 copies | |
440 | N/A | Letter of Columbus to Luis de Santangel, 1493 | rec 1878 | ||
440 | Lubin, Maurice A. | First Letter from the New World | n.d. | ||
440 | Magnaghi, Alberto | Di una recente publicazione Italiana su Cristoforo Colombo | 1938 | ||
440 | Manfroni, Camillo | Cristoforo Colombo: Il Grande Genovese e la Modernissima Critica | 1925 | Pubblicazione dell'Istituto Cristoforo Colombo (Fragile) | |
440 | Manfroni, Camillo | Di una presunta carta di Colombo | 1925 | ||
440 | Manfroni, Camillo | La carta di Colombo | 1925 | ||
440 | N/A | Un mapa que se atribuye a Cristobal Colon | 1924 | Iberica No. 525 | |
440 | Martiniz Delgado, Luis | Apuntes sobre la autenticidad de los restos de Colon | 1951 | Bolivar Numero II | |
440 | N/A | Miscellaneous Articles on Columbus | n.d. | ||
440 | Molinari, Diego Luis | La Empresa Colombina | 1938 | ||
440 | Montojo, Patricio | Las primeras tierras descubiertas por Colon | n.d. | Photostat Copy | |
440 | Morison, Samuel Eliot | A New and Fresh English Translation of the Letter of Columbus Announcing the Discovery of America | 1959 | ||
440 | Morison, Samuel Eliot | The Route of Columbus along the North Coast of Haiti, and the Site of Navidad | 1940 | Reprinted from Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, v. XXXI Part IV | |
440 | Mugridge, Donald H. | Christopher Columbus. A Selected List of Books and Articles by American Authors or Published in America, 1892-1950 | 1950 | The Library of Congress Reference Department. General Reference and Bibliography Division | |
440 | Murdock, J.B. | The Cruise of Columbus in the Bahamas, 1492 | 1884 | Reprint No. 30 of Proceedings U.S. Naval INstitute | |
440 | Olschki, Leonardo | In the Wake of Columbus | 1942 | ||
440 | Olschki, Leonardo | Hernan Perez de Oliva's "Ystoria de Colon" | 1943 | Reprint The Hispanic American Historical Review, v. XXIII | |
440 | Olschki, Leonardo | What Columbus Saw on Landing in the West Indies | 1941 | ||
440 | Ould, Hermon | The Discovery. An Episode in the Life of Columbus in One Act | 1925 | ||
440 | Pedroso, Armando Alvarez | Plan scientifique de la decouverte et evolution des idees geographiques de Colomb | 1941 | ||
440 | N/A | Photographs of Maps Showing Columbus's Route by Rudolf Cronau, at Columbia Exposition | 1892 | ||
440 | Ponce de Leon, Nestor | Pavey, Frank L. (transl.) | The Caravels of Columbus Compiled from Original Documents | 1893 | |
440 | Posnansky, Arthur | Columbus had Advance Agents | 1945 | Fragile | |
440 | Redway, Jacques W. | The First Landfall of Columbus | 1894 | From Nat. Geog. Magazine vol. VI | |
440 | Renault, Jules | Ce n'est pas Christophe Colomb qui a decouvert l'Amerique! | 1925 | Extrait du Bulletin de l'Academie du Var, 1924 | |
440 | Rodriguez Delfin, Benjamin | Criticismo Hispano-Combino | 1940 | ||
440 | Ruelens, Charles | La premiere Relation de Christophe Colomb | 1885 | ||
440 | Saiz de la Mora, Jesus | Los restos de Colon | 1926 | ||
440 | Sanz, Carlos | La Carta de Colon Anunciando el Descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo 15 de febrero-14 marzo 1493 | 1962 | ||
440 | Sanz, Carlos | Primitivas Relaciones de Espana con asia y Oceania. "La Carta de Colon" Anunciando la llegada a las Indias (Descubrimiento de America) | 1957 | ||
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440 | Shea, John Gilmary | Donde Estan los Restos de Cristobal Colon? | 1883 | ||
440 | N/A | The Spanish Discoverers | rec 1936 | Harpers New Monthly Magazine | |
440 | St. Elmo, Walter M. | The Alleged Remains of Christopher Columbus in Santo Domingo | 1929 | ||
440 | Streicher, Fritz | Die Columbus-Originale | rec 1928 | ||
440 | Sugimoto, Naojiro | Ito, Takao | Christopher Columbus and "The Travels of Marco Polo". An Evidential Research on the Motives for His Expedition to the New World | 1955 | In Japanese with an English summary on a separate sheet |
440 | Thacher, John Boyd | The Continent of America. Its Discovery and its Baptism | rec 1936 | ||
440 | Torre Revello, Jose | Don Hernando Colon. Su vida, su biblioteca, sus obras | 1945 | ||
440 | N/A | Toscanelli. Notes et documents concernant les rapports entre l'Amerique et l'Italie | 1893 | 2 copies | |
440 | Ulecia, B. Bernal | Don Hernando Colon (con documentos ineditos de Archivo de Protocolos de Sevilla) | n.d. | ||
440 | Ulloa, Luis | La pre-decouverte de l'Amerique par Colomb et l'origine catalane de celui-ci | rec 1934 | ||
440 | Ulloa, Luis | Christophe Colomb Catalan. La vraie Genese de la decouverte de l'Amerique | 1929 | Aus den Gottingischen gelehrten Anzeigen Nr. 6 | |
440 | Vasquez, F.L. | Official and Exlusive Photographs of the First Forts, Towns, Churches, etc. Built by Columbus./His Prison and His Remains | 1893 | ||
440 | Vignaud, Enrico | Bibliografia della polemica concernante Paolo Toscanelli e Cristoforo Colombo | 1905 | ||
440 | Vignaud, Henry | La maison d'Albe et les archives colombiennes | 1904 | ||
440 | Vignaud, Henry | Memoire sur l'authenticite de la lettre de Toscanelli du 25 juin 1474 addressee d'abord au Portugais Fernam Martins et plus tard a Christophe Colomb | 1902 | ||
440 | Vignaud, Henry | How America was Really Discovered | 1922 | The Living Age | |
440 | Vignaud, Henry | Sophus Ruge et ses vues sur Colomb | 1906 | ||
440 | Vignaud, Henry | Columbus a Spaniard and a Jew | 1913 | Reprint The American Historical Review v. XVIII No. 3 | |
440 | Vignaud, Henry | Les theses nouvelles sur l'origine de Christophe Colomb. Espagnol! Juif! Corse! | 1913 | ||
440 | N/A | Vorwort der Redaktion | rec 1936 | ||
440 | Wagner, Henry R. | Marco Polo's Narrative becomes Propaganda to Inspire Colon | 1949 | Imago Mundi vol. 6 (2 copies) | |
440 | Wilson, William Jerome | Review of Samuel Eliot Morison's Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus | 1942 | Reprinted from ISIS vol. XXXIV Pt. 2 No. 94 | |
440 | Wilson, William Jerome | The Historicity of the 1494 Discovery of South America | 1942 | Reprint from the Hispanic-American Review v. XXII No. 1 | |
440 | Wilson, William Jerome | The Textual Relations of the Thacher Manuscript on Columbus and Early Portuguese Navigations | rec 1940 | Bibliographical Society of America (2 copies) | |
440 | Zechlin, Egmont | Das Problem der vorkolumbischen Entdeckung Amerikas und die Kolumbusforschung | rec 1935 | ||
441 | Almagia, Roberto | Marco Polo | 1964 | ||
441 | Almagia, Roberto | Intorno ad un manuscritto dei viaggi di Alvise da Mosto | 1932 | Rivista Geografica Italiana, Annata XXXIX | |
441 | Andrews, Roy Chapman | Opening of a New Era in Exploration | 1946 | New York Times Magazine | |
441 | Biard, R. | Les voyages d'etudes autour du monde | 1876 | Extrait de Revue Britannique | |
441 | Brownlee, Walter | The First Ships round the World | rec 1974 | ||
441 | Buckley, Tom | With the National Geographic on its Endless, Cloudless Voyage | 1970 | New York Times Magazine | |
441 | N/A | Explorers 1937 | 1937 | Re-Vue World News - Comment | |
441 | Giardina, F.S. | La Relazione del Bracciolini sui viaggi di Nicolo de Conti | 1901 | Rivista di Storia e di Geografia | |
441 | Green, Fitzhugh | The Romance of Modern Exploration | 1929 | Reading with a Purpose, No. 46 (2 copies) | |
441 | Hale, Edward Everett | Magellan and the Pacific | 1890 | Harpers New Monthly Magazine | |
441 | N/A | Medical Explorers | 1940 | Ciba Symposia, vol. 2 No. 8 | |
441 | Price, A. Grenfell | Captain Cook. A Remarkable Record | 1968 | International Nickel | |
441 | N/A | Russian Discoveries in the Antarctic | n.d. | Current Digest of the Soviet Press I-6 | |
441 | Scullin, George | Explorers Club | 1948 | Science Illustrated | |
441 | Stier, H.C.G. | Vlamischer Bericht uber Vasco da Gama's zweite Reise 1502- 1503/Vlamishes Tagebuch uber Vasco da Gama's zweite Reise 1502- 1503 | 1880/1881 | ||
441 | N/A | Women Explorers and Travelers | 1970 | ||
441 | N/A | Woodruff Scientific Expedition Around the World 1877-79 | 1877 | ||
442 | Miers, Earl Schenck | Vitus Bering and James Cook Discover Alaska and Hawaii | 1960 | Arctic Sun and Tropic Moon | |
442 | Negri, Christoforo | Discorso | 1867/9-70 | 3 editions | |
442 | Negri, Christoforo | Pregiati Colleghi. Onorevoli Signori, Colte e Gentili Signore | 1871 | ||
442 | Olschki, Leonardo | Medical Matters in Marco Polo's Description of the World | 1944 | Reprint Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Suppl. No. 3 | |
443 | Almagia, Roberto | Marco Polo e la cartografia dell' Asia orientale | 1954 | ||
443 | Schreiber, Maria Romano | Aventuras bibliograficas dum livro famoso: "il Milione" de Marco Polo | 1952 | Kriterion 19-20 | |
443 | Szczesniak, B. | Recent Studies on Marco Polo in Japan | 1956 | Reprint Journal of American Oriental Society, v. 76 No. 4 | |
449 | N/A | Across the Atlantic | 1849 | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 66 | |
449 | Adams, Chas. C. | Delights of the Wild Forest Trail | 1921 | Reprinted from State Service, vol. V | |
449 | Atkinson, Geoffroy | A French Desert Island Novel of 1708 | 1921 | Reprint Pubs. Modern Lang. Assoc of America v. XXXVI, 4 | |
449 | Bowen, C.M. | Elizabethan Travel Literature | 1916 | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine | |
449 | Brassey, Thomas | Around the World in a Yacht | 1877 | Eclectic Magazine | |
449 | N/A | Exploration | 1961 | ||
451 | Fischer, Emil S. | Berlin to Harbin in Five Days in Connection with a 400 Miles Air- Passenger Journey | 1928 | The North China Daily Mail | |
451 | Francis, W. Nelson | Hakluyt's Voyages: An Epic of Discovery | 1955 | The William and Mary Quarterly vol. XII No. 3 Third Series | |
451 | Frank, Harry A. | Around the World by Letter with the Celebrated World Traveler and Author | 1933 | ||
451 | Frisbie, Robert Dean | Davy Jones's Locker. The End of a Kanaka Voyage | 1930 | The Atlantic Monthly | |
451 | Frisbie, Robert Dean | Tagua Sails North | 1930 | The Atlantic Monthly | |
451 | Gray, Edward | The Seventh Round the World Tour, Nov. 1925 to May 1926. descriptive Itinerary | rec 1925 | ||
451 | Iddings, Lewis Morris | The Art of Travel | n.d. | ||
451 | Ruddle, Kenneth | The Human Use of Insects: Examples from Yukpa | rec 1974 | Biotropica 5(2): 94-101 | |
451 | Von Engeln, O.D. | Shakespeare, the Observer of Nature | 1916 | Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly | |
455 | Sanchez, Diodoro | Una excursion por el extremo oriente | 1910 | ||
455 | N/A | Saturday Review of Literature. Plan your Vacation through Travel Books | 1948 | ||
455 | Snyder, James Wilbert Jr. | A Bibliography for the Early American China Trade | 1940 | Reprinted from Americana vol. XXXIV No. 2 | |
455 | Snyder, James Wilbert Jr. | The First American Voyage to India | 1938 | Reprinted from Americana vol. XXXII No. 2 | |
455 | Snyder, James Wilbert Jr. | Voyage of the Ship "Packet" to South America and China, 1817 | 1939 | Reprinted from Americana vol. XXXIII No. 3 | |
455 | N/A | Society of American Travelers. Vacations Unlimited | 1953 | ||
456 | Blond, Ruth T. | Information Sources on International Travel | 1958 | ||
456 | Thomas, Lowell | Roaming the Globe | 1931 | ||
457 | Nicolson, Marjorie | Cosmic Voyages | 1940 | Journal of English Literary History vol. 7 No. 2 | |
457 | Powell, Lawrence Clark | The Islandian World of Austin Wright | 1957 | ||
458 | Bragdon, B.R. | Community Noise and Who is to Blame? | 1970 | Conference on Environmental Quality Seminar on Noise | |
458 | Brennan, Matthew J. | Environmental "Education": The Last Measure of Man | 1971 | United States National Commission for UNESCO | |
458 | Coomber, Nicholas H. | Biswas, A.K. | Evaluation of Environmental Intangibles | 1973 | |
458 | Coomber, Nicholas H. | Biswas, A.K. | Evaluation of Environmental Intangibles. Review of Techniques | 1972 | |
458 | Craik, Kenneth H. | A System of Landscape Dimensions: An Appraisal of Its Objectivity and Illustration of Its Scientific Application | 1970 | ||
458 | Curry-Lindhal, Kai | The Global Role of National Parks for the World of Tomorrow | 1974 | XIV The Horace M. Albright Conservation Lectureship | |
458 | Dasmann, Raymond F. | An Environment fit for People | 1968 | Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 421 | |
458 | N/A | Directory of National Organizations Concerned with Land Pollution Control | 1972 | Freed Publishing Company | |
458 | N/A | Directory of National Organizations Concerned with Land Pollution Control | 1973 | Freed Publishing Company Fourth Edition | |
458 | N/A | Environmental Pollution Control through MHD Power Generation | 1970 | Everett Research Laboratory | |
458 | Flynn, D.R. | Noise: Necessary Actions for Abatement and Control | 1970 | Conference on Environmental Quality Seminar on Noise | |
458 | Greenberg, Michael R. | Zimmerman, Rae | Estimating Industrial Water Pollution in Small Regions | 1973 | Journal Water Pollution Control Federation |
458 | Hepple, Peter (Editor) | Scientific Aspects of Pollution of the Sea by Oil | 1968 | Journal of the Institute of Petroleum | |
458 | Hite, James C. | The Costs of Environmental Quality | 1971 | ||
458 | N/A | The Human Environment: Science and International Decision-Making | rec 1972 | UN Conference on the Human Environment. Workshop Report No. 1 | |
458 | N/A | International Survey on Environmental Policies. Bibliographic Materials | 1970 | ||
458 | Korff, Serge A. | A Physicist Looks at Geographical and Environmental Problems | 1971 | Reprinted from Annals of NY Academy of Sciences v. 184 | |
458 | Landsberg, H.E. | A Meteorological Look at Air Pollution | 1970 | Conference on Environmental Quality | |
458 | Lessing, Lawrence | New Ways to More Power with Less Pollution | 1970 | Fortune Magazine | |
458 | Lowenthal, David | The Environmental Crusade. Ideals and Realities | 1970 | Landscape Architecture | |
458 | Lowenthal, David | Environmental Influence: Some Implications of Opposing Views | 1970 | Planning | |
458 | Lowenthal, David | Discussion of Session V: Communal Behavior and the Environment | 1971 | American Association for the Advancement of Science | |
458 | Mullins, Lynn S. | American Geographical Society Research Catalogue | 1972 | Focus on Indiana Libraries vol. 26 No. 4 | |
458 | N/A | National Industrial Pollution Control Council -- The Steel Industry and Environmental Quality | 1972 | Sub-Council Report | |
458 | N/A | Noise in Public Places. Report by a Working Group of the Council | 1974 | The Noise Advisory Council | |
458 | N/A | Safer Tankers and Cleaner Seas | 1972 | Exxon Background Series 3 | |
458 | Tuan, Yi-Fu | Space and place: humanist perspective | rec 1975 | Reprinted from Progress in Geography. International Reviews of Current Research vol. 6 | |
458 | Tuan, Yi-Fu | Structuralism, Existentialism, and Environmental Perception | 1972 | Reprinted from Environment and Behavior vol. 4 No. 3 | |
458 | Tuan, Yi-Fu | Ambiguity in Attitudes Toward Environment | 1973 | Reprint Annals Assoc of American Geographers v. 63 #4 | |
458 | Villin, Marc | Decouverte de l'environnement geographique | 1971 | ||
458 | N/A | Water Pollution Control Federation. Proposed Federal Water Pollution Control act Amendments; Intent, Impact, Implementation | 1972 | ||
458 | N/A | World Academy of Art and Science. Environment and Society in Transition: World Policy Priorities | 1974 | ||
463 | Almagia, Roberto | Geografia | rec 1932 | From "Enciclopedia Italiana" vol. XVI | |
463 | Almagia, Roberto | Note e Comunicazioni | 1954 | Estratto dalla Rivista Geografica Italiana | |
463 | Almagia, Roberto | Problemi e Indirizzi Attuali della geografia | 1928 | ||
463 | Andrenko, Leonid | Der abgeworfene Schleier der Isis | 1950 | ||
463 | Anuchin, V.A. | On the Essence of the Geographic Medium and the Manifestation of Indeterminism in Soviet Geography | 1957 | Translated from "Voprosy Geografii" | |
463 | Assollant, Georges | Geographie Maritime | 1925 | ||
463 | Balchin, W.G.V. | Research in Geography | 1955 | ||
463 | Bastian, Adolf | Die wechselnden Phasen im geschichtlichen Sehkreis und ihre Ruckwirkungen auf die Volkerkunde | 1900 | ||
463 | Baulig, Henri | La geografie est-elle une science? | 1948 | ||
463 | Borowik, Olgierd | Haczewska, Zofia | Klasyfikacja geograficzna | 1954 | |
463 | Bowman, Isaiah | Geography, Modern Style | 1929 | Outlook and Independent | |
463 | Bowman, Isaiah | Geography in Relation to the Social Sciences | 1929 | ||
463 | Bowman, Isaiah | What's the Use of Explorers? | 1929 | Outlook | |
463 | Brigham, Albert Perry | Geography as a Cultural Factor in Education | 1929 | Reprint Proceedings Ohio State Educational Conference | |
463 | Brigham, Albert Perry | The Organic Side of Geography | 1910 | Reprinted from the Bulletin of the AGS vol. 42 | |
463 | Broek, Jan O.M. | The Relations between History and Geography | 1941 | Reprint Pacific Historical Review vol. 10 No. 3 | |
463 | Brown, Hugh Auchincloss | The Impending World Deluge | 1947 | ||
463 | Brunhes, Jean | Les Limites de notre Cage | 1911 | ||
463 | Brunn, Stanley D. | The New Geography | 1969 | Business and Economic Dimensions | |
463 | Buchanan, R.O. | Geography and the Community | 1958 | ||
463 | Burrows, Frank R. | The New Science | rec 1916 | ||
463 | Cabre, Gregorio D. Martinez | La Meproformosis de la geografia Monistica de Huguet del Villar | 1947 | ||
463 | Chepuzkov, E. | The problems of the geography of present time [in Russian] | rec 1929 | ||
463 | Chisholm, George G. | Generalizations in Geography, Especially in Human Geography | 1916 | Reprinted from The Scottish Geographical Magazine v. 32 | |
463 | Cholnoky, Eugen V. | Uber die Geographie | rec 1923 | ||
463 | Crowe, P.R. | On Progress in Geography | 1938 | Reprinted from The Scottish Geographical Magazine v. 54 | |
463 | Cumberland, Kenneth B. | The Geographer's Point of View | 1946 | ||
463 | Cumberland, Kenneth B. | Why Geography? | 1956 | Reprinted from New Zealand Geographer vol. 12 No. 1 | |
463 | Darby, H.C. | On the Relations of Geography and History | 1953 | Reprint Institute of British Geographers, Trans. & Papers | |
463 | Darby, H.C. | The Problem of Geographical Description | 1962 | Reprint Institute of British Geographers, Trans. & Papers | |
463 | Darby, H.C. | The Theory and Practice of Geography | 1946 | ||
463 | David, Tudor | Against Geography | 1958 | ||
463 | Davis, Eugene | The Three Houses. Chapter 22. The Sum of the Parts | 1939 | ||
463 | Davis, W.M. | The Disciplinary Value of Geography | 1911 | Reprinted from Popular Science Monthly | |
463 | Davis, W.M. | Experiments in Geographical Description | 1910 | Reprinted from the Bulletin of the AGS vol. 42 | |
463 | Davis, W.M. | Hettner's Conception of Geography | 1907 | Reprinted from the Journal of Geography vol. 6 No. 7 | |
463 | Davis, W.M. | A Retrospect of Geography | 1932 | Reprint Annals of Assoc of American Geographers v. 22 | |
463 | Davis, W.M. | A Scheme of Geography | 1903 | Reprinted from the Geographical Journal | |
463 | De Jong, G. | Denkvormen Van Het Geografisch Gebied in Eenheid en Verscheidenheid | 1955 | ||
463 | Delp, Howard | Geography by Air an Innovative Approach at Revitalizing Geography | rec 1976 | Woodland High School, Woodland, California | |
463 | De Margerie, Emmanuel | The Debt of Geographical Science to American Explorers | 1915 | ||
463 | Dolabela, Elzio | Geografia, ensino e pesquisa | 1954 | Kriterion 29-30 | |
463 | Duncan, Craig | Exploring the Frontiers | 1966 | University of Waikato | |
463 | Emaldbanse | Erpressionismus und Geographie | 1920 | ||
463 | Fenneman, Nevin M. | Functions of the Divisions of Geology and Geography of the National Research Council | 1922 | Reprinted from Science vol. 56 No. 1457 | |
463 | Fisher, C.A. | The Compleat Geographer | 1959 | ||
463 | Fisher, Charles A. | The Reality of Place | 1965 | ||
463 | Fitzgerald, W. | The Geographer as Humanist | 1945 | Reprinted from Nature, vol. 156 | |
463 | Fitzgerald, W. | Progress in Geographical Method | 1944 | Reprinted from Nature, vol. 153 | |
463 | Fitzgerald, W. | The Regional Concept in Geography | 1943 | Reprinted from Nature, vol. 152 | |
463 | Fleure, H.J. | An Introduction to Geography | 1929 | Benn's Sixpenny Library No. 91 (2 copies) | |
463 | Fleure, H.J. | Geography as a University Subject | rec 1938 | ||
463 | Fowler, Thomas Walker | Recent Advances in Geographical Knowledge | 1907 | ||
463 | N/A | France -- Bibliotheque Nationale Cabinet de la Geographie | 1944 | ||
463 | N/A | Geography vol. I No. 1 | 1962 | ||
463 | N/A | Geography -- Spoof from AAG Meeting, Syracuse | 1964 | vol. 1 No. 3 | |
463 | Gentilli, J. | A Task for Geography in Building a Nation | 1948 | Scope | |
463 | N/A | Geographische Ausstellung des Deutschen Buchgewerbevereins | 1921 | XX. Deutscher Geographentag | |
463 | Gillman, C. | Geography and the Civil Engineer | 1937 | Reprinted from The Scottish Geographical Magazine v. 53 | |
463 | Gillman, C. | The Place of Geography in Western Culture | 1945 | Records of the Dar es Salaam Cultural Society, No. 3 | |
463 | Ginsburg, Norton S. | Geography | rec 1948 | ||
463 | Gordon, B.L. | Sacred Directions, Orientation, and the Top of the Map | 1971 | Reprint from History of Religions, vol. 10 No. 3 | |
463 | N/A | A Guide to the East Village. A Spatial Perspective | 1966 | The Ecumene Press | |
463 | Hanson, Earl Parker | Geography's Role in Modern Education | 1950 | ||
463 | Hill, S. Charles | Episodes of Piracy in the Eastern Seas, 1519 to 1851 | 1920 | ||
463 | House, J.W. | The Frontiers of Geography | 1965 | ||
463 | Hozel, Emil | Das Geographische Individuum bei Karl Ritter | 1896 | ||
463 | Hutcheon, M.A. | Geography | 1916 | Reprinted from South African Journal of Science | |
463 | N/A | International Congress of Mathematicians. A Special Announcement and Mathematical Challenge to Members of 1950 | 1950 | Special Publication No. 1 | |
463 | Issel, Arturo | Terminologia Geografica | 1904 | ||
463 | James, Preston E. | A Conceptual Structure for Geography | 1965 | Reprinted from The Journal of Geography, vol. 64 No. 7 | |
463 | James, Preston E. | Toward a Further Understanding of the Regional Concept | 1952 | Reprint Annals Assoc of American Geographers v. 42 #3 | |
463 | Jefferson, Mark | Recent Advances in Geography | 1927 | The American Schoolmaster | |
463 | Juillard, Etienne | Aux frontieres de l'histoire et de la geographie | 1956 | Extrait de la Revue Historique | |
463 | Keltie, John Scott | A Half-Century of Geographical Progress | 1915 | Reprinted from The Scottish Geographical Magazine v.31 | |
463 | Keltie, John Scott | A Half-Century of Geographical Progress | 1917 | From the Smithsonian Report for 1916 | |
463 | King, L.C. | On Palaeogeography | 1944 | Reprint from South African Geographical Journal v. XXVI | |
463 | Kollmorgen, Walter M. | Crucial Deficiencies of Regionalism | 1945 | Reprinted from American Economic Review vol. 35 No. 2 | |
463 | Lehmann, Otto | Der Zervall der Kausalitat und die Geographie | 1937 | ||
463 | Lehmann, Otto | Uber die Stellung der Geographie in der Wissenschaft | 1936 | ||
463 | Linton, D.L. | Discovery, Education and Research | 1946 | ||
463 | The Lord Rennell of Rodd | Geography as a Social Science | rec 1949 | ||
463 | Maciver, Thomas | Cosmography 1930. Excerpts and Additions | 1948 | The Philosophers Worksheet | |
463 | Manley, Gordon | Degrees of Freedom | 1950 | ||
463 | de Martonne, Emmanuel | Tendances et Avenir de la Geographie Moderne | 1914 | Extrait de la Revue de l'Universite de Bruxelles | |
463 | Mason, Kenneth | The Geography of Current Affairs | 1932 | ||
463 | Matthew, W.D. | Credit or Responsibility in Scientific Publication | 1930 | Science | |
463 | Merian, P. | Geografie als Beschreibende und Vergleichende Erdkunde | rec 1956 | ||
463 | Meyer, Alfred H. | A Geographic Classification of Geography Material as Based upon the Dewey Classification System | 1947 | Reprinted from Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 37 No. 4 (2 copies) | |
463 | Mill, Hugh Robert | An Approach to Geography | 1933 | Reprinted from Geography | |
463 | Miller, George J. | Essentials of Modern Geography and Criteria for their Determination | rec 1932 | ||
463 | Mortensen, Hans | Die moderne Problematik der Geographie | 1950 | ||
463 | Muller, Georg | Die Untersuchungen Julius Frobels uber die Methoden und die Systematik der Erdkunde und ihre Stellung im Entwicklungsgange der Geographie als Wissenschaft | 1908 | ||
463 | Neef, Ernst | Uber die Veranderlichkeit Unserer Geographischen Umwelt | 1959 | ||
463 | Oberhummer, Eugen | Geographische Grundlagen der Geschichte | rec 1932 | ||
463 | Ormicki, Wiktor | Samodzielne Badania Geograficzne | 1931 | ||
463 | Ormsby, Mrs. H. | Some Recent Geographical Literature | 1923 | ||
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463 | Penck, Albrecht | Antrittsrede | 1907 | Photostat Copy | |
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463 | Penck, Albrecht | Geographie und Geschichte | 1926 | Sonderabdruck aus den Neuen Jahrbuchen Erstes Heft | |
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463 | Perez, Aquiles R. | Patria y Geografia | 1943 | ||
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463 | Perry, M.C. | The Enlargement of Geographical Science | 1856 | Photostat Copy | |
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463 | Pitts, Forrest R. | Chorology Revisited -- Computerwise | 1962 | ||
463 | Plarinos, Gazella A. | Cellular Cosmogony | 1948 | ||
463 | Platt, Robert S. | Determinism in Geography | 1948 | Reprint Annals Assoc American Geographers v. 38 No. 2 | |
463 | Pondal, Martiniano Leguizamon | Ideas Modernas en Geografia | 1946 | 2 copies | |
463 | Porter, Philip W. | Does Geography Need a Social Physic? | rec 1968 | ||
463 | Pye, Norman | Object and Method in Geographical Studies | 1955 | ||
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463 | Reynolds, Stephen Allen | Lost Treasures of the World | n.d. | ||
463 | Rich, John L. | Goals and Trends of Research in Geology and Geography | 1948 | Reprinted from Science vol. 107 No. 2788 | |
463 | Richter, Eduard | Die Grenzen der Geographie | 1899 | ||
463 | von Richthofen, Ferdinand | Antrittsrede | 1899 | Photostat Copy | |
463 | Romer, E. | Rozmyslania na Tematy Regionalne. Considerations of the Problems of Regionalism | 1948 | Czasopismo Geograficzne T. XIX zesz. 1-4 | |
463 | Rouch, J. | Les Sciences Geographiques | 1927 | Extrait de La Geographie | |
463 | Russell, Richard Joel | Post-War Geography | 1945 | Reprinted from the Journal of Geography, vol. 44 No. 8 | |
463 | St. Pawlowski | Tendances nouvelles en geographie | 1932 | Extrait Bulletin de Societe belge d'Etudes geographiques | |
463 | Sannke, Heinze | Die Landerkunde als Besfandteil der burgerlichen Ideologie in der Geographie | 1958 | Sonderabdruck aus Zeitschrift fur den Erdkundeunterricht 10 Jahrgang Heft 6 | |
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463 | Schrader, Franz | The Foundations of Geography in the Twentieth Century | 1919 | ||
463 | Schwalbach, Luis | Difficultes dans les etudes de geographie regionale | 1950 | Revista da Faculdade de Letras U de Lisboa t.16 2 Serie #3 | |
463 | Sederholm, J. J. | But et Methodes de la Geographie Scientifique | 1912 | ||
463 | Shelton, Thomas | A Paradox and a Dilemma | rec 1956 | ||
463 | Smith, J. Russell | Geography and Our Need of It | 1928 | ||
463 | Snaden, James N. | A Philosophy of Geography | 1967 | Reprint from the Connecticut Review vol. 1 No. 1 | |
463 | Spate, O.H.K. | The Compass of Geography | 1953 | ||
463 | Spate, O.H.K. | How Determined is Possibilism? | 1957 | Reprinted from Geographical Studies, vol. 4 No. 1 | |
463 | Stenring, Knut | The Enclosed Garden (Biblical Chronology) | 1952 | ||
463 | Stoddardt, D.R. | Growth and Structure of Geography | 1967 | Reprint Institute of British Geographers, Trans. & Papers | |
463 | Straw, H. Thompson | A Practical Approach to Postwar Geography | 1945 | Reprint from The Journal of Geography vol. 44 No. 4 | |
463 | Stritzel, Fred G. | Age-Old Mysteries Solved | 1924 | ||
463 | Stuckey, W.K. | Geography Lives | 1968 | From The Rotarian. An International Magazine | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | China in Time of the Deluge. Origin of Crustaceans of Taihu Lake of China | 1918 | Reprinted from The Shanghai Times | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 4 China in Time of the Deluge. | 1918 | Reprinted from The Shanghai Times | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 10 "Correlativity." New Theory of the Universe, and Origin of Typhoons | 1923 | Reprinted from The South China Morning Post | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 1 The Cradle of the Human Race. The Cause of the Deluge and the Change in the Antediluvian Polar Regions | 1915 | Reprinted from The Japan Chronicle | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | The Creation: The Real Situation of Eden: and the Origin of the Chinese [in Chinese] | 1917 | ||
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 6 Loess and the Deluge | 1920 | Reprinted from Hong Kong Daily Press | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 9 Origin of the Mongolian Desert and Its Prehistoric Fossils | 1922 | Reprinted from North China Star | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 2 Proofs of the Deluge | 1917 | Reprinted from The South China Morning Post | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 3 The Real Situation of "Eden" | 1918 | Reprinted from The South China Morning Post | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 11 Solution of Easter Island Mystery | 1923 | Reprinted from The South China Morning Post | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 12 Solution of Mysterious Blank in Ancient Egyptian History and the Age of the Siberian Mammoth | 1923 | Reprinted from The South China Morning Post | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 5 Truth of the Bible and the Dean of Lincoln's Disbelief | 1919 | Reprinted from the Hong Kong Daily Press | |
463 | Tai, Tse Tsan | No. 8 What was the Colour of Our Primitive Ancestors? The Real Mountains of Ararat | 1922 | Reprinted from the Hong Kong Daily Press | |
463 | Taylor, Griffith | Correlations and Culture | rec 1938 | ||
463 | Taylor, Griffith | Geography the Correlative Science | 1935 | Reprint Canadian Journal Economics & Political Science | |
463 | Taylor, Griffith | The Margins of Geography | 1933 | Reprinted from the American Schoolmaster | |
463 | Telles, Silva | O conceito Scientifico da geografia | 1915 | ||
463 | Thiesen, E.J. | Some Pure Geophysics thru Philosophy | 1950 | ||
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463 | Ule, William | Methoden der geographischen Forschung | rec 1926 | ||
463 | Van Cleef, Eugene | Areal Differentiation and the "Science" of Geography | 1952 | Reprinted from Science vol. 115 No. 2998 | |
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463 | Vinge, Clarence L. | Specialism, Evolution and Geography | rec 1952 | ||
463 | Visher, Stephen S. | Modern Geography: Its Aspects, Aims and Methods | 1923 | Reprinted from Educational Review v. 65 No. 5 (2 copies) | |
463 | Volz, Wilhelm | Geographische Ganzheitlichkeit | 1932 | ||
463 | Warntz, William | Geography at Mid-Twentieth Century | 1959 | From World Politics, vol. XI No. 3 | |
463 | Warntz, William | The Unity of Knowledge, Social Science and the Role of Geography | rec 1961 | ||
463 | Whittlesey, Derwent | The Role of Geography in the Twentieth-Century War | 1941 | Reprinted from Harvard Educational Review vol. 11 No. 4 | |
463 | Wilson, Leonard S. | The Position of Regional Geography in Current Liberal Arts Education | 1948 | Reprinted from The Journal of Geography vol. 67 No. 4 | |
463 | Winkler, Ernst | Zur Frage der allgemeinen Geographie | 1938 | Athenaeums-Schriften Heft 2 | |
463 | Zaborski, Jerzy | Geographical Interpretations of Space: A 1965 Synthesis | 1965 | ||
463 | Zellinsky, Wilbur | Women in Geography: A Brief Factual Account | 1973 | The Professional Geographer vol. XXV No. 2 | |
463 | Zellinsky, Wilbur | The Strange Case of the Missing Female Geographer | 1973 | Reprint from The Professional Geographer v. XXV No.2 | |
463.1 | Andrade, Manuel de Jesus | Apostillas geograficas universales | 1915 | ||
463.1 | Bedard, Roland | La Geographie Appliquee | 1959 | ||
463.1 | Blaut, J.M. | Object and Relationship | 1962 | Reprinted from the Professional Geographer v. 14 No. 6 | |
463.1 | Bonetti, Eliseo | I nuovi indirizzi della geografia sociale | 1974 | Estratto da "Geografia nelle Scuole" Anno XIX N. 5 | |
463.1 | Braessent, Hans | Geographie und Kartographie | 1930 | ||
463.1 | Brouillette, Benoit | Comment faire une monographie geographique | 1944 | ||
463.1 | Chamberlin, Anne | Two Cheers for the National Geographic | 1963 | Esquire Magazine | |
463.1 | Church, John G. | Stephens, R./White, E. | Geography. The World and its Peoples | 1969 | California State Department of Education |
463.1 | N/A | Clark Now | 1971 | The Magazine of Clark University | |
463.1 | N/A | Clark U. Graduate School of Geography. 50 Years of Geography at Clark (1921-1971) | 1971 | ||
463.1 | Colin, Elicio | Une bibliographie geographique | 1934 | Extrait de la Revue du Livre No. 8-9 | |
463.1 | N/A | Colloque de Geographie appliquee, Strasbourg, 20-21 April 1961. 10 Reports by various authors | 1961 | ||
463.1 | Correnti, Cesare | Nell'Adunanza Generale Solenne | 1873 | ||
463.1 | Crone, G.R. | Geography, 1955-1964 | 1964 | British Book News, No. 286 | |
463.1 | Crone, G.R. | Geographical Literature of the Past Decade | 1955 | British Book News | |
463.1 | Duarte, Florentino M. | La Geografia. Sistematizacion de su Contenido | 1942 | ||
463.1 | Fairchild, Wilma B. | The Geographical Review | 1962 | ||
463.1 | Felland, Nordis | A Library of Geography: The American Geographical Society | 1954 | Ontario Library Review, vol. XXXVIII No. 4 | |
463.1 | Finch, V.C. | Trewartha, G.T. | Maps to Accompany Elements of Geography | rec 1936 | |
463.1 | N/A | France, Embassy. French Doctoral Theses. Sciences 1951-1953 | 1955 | French Bibliographical Digest | |
463.1 | Freeman, T.W. | Forty Years of Geography | 1968 | Reprinted from Irish Geography, vol. 5 No. 5 | |
463.1 | N/A | French Bibliographical Digest. Science. Geography 2 | 1954 | ||
463.1 | N/A | French Bibliographical Digest. Science. Geography | 1949 | ||
463.1 | N/A | Geography. A Select Bibliography | 1961 | Dillon's University Bookshop | |
463.1 | Godechot, J. | Palmer, R.R. | Le probleme de l'Atlantique du XVIIIeme au Xxeme Siecle | 1955 | |
463.1 | Gould, Peter R. | The New Geography | 1969 | Harpers Magazine | |
463.1 | Grigg, David | The Logic of Regional Systems | 1965 | Reprinted Annals Assoc American Geographers v.55 No. 3 | |
463.1 | Hansford-Miller, F.H. | Quantitative Geography for Schools | 1971 | ||
463.1 | Harris, Chauncy D. | A Bibliography of Books in Geography and Related Disciplines Published in the United States 1939-1945 | rec 1947 | ||
463.1 | Harris, Chauncy D. | Geographic Publications in the United States during World War II (1939-1945) | rec 1947 | ||
463.1 | Harris, Chauncy D. | War-time American Publications in Geography | rec 1947 | ||
463.1 | Hartleben, A. | Statistische Tabelle uber alle Staaten der Erde | 1904 | ||
463.1 | Hartleben, A. | Statistische Tabelle uber alle Staaten der Erde | 1905 | ||
463.1 | Hartleben, A. | Statistische Tabelle uber alle Staaten der Erde | 1906 | ||
463.1 | Hartleben, A. | Statistische Tabelle uber alle Staaten der Erde | 1908 | ||
463.1 | Hartleben, A. | Statistische Tabelle uber alle Staaten der Erde | 1915 | ||
463.1 | Herbertson, A.J. | The Higher Units. A Geographical Essay | 1913 | ||
463.1 | Isachenko, A.G. | Ecker, Lawrence (Transl.) | Some Results of the Second Conference on Landscape Science | 1956 | |
463.1 | Isachenko, A.G. | Ecker, Lawrence (Transl.) | Tasks and Methods of Landscape Explorations | 1955 | |
463.1 | Janelle, Donald G. | Report and Summary- Conference on Geography of the Future | 1970 | ||
463.1 | Jessen, Otto | Das wesen der kontinente | 1948 | Munchner Hochschulschriften | |
463.1 | Kimble, George H.T. | The Inadequacy of the Regional Concept | rec 1953 | London Essays in Geography | |
463.1 | Klimm, Lester E. | Some Contributions to Principles and Methods of Descriptive Generalization in Geography | 1958 | ||
463.1 | Kovacs, Aloyse | Le probleme de la statistique des nationalites | 1929 | ||
463.1 | Kress, Warren D. | Modern Geography: Recommended Books and Maps for Minnesota Libraries | 1954 | Reprinted from Minnesota Libraries, vol. 17 No. 9 | |
463.1 | Kress, Warren D. | Paperback Books of Geographic Interest | 1965 | Reprint Bulletin of Assoc of ND Geographers v. 17 No. 1 | |
463.1 | Latham, James P. | Possible Applications of Electronic Scanning and Computer Devices to the Analysis of Geographic Phenomena | 1959 | ||
463.1 | Latham, James P. | A Study of the Application of Electronic Scanning and Computer Devices to the Analysis of Geographic Phenomena | 1959 | ||
463.1 | N/A | Library Association, London. Reader's Guide to Geography | 1954 | New Series No. 25 | |
463.1 | Massip, Salvador | Progresos de la Geografia de 1927 a 1930 | 1931 | ||
463.1 | Melon y Ruiz de Gordejuela, A. | El primer manual espanol de geografia | 1960 | Anales Universidad de Murcia Filosofia y Letras v. XIX N.1 | |
463.1 | Miller, John J.B. | Geography as an Art | 1969 | ||
463.1 | Mulder, G.J.A. | De Aardrijkskunde | 1939 | ||
463.1 | Mullins, Lynn S. | Focus on Indiana Libraries vol. 26 No. 4, Winter | 1972 | American Geographical Society Research Library | |
463.1 | N/A | Oregon University Department of Geography. Reading List for Simulation, Diffusion, and Related Topics | 1962 | ||
463.1 | Pawlowski, Stanislaw | O przyrodniczych podstawach geografji i o jej istocie | 1934 | ||
463.1 | Pecsi, Albert | Az Enciklopedia Zsebatlasza | 1925 | ||
463.1 | Pitts, Forrest R. | A General Computer Program for Spatial Diffusion Processes | 1964 | ||
463.1 | Pitts, Forrest R. | Preliminary Bibliography of Statistical Methods as Applied in Areal Analysis | 1957 | ||
463.1 | Praesent, Hans | Geographie und Kartographie | 1932 | ||
463.1 | Praesent, Hans | Geographie und Kartographie | 1933 | ||
463.1 | Praesent, Hans | Geographie und Kartographie | 1934 | ||
463.1 | Prevost, M.L. | Foreign Countries | 1918 | ||
463.1 | Pulford, A.O. | The World in Facts and Figures | rec 1946 | ||
463.1 | N/A | Readers' Guide Geography No. 129 | 1973 | Library Association County Libraries Group 2nd Edition | |
463.1 | Renner, George T. | Air Age Geography | 1943 | Harpers Magazine | |
463.1 | Ricchieri, Giuseppe | Le concept de regions et de limites dans la geographie systematique | 1920 | Extrait de Scientia vol. 28 14eme Annee | |
463.1 | Robinson, Arthur H. | The Necessity of Weighting Values in Correlation Analysis of Areal Data | 1956 | Reprinted from The Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 46 No. 2 | |
463.1 | N/A | Southampton, England University. Sample Studies in Geography | rec 1960 | ||
463.1 | Steel, R.W. | Geography in the Developing World | 1967 | From Advancement of Science | |
463.1 | Stoddardt, D.R. | Some Statistical Characteristics of Eminent Geographers | 1967 | ||
463.1 | Stuckey, W.K. | What's Left for Geography to Discover? | 1968 | Chicago Tribune Magazine | |
463.1 | Thomas, Carl Raymond | Some Statistical Methods in Geographical Interpretation | 1944 | ||
463.1 | Tiscornia, Jose | Aplicacion Agricola del Estudio de las Geo-temperaturas | 1942 | Apartado Revista de Asociacion Ingenieros Agronomos #4 | |
463.1 | Troll, Carl | Die geographische Landschaft und ihre Erforschung | 1950 | Studium Generale Heft 4/5. 3 Jahrgang | |
463.1 | Unstead, J.F. | What to Read on Geography | 1930 | ||
463.1 | Uribe, A. | Apuntes sobre geografia | 1922 | ||
463.1 | Velikonja, J. | Is There a Place for Geography in a Geography Department | 1969 | ||
463.1 | Watson, Catherine | This Geography is Something to Sing About | 1969 | American Education | |
463.1 | Whitehand, J.W.R. | Innovation Diffusion in an Academic Discipline: The Case of the "New" Geography | 1970 | Area Institute of British Geographers Number 3 | |
463.1 | White, C. Langdon | Geography in a World at War | 1942 | Reprint Denison Univ Bulletin, Journal of Scientific Lab. | |
463.1 | Whittlesey, Derwent | Hewes, Leslie | A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Geography | rec 1954 | |
463.1 | Wiens, Herold J. | Status and Trends in Geography Course Enrollments, Teaching and Research in the United States with Special Emphasis on the Pacific and Pacific-Asian Regions | 1969 | Inter-Congress Meeting of the Standing Committee on Geography. Pacific Science Association | |
463.1 | Wilmore, A. | The Changing World | 1929 | ||
463.1 | von Wissmann, Hermann | Die Entwicklungsraume des Menschen | 1946 | 2 copies | |
463.1 | N/A | World Facts and Trends | 1970 | Center for Integrative Studies School of Advanced Tech. | |
463.1 | Wright, John K. | The Field of the Geographical Society | rec 1951 | Reprinted from Geography in the Twentieth Century | |
463.2 | N/A | Elements pour l'etude des deplacements geographiques de la population que becoise: l'example de la population fiscale | 1972 | ||
463.2 | Forstall, Richard L. | Recent Census Publications in the University of Chicago Library | 1947 | ||
463.2 | Grandidier, G. | Donnees geographiques et demographiques | 1951 | Extrait de l'Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes | |
463.2 | Janassen, Christen T. | Peres, Sherwood H. | Interrelationships of Dimensions of Community Systems. A Factor Analysis of Eighty-two Variables | 1960 | |
463.2 | Kosack, H.P. | Zur Methodik der geographisch-statistischen Fehlermoglichkeiten | 1944 | Sonderabdruck aus Petermanns Geographischen Mitteilungen Heft 11/12 | |
463.2 | Latham, James P. | Methodology for Instrumented Geographic Analysis | 1962 | ||
463.2 | Mecking, Ludwig | Die Flachengrobe politischer Raume und ihre geographische gesetzmabigkeit | 1938 | Sonderabdruck aus Petermanns Geographischen Mitteilungen Heft 11 | |
463.2 | Pitts, Forrest R. | Scale and Purpose in Urban Situation Models | 1964 | ||
463.2 | Proudfoot, Malcolm J. | Sampling with Transverse Traverse Lines | 1942 | Reprint Journal of American Statistical Association v. 37 | |
463.2 | N/A | Statistiques de Base de Douze Pays Europeens | 1958 | ||
463.2 | Warntz, William | Neft, David | Contributions to a Statistical Methodology for Areal Distributions | 1960 | Reproduced from the Journal of Regional Science vol. 2 No. 1 |
463.2 | Waschiczek, Heinrich | Die Staaten der Erde in der Begenwart | 1935 | ||
463.2 | Wray, James R. | The Census Cities Project: A Status Report for 1971 | rec 1973 | ||
463.3 | Adams, D.K. | A Note: Geopolitics and Political Geography in the U.S. Between the Wars | 1960 | The Australian Journal of Politics and History vol. VI No. 1 | |
463.3 | N/A | Amtliches Zahlenmaterial zum Fluchtlingsproblem in Bayern (vierte folge) | 1948 | With English Index | |
463.3 | Kornrumpf, Martin (Editor) | Amtliches Zahlenmaterial zum Fluchtlingsproblem in Bayern Dritte folge) | 1947 | With English Index | |
463.3 | N/A | Political Divisions of Africa | 1962 | Reprint from Department of State Bulletin | |
463.3 | Poole, Sidman P. | Planetary Thrombosis | 1949 | Reprinted from the Journal of Geography vol. 48 No. 2 | |
463.3 | Poulopoulos, Stylianos C. | The Geography and the Economic Geography of Ancient Greeks and their Relation to the Modern One | 1964 | ||
463.3 | N/A | Resolution on the Status of Pueblo Indians | 1923 | ||
463.3 | Winkler, Ernst | Landerkunde und Volkerverstandigung | 1946 | ||
464 | N/A | Abstract of Proceedings: Anthropology | 1921 | Reprint Journal & Proc of Royal Soc of New South Wales | |
464 | Adams, C.C. | The Relation of General Ecology to Human Ecology | 1935 | Reprinted from Ecology vol. 16 No. 3 | |
464 | Allix, Andre | Man in Human Geography | 1948 | Reprint The Scottish Geographical Magazine v. 64 No. 1 | |
464 | Almagia, Roberto | La Geografia Politica | 1923 | Estratto dal periodico L'Universo Anno IV N. 10 | |
464 | Arbos, Ph. | La geographie humaine | 1923 | Extrait de la Revue d'Auvergne | |
464 | Arbos, Ph. | La geographie humaine a propos d'Ouvrages recents | 1923 | Extrait de la Revue d'Auvergne | |
464 | Ardissone, Romualdo | La Forma del Territorio de los Estados. Ensayo de Geografia Politica | 1933 | De Humanidades, tomo XXIII | |
464 | Banks, A. Leslie | Man and His Environment | rec 1951 | ||
464 | Banse, Ewald | Ubendland Morgenland und Mittagsland | 1923 | ||
464 | Barnes, Harry Elmer | American Sociology in 1925 | 1926 | Social Science No. 3 Special Sociology Number | |
464 | Berchardt, Paul | Naturbedingte Kulturwege | 1926 | Sonderabdruck Anthropos, Band 21 | |
464 | Biasutti, Renato | Civilta e clima secondo un geografo americano | 1916 | Estratto dall'Archivio per l'Anthropologia e la Etnologia | |
464 | Biasutti, Renato | La distribuzione delle razze umane in relazione all'antropologia e all'antropogeografia | 1915 | ||
464 | Blum, Harold F. | The Physiological Effects of Sunlight on Man | 1945 | Reprinted from Physiological Reviews vol. 25 No. 3 | |
464 | Boerman, W.E. | Grenzen | 1923 | ||
464 | Bonetti, Eliseo | I Postulati della geografia sociale | 1942 | ||
464 | Bowman, Isaiah | Applied Geography | 1934 | Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly | |
464 | Bowman, Isaiah | Applied Geography | 1933 | Radio Talk, Science Service, Columbia Broadcast. System | |
464 | Bowman, Isaiah | Geography as a Social Science | 1930 | ||
464 | Brezine, Ernst | Schmidt, Wilhelm | Uber Begiehungen zwischen der Witterung und dem Befinden des Menschen, auf grund statischer Erhebungen dargestellt | 1914 | |
464 | Brinton, Daniel G. | The Factors of Heredity and Environment in Man | 1898 | Reprinted from the American Anthropologist | |
464 | Broek, J.O.M. | The Concept Landscape in Human Geography | 1938 | Extrait des Comptes Rendus du Congres International | |
464 | Bruckner, Eduard | Klimaschwankungen und Volkerwanderungen | 1912 | ||
464 | Brunhes, J. | Specific Characteristics -- Subject Matter of Human Geography | 1913 | Reprinted from the Scottish Geographical Magazine | |
464 | Chapin, F. Stuart | Social Science Research- its Expanding Horizons | 1953 | ||
464 | Chattopadhyay, K.P. | Some Approaches to Study of Social Change | 1959 | ||
464 | Chisholm, George G. | Is the Increasing Control of Man over Nature Making him Independent of Geographical Conditions | 1916 | Reprinted from the Scottish Geographical Magazine | |
464 | Chisholm, George G. | Note on the Spelling of Place-Names with Special Reference to the United States | 1915 | Reprinted from the Transcontinental Excursion of 1912 of the AGS of NY Memorial Volume | |
464 | Clarkson, James D. | Ecologic and Spatial Analysis towards Adaptive Research in the Developing Countries | 1968 | ||
464 | Cole, G.A.J. | The Clearing | 1921 | The Journal of Education and School World No. 627 v. 53 | |
464 | N/A | The Contributor's Club | 1928 | Reprint from The Atlantic Monthly | |
464 | Corlette, C.E. | On the Heat-Absorbing or Heat-Lifting Capacity of Wind in Relation to the Human Body, with a Table for Calculating it | 1942 | Reprinted from the Medical Journal of Australia | |
464 | Coulter, John Wesley | Human Geography and History | 1954 | Reprinted from Social Education vol. 18 No. 7 | |
464 | Coulter, John Wesley | The Significance of Human Geography Today | 1956 | Reprinted from Education, vol. 77 No. 1 | |
464 | Crickmay, C.H. | The Art of Looking at Broad Valleys | 1969 | ||
464 | Crist, Raymond E. | Human Geography and Neighboring Disciplines | 1969 | Reprint Interdisciplinary Relationships in Social Sciences | |
464 | Davis, Mari (Editor) | Environmental Information: Some Problems and Solutions | 1974 | Report on Workshop in Environmental Info Systems | |
464 | Deffontaines, Pierre | Delamarre, Mariel | Geographie Humaine | 1950 | Larousse mensuel. Tome 12 No. 428 |
464 | de la C. Posada, Juan | Apuntes sobre antropogeografia | 1937 | Universidad Catolica Bolivariana vol. I No. 3 | |
464 | de la C. Posada, Juan | Nociones de antropogeografia | 1938 | Universidad Catolica Bolivariana vol. II No. 5 | |
464 | de la C. Posada, Juan | Nociones de antropogeografia | 1938 | Universidad Catolica Bolivariana vol. II No. 6 | |
464 | De Marchi, L. | Principles of Human Geography by E. Huntington and S.W. Cushing | 1922 | ||
464 | Dickinson, Robert E. | Some Problems of Human Geography | 1960 | ||
464 | Dill, D.B./Christensen, E.H. | Edwards, H.T. | Gas Equilibria in the Lungs at High Altitudes | 1936 | Reprint from American Journal of Physiology v. 115 #3 |
464 | Doxiadis, C.A. | Architecture in Evolution | 1960 | ||
464 | von Drygalski, Erich | Der Einfluss der Landesnatur auf die Entwicklung der Volker | 1922 | ||
464 | Dumont, Maurice E. | Le principe de duree ou de repetition en geographie | 1952 | Extrait Bulletin de Societe belge d'Etudes geographiques | |
464 | Edwards, K.C. | Land, Area, and Region | rec 1952 | ||
464 | Ellison, William H. | Geographical Influences in Pacific Ocean History | 1923 | The Historical Outlook, vol. XIV No. 4 | |
464 | Farrell, Bryan H. | Cultural or Human Geography? | 1955 | Reprint Proc of First New Zealand Geography Conference | |
464 | Fawcett, C.B. | Geographical Factors in the Study of Man | 1934 | Reprinted from Science Progress, No. 122 | |
464 | Fleure, H.J. | Geographical Factors | 1921 | Helps for Students of History No. 44 | |
464 | Fleure, H.J. | Human Regions | 1919 | Reprinted from The Scottish Geographical Magazine | |
464 | Floridia, Santi | La funzione sociale del mare | 1921 | ||
464 | Fluckiger, Otto | Passe und grenzen | 1928 | ||
464 | Fosberg, F.R. | Some Relations between Ecosystem Size and Cultural Evolution | 1968 | Proc. Symp. Recent Adv. Trop. Ecol. | |
464 | Garnier, B.J. | The Contribution of Geography | 1952 | ||
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464.3 | Glasgow, Arthur Graham | Making Democracy and the World Mutually Safe | 1943 | ||
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470 | Wagner, Henry R. | Biblio-Cartography | 1932 | Reprinted from The Pacific Historical Review | |
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470 | Walker, C. Lester | How the War maps are Made | 1944 | Harper's Magazine | |
470 | Walker, C. Lester | Map the World | 1953 | Preprint Harper's Magazine vol. 206 No. 1233 | |
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470 | Wallis, Bertie | Contouring and Map-Reading | 1918 | ||
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470 | Walters, Rupert Cavendish | Ancient Surveying | rec 1926 | Student's Paper No. 719 Session 1913-1914 | |
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470 | N/A | Wax Engraving for Maps | n.d. | ||
470 | Wegemann, Carroll H. | Planetable Methods as Adapted to Geologic Mapping | 1912 | Reprinted from Economic Geography v. VII No. 7 | |
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470 | Whitcomb, Lawrence | Key for the Recognition of Physiographic Provinces from Topographic Maps | 1939 | Reprinted from Transactions of the American Geophysical Union | |
470 | Wild, H. | Note on the Experimental Mapping of an Area of 7 Square Miles in Switzerland by the Wild Air-Camera and the Wild Autograph | 1928 | Includes map | |
470 | Wild, Henry | Geodetic und Topographic Instruments | 1932 | Henry Wild Surveying Instruments Catalogue G-16 | |
470 | Wilkens, A. | Neue Prinzipe und Methoden zur Geographischen Ortsbestimmung | rec 1920 | ||
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470 | Williams, Joseph E. | Chromatostereoscopic Cartography | rec 1953 | ||
470 | Williams, Joseph | New Maps for the Study of Global Geography | 1943 | ||
470 | Wilson, Joe Frank | The Dark-Plate method of Relief Portrayal | 1958 | ||
470 | Wilson, Leonard S. | Library Filing, Classification, and Cataloging of Maps, with Special Reference to War Time Experience | 1948 | Reprinted from Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 38 No. 1 (2 copies) | |
470 | Wood, Fergus J. | The Lost Maps of the American Coast | 1969 | Reprinted from the October Issue of Essa World | |
470 | Wood, M. | Visual Perception and Map Design | 1968 | Reprint from The Cartographic Journal | |
470 | Woods, Bill M. | Map Cataloging: Inventory and Prospect | 1959 | Reprint Library Resources and Technical Services v. 3 N. 4 | |
470 | Woods, Bill M. | Map Librarianship- A Selected Bibliography | 1970 | ||
470 | Woods, Bill M. | Map Librarianship- A Selected Bibliography | 1970 | Revised Edition | |
470 | Wolf, Helmut | Hauptausgleichung I und Substitutions-Verfahren | 1949 | ||
470 | Wolf, Helmut | Uber den Zusammenschluss von zwei nicht selbstandigen Dreiecksnetzen | 1950 | ||
470 | Wolf, Helmut | Zur Anwendung des Ausgleichungsverfahrens von Tschebyschef | 1950 | ||
470 | Wolff, H. | Karte und Kroki | 1917 | ||
470 | Wollemann, A. | Auf dem Wege zum Examen | 1913 | ||
470 | Wright, John K. | Geography for War and For Peace | 1942 | ||
470 | Wright, John K. | Highlights in American Cartography 1939-1949 | 1950 | ||
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470 | Zimmerman, Lynn | Geophysical Relief Globe | 1971 | Aquasphere. Journal of New England Aquarium v.5 N.2 | |
470 | Zuber, Leo J. | What's a Map Worth? | 1952 | ||
471 | Allard, M.P. | Etude des erreurs des instruments a reflexion | 1942 | Extrait des Annales hydrographiques | |
471 | N/A | American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Geographical Mileages | 1952 | ||
471 | de Aquino, Radler | Altitude and Azimuth Tables for Facilitating the Determination of Lines of Position and Geographical Position at Sea | 1908 | Reprinted from the United States Naval Institute Proceedings, vol. 34 No. 4 Whole No. 128 (2 copies) | |
471 | Aramburo, Jose | Determinacion de Longitudes Geograficas | 1926 | 2 copies | |
471 | Arnold, K. | Die Co-Geoide der Freiluftreduktion | 1957 | ||
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471 | Bauer, Franz | Mathematische Geographie | rec 1905 | Miniatur-Bibliothek | |
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471 | Brandenberger, A.J. | Aerotriangulation for Maps of Large Towns | 1966 | ||
471 | Briggs, Henry | The Wheatstone Bridge and its Application to Borehole Surveying | 1926 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh | |
471 | Boyce, Ronald R. | The Conference on Recent Advances of Computer Methods in Geographical Research at Northwestern University | 1963 | ||
471 | Choritz, Bernard | Fisher, Irene | A New Determination of the Figure of the Earth from Arcs | 1956 | |
471 | Cox, J.F. | La Geographie Mathematique | 1934 | Revue de l'Universite de Bruxelles | |
471 | D'Ambrosio, Raffaele | Il "Fusorario" | 1943 | ||
471 | Dawson, Bernhard H. | Una simplificacion en la determinacion de tiempo y latitud | 1930 | Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina | |
471 | Derr, Ezra Z. | The Spiral Versus the Elliptical Theory of the Revolution of the Planets | 1934 | ||
471 | Ewald, Erich | Verwertung des Luftbildes fur die Aufnahme des Wattenmeeres | 1922 | ||
471 | Fairgrieve, James | Elementary Survey Work for Schools | rec 1914 | ||
471 | Fennel, Adolf | Geodatische Instrumente | 1912 | ||
471 | Fischer, Irene | The Impact of the Ice Age on the Present Form of the Geoid | 1959 | Journal of Geophysical Research vol. 64 No. 1 | |
471 | Gajardo Reyes, Ismael | El problema del azimut de un astro, en el que se esponen los metodos mas practicos i mas sencillos para determinarlo con distinto grado de precision | 1922 | ||
471 | Garrison, William L. | Krumbein, William C. | Computer Utilization in the Environmental and Earth Sciences: A Reconnaissance of Status and Needs | 1963 | |
471 | Gerlach, Hermann | Elemente der Himmelskunde und Mathematischen Geographie | 1894 | ||
471 | Gigas, Erwin | Theodolites with Photographic Registration | 1950 | ||
471 | Gomez, Antonio E. Mouret | Foladori Rocca, Ismael C. | La gravimetria y la forma exacta de la tierra | 1956 | |
471 | Gougenhein, M.A. | Les observations de passages en astronomie geodesique | 1939 | Extrait des Annales hydrographiques | |
471 | Gunther, Siegmund | Erdkund und Mathematik | 1887 | ||
471 | Hebecker, O. | Der Projektions Kompass | 1931 | ||
471 | Heiskanen, W.A. | The Latest Achievements of Physical Geodesy | 1960 | Reprint Journal of Geophysical Research v. 65 No. 9 | |
471 | Heiskanen, W.A. | Potentialities of Satellite Geodesy and Physical Geodesy | 1962 | Reprint from The Use of Artificial Satellites for Geodesy | |
471 | Heiskanen, W.A. | Results Obtained by the Columbus Group in the Determination of the Figure of the Earth and its Gravity Field | 1960 | ||
471 | Heiskanen, W.A. | Ten Years as Professor in Geodesy in America | 1961 | ||
471 | Hernick, Samuel | Position Line Graphs | 1943 | ||
471 | Herzog, Rudolph Emil | Die Aufgaben der astronomisch geographischen Ortsbestimmung in systematischen Behandlung | 1947 | ||
471 | Hinks, A.R. | Knox Shaw, H. | Time or Azimuth by Altitude of Sun | 1912 | Cambridge Computation Forms No. 1 |
471 | Hinks, A.R. | Knox Shaw, H. | Latitude by Circum-Meridian Altitudes of Sun or Star | 1912 | Cambridge Computation Forms No. 3 |
471 | Hinks, A.R. | Knox Shaw, H. | Time or Azimuth by Altitude of Star | 1912 | Cambridge Computation Forms No. 2 |
471 | Honeyman, Robert B. Jr. | The Size and Shape of the World | 1957 | UCLA Library Occasional Papers No. 6 | |
471 | Horner, Donald W. | Determination of Longitude by W/T | 1921 | Nautical Magazine, vol. 105 | |
471 | Innes, R.T.A. | Variability of the Rotation of the Earth | 1927 | ||
471 | Jahn, Alfredo | El hipsometro como barometro de viaje | 1918 | ||
471 | Jones, Harold Spencer | The Rotation of the Earth | 1926 | ||
471 | Jordan, Frank | A Computer-Assisted Instruction Exercise on Distance and Direction | rec 1973 | ||
471 | Jordan, William Leighton | The "Challenger" Records again 1875-1915 | 1915 | ||
471 | Kahle, Harry | Grundzuge der mathematischen Erdfunde | 1903 | ||
471 | Kellar, John G. | The Horizontal Angle Method of Finding the Local Sidereal Time | 1924 | United States Naval Institute Proceedings v. 50 No. 252 | |
471 | Kielhorn, L.V. | Approximate Altitude and Azimuth | 1921 | ||
471 | Klotz, Otto | Stereographic Projection Tables | 1913 | ||
471 | Kocher, Fr. Adrian | Darstellung der mathematischen geographie | 1839 | ||
471 | Lallemand, Ch. | L'avenir des continents | 1908 | ||
471 | Lallemand, Ch. | Sur les deformations resultant du monde de construction de la carte internationale du monde au millionieme | 1911 | ||
471 | N/A | La question de la non uniformite de la rotation de la terre | 1928 | Revue de l'Universite de Bruxelles | |
471 | Latham, James P. | Remote Sensing Papers at the AAAS- Impact and Implications | 1967 | ||
471 | Ledersteger, K. | Internationale Bezugsflachen und einheitliche Weltprojektion | 1958 | ||
471 | Levi-Civita, Socio T. | Su una formola, analoga a quella di Stokes, per la determinazione del Geoide con le deviazioni della verticale | 1927 | ||
471 | N/A | Literature on Wild Geodetic and Topographic Instruments | n.d. | ||
471 | Lobeck, Armin K. | The Earth in Space | 1929 | The Geographical Press. Columbia University | |
471 | Loftus, A.J. | A Useful and Convenient Problem for Travelers on Land or Sea | 1880 | ||
471 | Loodts, J. | Sur la mesure d'une distance a l'aide du geodimetre a Bruxelles en 1951 | 1952 | ||
471 | de Losada y Puga, C. | Las irregularidades del movimiento de rotacion de la tierra | 1929 | Nueva Revista Peruana | |
471 | Lyman, B.S. | Notes on Mine-Surveying Instruments | 1900 | ||
471 | Lyman, Benjamin Smith | On the Adoption of the Metric System Discussion | 1902 | Reprinted from the Journal of the Franklin Institute | |
471 | Maline, D.H. | A Comparison of the Simpler Methods of Measuring Area by Planimeter and Counting | 1968 | ||
471 | Manuali, B. | Letter to a director asking for help with a space program preparing the operational system Geole (in French) | 1976 | Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (Missing a map that should be enclosed with the letter) | |
471 | Michnik, Hugo | I. Uber die Lange der Tagbogen der destirne. II. Bestimmung der Kurve, die der Hochste punkt der Ekliptik uber dem Horizonte eines Gegebenen Beobachtungsortes beschreibt | 1905 | ||
471 | Oates, Frederic | The Philosophic Study of the Forces of Rest and Motion or the Equalization of Energy | rec 1940 | ||
471 | Omari, Fusakichi | The Latitude Variation and the Change of Mean Sea-Level in Japan | 1912 | The Astronomical Herald vol. V No. 7 Whole No. 55 (In Japanese with a footnote in English) | |
471 | Palmer, Harold S. | Calculating Rotational Speeds and the Lengths of Degrees of Longitude in Various Latitudes | 1937 | Reprinted from The Journal of Geography vol. 36 No. 2 | |
471 | Paz-Soldan, M.R. | Estudio sobre la altura de las montanas aplicado especialmente al Misti o Volcan de Arequipa | 1868 | ||
471 | Plath, C. | Schily, F. | Periskopsextant mit eingebautem Kompass | rec 1932 | |
471 | N/A | Practical Rules for Ascertaining the Deviations of the Compass Caused by the Iron in a Ship | 1852 | ||
471 | Purton, E.C.J. | Compasses, Their History, Construction and Use | 1932 | ||
471 | Raymond, Harry | The Form of the Earth | rec 1932 | ||
471 | Reina, Vincenzo | Sulla determinazione di porzioni della superficie del Geoide per mezzo di misure sopra di essa | 1917 | ||
471 | de Rey-Pailhade, M.J. | Unification des mesures angulaires pour les Cartes de l'Armee de Terre et pour les Cartes de la Marine | 1901 | ||
471 | Ricchieri, Giuseppe | La geografia astronomica e matematica nel sistema della scienza geografica | 1922 | Estratto dal periodico L'Universo - Anno III Num. 8 (2 copies) | |
471 | Richter, C.F. | Calculation of Small Distances | 1943 | Reprint Bulletin Seismological Soc of America v.33 N.4 | |
471 | Romer, E. | Einiges aus meiner Erfahrung in der Hypsometrie | 1933 | ||
471 | Rosenplenter, Edmund | Das Geoid | 1900 | ||
471 | Rude, Gilbert | United States Coast and Geodetic Survey | 1957 |