Pamphlet Files 381-1200

Box #Primary AuthorSecondary AuthorDateNotes
380Mooney, James E. (Editor)Dedication, Amundsen-Scott IGY, South Pole Station1957
380Mossman, R.C.Meteorological Results of the Shackleton Antarctic Expedition, 1914- 1917 (Weddell Sea Party): Preliminary Notice1921From Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society vol. 47 No. 197
Murillo Ordonez, EmilioEl continente antarctico y sus alrededores (Breve estudio geofisico)1936
380Murphey, Charles J.V.Alone/A Flight for Life1935The American Magazine
380N/AThe New Zealand Antarctic Research Activities, 1957 and 1958 Report No. 1 to SCAR1959New Zealand National Committee for Antarctic Research
380N/ANorway and the British Claims for Antarctic Sectors1933Norwegian Journal of Commerce and Shipping (Original and Photostat copy)
380Nybelin, OrvarSubantarctic and Antarctic Fishes1951
380O'Brien, JackAdmiral Byrd -- Parlor Hero/Byrd in Antarctica1934Real America (2 editions, October and November)
380O'Brien, JackAdmiral Byrd -- Parlor Hero1934Copy from Real America for October
380Olsacher, JuanDiaz, Horacio/Teruggi, M.Contribucion a la geologia de la Antartida occidental1956Instituto Antarctico Argentino Publicacion No. 2
380Olsacher, JuanObservaciones geologicas en Caleta Armonia, Isla Nelson. Islas Shetland del Sur Antartida Argentina1958Contribucion No. 20 del Instituto Antartico Argentino
380Orr, N.W.M.Food Requirements and Weight Changes of Men on Antarctic Expeditions1965British Journal of Nutrition, 19, 79
380Panzarini, Rodolfo N.La campana Antartica 1950-19511959Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 22
380Panzarini, Rodolfo N.La campana Antartica 1952-19531959Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 24
380Panzarini, Rodolfo N.La ciencia argentina en el Antartico1960Ciencia Interamericana vol. 1 No. 3
380Panzarini, Rodolfo N.Intereses cientificos argentinos en el Antartico1959Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 41
380Paulter, James CharlesByrd Antarctic Expedition II, 1933-1935. scientific Program. Scientific Accomplishments and Correspondence with W.L.G. Joerg1936
380Pauly, AntonioProjekt einer Argentinischen Sudpol-expedition1928Sonderabdruck aus "Phoenix" (2 copies)
380Penck, AlbrechtErich v. Drygalski: Ozean und Antarktis. Meereskundliche Forschungen u. Ergebnisse der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901- 31926Deutsche Literaturzeitung
380Pirie, J.H. HarveyBrown, R.N. RudmoseThe Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Second Antarctic Voyage of the "Scotia"rec 1905Scottish Geographical Magazine
380Pollog, Carl HannsEllsworths Fluss uber die Antarktis1936Schweizer Aero Revue
380Poulter, Thos. C.The Scientific Work of the Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition1939Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly
380Randall, Wilfred L.Recent Antarctic Exploration1922
380Roberts, BrianBritish Naval Hydrographic Surveys in the Antarctic, 1948-19541965Reprinted from British Antarctic Survey Bulletin
380Roberts, BrianSound Effects in Polar Conditions1944Reprinted from the Polar Record No. 27
380Robin, G. de Q.Five Years of Antarctic Research1961Reprinted from the I.C.S.U. Review vol. 3
380Robinson, PeterJapan's Growing Interest in the Antarctic1956Letters from Tokyo No. 7
380Ronne, FinnThe Main Southern Sledge Journey from East Base, Palmer Land, Antarctica1945Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society vol. 89 No. 1
380Ronne, FinnRobertson Latady, WilliamRonne Antarctic Research Expedition, 1946-1948/ Report on the Aerial Photography of the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition1948Reprinted from Photogrammetric Engineering
380N/ARussia. Ministry of the Navy. Information Bulletin of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition 15, 1960rec 1962
380Saavedra Rojas, EduardoExploraciones en el continente antarticon.d.Memorial del Ejercito
380Saunders, Harold E.The Flight of Admiral Byrd to the South Pole and the Exploration of Marie Byrd Island1940Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society vol. 82 No. 5
380Schokalsky, J.Centenaire de l'Expedition Antarctique Russe, Comandee par Th. Bellingshausen et M. Lazarev, qui appareilla le 4 Juillet, du calendrier Julien 1819 de Cronstadt1928In Russian, table of contents and title in French
380N/AScott Antarctic in Memoriam Association, Londonn.d.Missing several pages
380Searle, D.J.H.The Evolution of the Map of Alexander and Charcot Islands, Antarctica1963Reprinted from the Geographical Journal vol. 129 Part 2
380ShackletonFarthest South1909Taken from McClure's Magazine, vol. XXXIII Nos. 5, 6, 7
380Shackleton, E.H.Some Results of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-91910From the Smithsonian Report for 1909
380ShiraseThe First Japanese Polar Expedition1912From the Independent (Photostat copy)
380Slocum, VictorShackleton's Boat Voyage1931Yachting Magazine
380N/ASoviet Antarctic Expedition1963Information Bulletin Issue No. 4 Vol. 4
380Stackpole, Edouard A.The First Recognition of Antarctica1952The Boston Public Library Quarterly
380Stephenson, AlfredFleming, W.L.S.King George the Sixth Sound1940Reprinted from the Geographical Journal vol. XCVI No. 3
380Stoeks, TheodorLotarbeiten der "Schwabenland" Dezember 1938 bis April 19391939Sonderabdruck aus Annalen der Hydrographie Heft VIII
380Stofs, WilhelmDie Bedeutung der antarktischen Forschung1899
380Stuart, A.W.Bull, C.Glaciological Observations on the Ross Ice Shelf near Scott Base, Antarctica1963Reprinted from the Journal of Glaciology vol. 4 No. 34
380Taylor, GriffithThe Antarctic Today. Exploration of the Seventh Continent1956The Etruscan vol. 6 No. 2
380Toja, HirosiObserveto al Antarkta Kontinento el Geomorfologaij Okuloj1957Oomoto Organo de Oomoto Kaj U.H.A. (Includes photos)
380N/ADie transantarktische Flugexpedition von Ellsworth1934Neue Zuricher Zeitung
380Treves, Samuel B.The Geology of Cape Evans and Cape Royds, Ross Island, Antarctica1962Reprinted from Antarctic Research, Geophysical Monograph No. 7
380N/AUnited States Antarctic Projects Officerrec 1958
380N/AU.S. National Science Foundation. United States Antarctic Research Program1963
380N/AVoyage of the Tula Towards the South Pole1835Photostat from The Nautical Magazine vol. IV
380Wade, F. AltonPetrological and Structural Relations of the Edsel Ford Range, Marie Byrd Land to Other Antarctic Mountains1937Bulletin of the Geological Society of America vol. 48
380Wagner, HermannErich von Drygalskis Polarwerk: "Zum Kontinent des eisigen Sudens"1905Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin
380Waldman, Phillip[Letter regarding Silver Memorial to members of the Scott Antarctic Expedition]1913
380N/AWith Byrd in the Antarctic1930Mid-Week Pictorial vol. XXXI No. 12
380N/AWoods Hole Oceanographic Inst. Oceanographic Results of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, 1933-35. Tables of Echo Soundings1937
380Zimmermann, MauriceThe Antarctic Land of Victoria from the Voyage of the "Discovery"1910From the Smithsonian Report for 1909
381Bartlett, H.H.Fire, Primitive Agriculture, and Grazing in the Tropics1956Reprint Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth
381Beckinsale, R.P.The Nature of Tropical Rainfall1957Reprinted from Tropical Agriculture vol. 34 No. 2
381Behrmann, W.Die oberflachenformen in den feucht-warmen Tropen1921
381Blaut, James M.The Ecology of Tropical Farming Systems1961Reprinted from Revista Geographica, 28
381Budel, Julius K.The Ice Age in the Tropics1957Universitas vol. 1 No. 2
381Buechner, Helmut K.Fosberg, F. RaymondA Contribution Toward a World Program in Tropical Biology1967Reprinted from Bio-Science vol. 17 No. 8
381Calciati, CesareI termitai nel paesaggio tropicale1925Estratto dalla periodico L'Universo Anno VI N. 8
381Chevalier, Aug.Sur les Legumineuses de la tribu des Tephrosiees cultivees dans les pays tropicaux pour capturer le poisson: leur usages et leur distribution geographique1925Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences No. 20
381Cutler, J. ElbertTropical Acclimatization1902From the American Anthropologist (N.S.), vol. 4
381Degener, OttoTropical Plants the World Around1945Reprinted from the Journal of the NY Botanical Garden
381Floyd, BarryAgricultural Land Use in the Humid Tropics: A Select Geographic Bibliography1965
381Floyd, Barry N.Settlement in the Humid Tropicsrec 1969Occasional Paper No. 5 Geography Dept. U of West Indies
381Fosberg, F.R.The Physical Background of the Humid Tropics - Substratum1963Reprinted from the Symposium on the Impact of Man on Humid Tropics Vegetation
381Fosberg, F.R.Vegetation as a Geological Agent in Tropical Deltas1966Proceedings of the Dacca Symposium, UNESCO
381Giesecke, F.Tropische und Subtropische Humus- und Bleicherdebildungen1930Sonderabdruck aus Handbuch der Bodenlehre
381Gregory, J.W.Inter-Racial Problems and White Colonization in the Tropics1924British Association Section E.-Geography. Toronto
381Hanson, Earl P.Geography Goes Fluidrec 1940Harpers Magazine
381Hanson, Earl ParkerTropical Adaptation: A Revaluation1951The American Scholar
381N/AA History of Tropical Medicine1939Reprint from The Indian Medical Gazette v. LXXIV No. 10
381Hosseus, Carl CurtLa Madera de "Teak"1939El Ingeniero, vol. 2 Numero 11
381Huntington, EllsworthThe Adaptability of the White Man to Tropical America1914Reprint from the Journal of Race Development v. 5 No. 2
381Knoche, WalterEine Bemerkung uber die Termitensavannen1937Sonderabdruck aus Mitteil. Geograph Gesellschaft, bd. 80
381Langer, KarlSub-Tropical Housing1944University of Queensland Papers vol. I No. 7
381Lee, Douglas H.K.Courtice, R.Assessment of Tropical Climates in Relation to Human Habitation1940From Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene vol. 33 No. 6
381Lee, Douglas H.K.Physiology as a Guide to Combating Tropical Diseases1950
381Lee, Douglas H.K.Physiological Principles in Tropical Housing with Especial Reference to Queensland1944University of Queensland Papers Dept. of Physiology vol. I No. 8
381Linton, D.L.The Tropical World1961
381Lundell, C.L.New Crops and New Uses for Old Crops1945Chemurgic Reprint Series No. 16
381Macdonald, T.P.Tropical Lands and White Races1908The Journal of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine vol. XI
381Mills. Clarence A.Diet and the Enervating Effects of Tropical Heatrec 1939
381Orton, W.A.Botanical Problems of American Tropical Agriculture1926Reprint Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club, 53 (2 copies)
381Pelzer, Karl J.Agriculture in the Humid Tropics1957Ninth Pacific Science Congress
381Pendleton, Robert L.Agricultural and Forestry Potentialities of the Tropics1950Reprinted from Agronomy Journal vol. 42 No. 3 (2 copies)
381Pendleton, Robert L.The Place of Tropical Soils in Feeding the World1954Ceiba vol. 4 No. 4
381Pendleton, Robert L.Potentialities of the Tropics1949
381Pendleton, Robert L.Soil Erosion in the Tropics1940Reprinted from Journal of Forestry v. XXXVIII No. 10
381Pendleton, Robert L.Soil Erosion as Related to Land Utilization in the Humid Tropics1939Reprinted from Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress v. IV (2 copies)
381Pico, RafaelNotes on Geography and Development in the Tropics1967
381Portela, GuillerminaCondiciones especiales del modelado por la Erosion en los paises tropicales durante la estacion seca y en los paises calidos sin estacion seca bien marcada1931
381Price, A. GrenfellThe White Man in the Tropics1935The Medical Journal of Australia
381Rhoad, A.O.Development of Dairy Breeds for the Tropics1949Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences
381Sapper, KarlTropenakklimatisation in ihrer Bedeudtung fur Siedelung und Wirtschaft1930Unterrichtsblatter fur Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, 36. Jahrg.
381Sawyer, Wilbur A.The Importance of Environment in the Study of Tropical Diseases1938Reprint American Journal of Tropical Medicine v.18 No. 1
381Simonett, David S.The Role of Landslides in Slope Development in the High Rainfall Tropics1962Annual Summary Report of Scientific Progress
381Smith, T. LyonThe Population Problems of the Tropics1948Reprint from Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria
381N/ASociety of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene1908The Journal of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine
381Sternberg, Hilgard O'ReillyLand and Man in the Tropics1964Latin American Trends vol. XXVII No. 4
381Stigler, RobertDer Weisse in den Tropen1940
381Stone, Kirk H.A Bibliography of Bibliographies on the Geography of the Tropical Region1966Geographic Section. Organization for Tropical Studies
381Stone, Robert G.Climate and Man in the Tropicsrec 1944
381Tricart, J.Les caracteristiques fondamentales du systeme morphogenetique des pays tropicaux humides1961Extrait de l'Information Geographique No. 4
381Tricart, J.Observations sur le faconnement des rapides des rivieres intertropicales1959Extrait du Bulletin de la Section de Geographie du Comite des Travaux historiques et scientifiques, 1958
381Troll, C.Zur physiognomik der Tropengewachse1958
381Troll, CarlTermiten-Savannenrec 1936Sonderdruck aus Landerkundliche Forschung
381Visher, Stephen S.Rainfall and Wind Conditions Retarding Tropical Development1930Reprinted from Economic Geography vol. 6
381Visher, Stephen S.Tropical Cyclones as Calamities1924
381Visher, Stephen SargentVariability vs. Uniformity in the Tropics1922Reprint The Scientific Monthly vol. XV No. 1 (2 Copies)
381Waibel, LeoThe Tropical Plantation System1941Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly
381Ward, Robert DeC.The Acclimatization of the White Race in the Tropics1929Reprint New England Journal of Medicine v. 201 No. 13
381Ward, Robert DeC.Man and his Climatic Environment in the Tropics1929Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly
381Weck, J.Uber Koniferen in den Tropen1958
381Wickizer, V.D.The Plantation System in the Development of Tropical Agriculture1958Reprinted from The Journal of Farm Economics vol. XL No. 1
381Wickizer, V.D.Plantation Crops in Tropical Agriculture1958Reprint from Tropical Agriculture vol. 35
383Allen, Clarence R.Earthquakes and Mountains Around the Pacific1963Bulletin of the CA Institute of Technology vol. 72 No. 1
383Carter, George F.Movement of People and Ideas Across the Pacific196310th Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1961
383Cooley, Mary E.The Exploring Expedition in the Pacific1940Reprint Proceedings American Philosophical Soc v.82 #5
383Cotton, C.A.The Rim of the Pacific1958Reprinted from the Geographical Journal v. CXXIV Pt. 2
383Fleming, J.A.Geomagnetism in the Pacific1939Reprint Proceedings of 6th Pacific Science Congress
383Fosberg, F.R.The Protection of Nature in the Islands of the Pacific1954VIII Congres International de Botanique
383Fosberg, F.R.The Vegetation Provinces of the Pacific1953Eighth Pacific Science Congress
383Friis, Herman R.United States Scientific Geographical Exploration of the Pacific Basin 1783-18991961
383Hallier, HansUber Fruhere Landbrucken, Pflanzen- und Volkerwanderungen Zwischen Australasien und Amerika1912Mededeelingen van's Rjks Herbarium Leiden. No. 13
383Lasker, BrunoI. Our Debt to the Pacific/II. Exploring the Pacific/III. America and the Pacificrec 1939Department of the Pacific Area Golden Gate International Exposition. Pacific House Bibliographies.
383Mbaginta'o, Ivan G.Medicine Spirits of the Dunkwi Anga1972
383Merlivat, L./Ravoire, J.Vergnaud, J.P./Lorius, C.Tritium and Deuterium Content of the Snow in Groenland1973Reprint Earth and Planetary Science Letters v. 19 No. 2
383Nagy, DeszoFree Air Anomaly Map of Canada from Piece-Wise Surface Fittings over Half-Degree Blocks1973Reprinted in Canada from The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 27 No. 4
383Parsons, James J.The Hawksbill Turtle and the Tortoise Shell Trade1972Etudes de geographie tropicale offertes a Pierre Gourou
383Plischke, HansThe Colonization of Polynesia -- A Reply to Thor Heyerdahl1957Universitas vol. 1 No. 4
383Price, A. GrenfellThe Geographical Transformation of the Pacific and Its Present Significance191Extract from Proceedings, Royal Geographical Society, South Australian Branch Session 1950-1951 vol. 52
383Price, A. GrenfellWestern Influences in the Pacific and Its Continents1958Reprinted from the Third Annual Report of the Australian Humanities Research Council
383Swithbank, CharlesArctic Pack Ice from Below1972Reprinted from Sea Ice Conference Proceedings
383Vening Meinesz, F.A.The Difference of the Tectonic Development on the East and the West Coast of the Pacific1960Koninkluke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings Series B. v. LXII No. 1
383Vestine, E.H.Magnetic Secular Variation in the Pacific Area1939Reprint Proceedings of 6th Pacific Science Congress
383Wadhams, P.Measurement of Wave Attenuation in Pack Ice by Inverted Echo Sounding1972Reprinted from Sea Ice Conference Proceedings
383Wroth, Laurence C.Maps of the Pacific Battleground1943New York Herald Tribune Weekly Book Review
395Jakobsson, S.P./Pederson, A.K.Ronsbo, J.G./Melchior Larsen, L.Petrology of mugearite-hawaiite: Early extrusives in the 1973 Heimaey eruption, Iceland1973Museum of Natural History. Department of Geology & Geography, Reykjavik. Miscellaneous Papers No. 63
395Kuhn-Schnyder, EmilDie Triasfauna der Tessiner Kalkalpen1974
395Laut, Agnes C.The Search for the Western Sea. The Adventures of M. de la
1904Scribner's Magazine vol. XXV No. 3
401Abbott, Wilbur C.Cossack or Republican?1918Reprinted from the Yale Review
401Alderson, Albert Wm.Why the War Cannot be Final1915
401N/AAmerican Defense Society, Inc. Germany's War Plans to World Dominionrec 1919
401N/AArmenia. Parliamentary Debates1918
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401Austin, O.P.Effect of the War on World Trade and Industry. The Fifty New Political Divisions1919
401N/ABaedeker as an Office of Military Intelligence1918Scientific American. Vol. 119 No. 18 (2 copies)
401Balfour, A.J.The Navy and the War (August 1914 to August 1915)19152 copies
401Becker, Carl L.German Attempts to Divide Belgium1918World Peace Foundation. A League of Nations v. 1 No. 6
401N/ABelgian. The Second Grey Book1915
401Bernard, AugustinL'Effort de l'Afrique du Nord1916L'Hommage Francais
401Blanchard, RaoulFront Italien1915Revue de Paris
401Boyden, William C.My Impressions of New Polandn.d.National Polish Committee of America
401N/ABulgarian Delegation at the Peace Conference. Note to the President of the Peace Conference1919
401N/ALes Campagnes belges au Cameroun et dans l'est Africain allemandrec 1917
401Carnovale, LuigiOnly by the Abolition of Neutrality Can War be Quickly and Forever Prevented1920
401Cassi, GellioLa Geografia come causa nell'attuale conflitto europeo1916La Geografia Anno IV
401N/AThe Causes of the War: What to Readrec 1918Aids to Study No. 4
401Chisholm, Geo. G.Geography and the Course of the War1916Reprint The Scottish Geographical Magazine v. XXXII
401Chudeau, ReneLe role economique de nos colonies pendant et apres la guerre1918Association Francaise pour l'Avancement des Sciences
401Churchill, Marlborough"M.I.D." and How it Works1922From the American Consular Bulletin
401N/ACommission on International Labour Legislation. Draft Articles for Insertion in the Treaty of Peacen.d.Preliminary Peace Conference
401N/AThe Committee on Public Information. How the War Came to America1917
401N/AConseil National Central de la Dobroudja. Extrait du Memoirerec 1919
401N/ACorrespondence with the United States Ambassador Respecting the Execution of Miss Cavell at Brussels1915Miscellaneous. No. 17
401N/ACorrespondence with the United States Ambassador Respecting the Treatment of British Prisoners of War and Interned Civilians in Germany1915Miscellaneous. No. 19
401N/ADalmatian Question. Memorandum on therec 1919
401N/ADelimitation entre les Serbes et les Roumains dans le Banatrec 1920
401Dernburg, BernhardSearch-Lights on the War1915
401N/ALes Documents les plus importants de la Republique Ukrainienne de l'ouest1918
401N/ADocuments Rutheno-Ukrainiens1919Bureau Polonais de Publications Politiques
401N/AL'effort des Serbes, Croates et Slovenes dans la guerre mondiale 1914- 19181919
401N/AFalsification des statistiques Allemandes de Recensement1919
401Fisher, IrvingThe Equation of Exchange for 1914 and the War1916Reprinted from American Economic Review vol. V No. 2
401Fletcher, C.R.L.The Germans and What they Covet1914
401Foscue, Edwin J.Rainfall on the Western Front During the World War1934Field and Laboratory vol. 3 No. 1
401Frobenius, H.Germany's Hour of Destiny1914The International Monthly
401N/AGermany. Note du Gouvernement Allemand aux Gouvernements allies du 25 septembre 19211921
401N/AGermany -- World War I1915Bureau de Deutschen Handelstages, Berlin
401Grant, W.L.Colquhoun, Mr. & Mrs. A.Facts about the War for Ready Referencerec 1915
401N/AThe Great Fiscal Reform and Rehabilitation of Italian Financesrec 1920
401N/AGreece before the Peace Conferencerec 1919
401Gribaudi, PieroLa Nuova Europan.d.
401N/AGuaranty Trust Company of NY. The Effect of the War on European Neutrals1919
401Gueshoff, J.E.Tskoff, D.Memorandum Addressed to the Peace Conference1919Reprinted by Macedono-Bulgarian Central Committee
401Guicherd, J.Maitrot, C.Les terres des regions devastees1921Journal d'Agriculture Pratique
401Hale, William BayardExplains in Detail the Purpose of German Decree Confiscating all Grains and Flour1915From The New York Sun
401N/AHamburgisches Kolonialinstitut. German War News. No. 6, 9-15, 17-221914/1915
Otto Meissners Verlag, Hamburg
401Hettner, AlfredUnsere Aufgabe im Kriegen.d.Geographische Zeitschrift (2 copies)
401Hobbs, William HerbertThe World War and Its Consequences. Bibliography for a Six Weeks Course of Studyrec 1919
401Hyde, James Hazen"Flowers from the Field of Franco-American Friendship"n.d.
401N/AL'Industrie du Petrole en Galicie1919Paris Peace Conference
401N/AInhuman Blockade Strangling a Nation1920Friends of Ukraine
401N/AInstituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche. Il Breviario della Guerra Vittoriosarec 1923
401Johnson, Douglas W.The Role of the Earth Sciences in the War1920Reprinted from the "New World of Science"
401Johnson, Douglas W.Lettre d'un Americain a un Allemand1916La Revue de Paris
401Khan, AligholiRequete adressee par le Gouvernement Persan a la Conference des Preliminaires de Paix a Paris afin d'etre admis a y participer1919
401N/ADie Kosten des Krieges1916
401Krebs-Freiburg, NorbertDie territorialen Veranderungen des Weltkriegesrec 1922Siebente Sitzung.
401N/ADer Krieg im August 1917rec 1921
401Leotard, JacquesLa Guerre et la Paix. Resume historique des operations de guerre en 1918 et des traites de paix en 1919rec 1920Chambre de Commerce, Marseille
401N/AList of Commissions, Conferences, Tribunals, &c. to be set up under the Treaty of Peace with Germanyrec 1922
401N/ALithuania. Petition respectueuse des Lituaniens de la Prusse Orientale aux Gouvernements Allies et a Monsieur le President des Etats-Unis d'Ameriquerec 1919
401Lloyd, W.A.Address Delivered in the Central Hall, Liverpool, January 8th, 19201920The Anglo-Hellenic League
401Lucas, CharlesThe Gold Coast and the War1920
401MacDonald, ArthurWar's Effect upon Education and Literature1921Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina
401N/ALes Macedo-Roumains devant le Congres de la Paixrec 1919
401McSweeney, Edward F.The Attack on America1920America First
401de Magistris, L.F.XXIV Maggio 1915-19231923
401Malle, Chef d'EscadronThe Making of War Panoramas1918
401N/AManifesto, a Suspect and a Neutral Expertn.d.
401Masterman, C.F.G.After Twelve Months of War1915
401Masterman, C.F.G.The Triumph of the Fleet1915
401N/AMemoire sur l'Epire du Nordrec 1919
401N/AMemoire sur le Galicie1919Paris Peace Conference
401N/AMemorandum de la Delegation parlementaire des Cosaques de la Kouban1919
401N/AMemorandum. The Economic Situation of United Poland and the necessity of meeting her most urgent needs1919Polish Delegation at the Peace Conference
401N/AMemorial des Alliesrec 1927Les Editions Nationales
401N/AMemorial Presented by the Representatives of the Dobrudja 1917- 1918rec 1920Central National Council of the Dobrudja
401N/AThe Military Effort of the Serbians, Croatians and Slovenes in the War 1914-1918rec 1919
401Nartnik, AndrewItalian Terror in Istria1919Translated from the Croatian newspaper "Hrvat"
401N/ANaturhistorische Gesellschaft Nurnberg. The Truth about Germany. Facts About the War1914Second Edition
401N/ANorth Frontierrec 1919
401Notestein, WallaceStoll, Elmer E.Conquest and Kultur. Aims of the Germans in Their Own Words1918The Committee on Public Information
401Okey, Thomas (Translator)Speech of His Excellency Signor Antonio Salandra in the Capitol of Rome1915
401O'Mahony, P.Lettres a l'Angleterre et le traite Serbo-Bulgare1915Societe Bienfaisance Slave de Sophia- Comite litteraire
401Pacha, CherifLes Turcs et les revendications Grecques1919
401Pachitch, Nik P.Trumbic, A./Zolger, I.Acceptance of four treaties by delegates of the king of Serbia-Croatia- Slovenia1919In French
401N/AParis Peace Treaty, First Publication in America1919New York American
401Parker, GilbertWhat is the Matter with England? Criticism and a Reply1915
401Parker, GilbertIs England Apathetic? A Reply.1915
401Parker, Richard A.The European War and the Mining Industry1914Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society v. XI
401Penck, AlbrechtWas wir im Kriege gewonnen und was wir verloren haben1915Deutsche Reden in Schwerer Zeit
401N/APopulation Allemande en dependance directe du Gouvernement Prussien1919Paris Peace Conference
401N/ALe probleme des Allemands de Boheme1919Paris Peace Conference
401N/ALe probleme des Ruthenes de Hongrie1919Paris Peace Conference
401N/AThe Problem of the Silesia of Teschen1919Paris Peace Conference
401N/AProgress of Purchase of Eastern National Forests Under Act of March 1, 1911 (The Weeks Law)1920National Forest Reservation Commission (2 copies)
401N/AProtestation des Roumains contre le Traite de Bucarest1918
401N/APupils' Outlines for Home Study in Connection with School Work. War
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401Radovitch, A./Boshkovitch, R.Voukotitch, IvoThe Question of Scutari1919
401N/ARapport de la Commission Interalliee en Macedoine Orientale. Premiere Partierec 1919
401RepingtonAmerica's Effort. A Tribute, The Campaign on 19181918The Morning Post
401N/ALes Revendications territoriales de la Republique Tchecoslovaque1919Paris Peace Conference
401Ricchieri, GiuseppeI fini dell' Italia in guerra1917La Geografia Anno V
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401Rignano, EugenioLes facteurs de la guerre et le probleme de la paix1915Extrait de "Scientia" vol. XVIII N. (XLII-4)1
401Robertson, J.M.Britain versus Germany. An open letter to Professor Eduard Meyer1917
401N/ALa Roumanie devant le Congres de la Paix1918
401N/ARuthenians of Hungary, Problem of the1919Paris Peace Conference
401Schopoff, A.La Confederation Balkanique et la Question Macedonienne1915Societe Bienfaisance Slave de Sophia- Comite litteraire
401N/ASecret Treaties as Revealed at Petrograd, Full Textsn.d.Reprinted from the New York Evening Post
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463Brown, Hugh AuchinclossThe Impending World Deluge1947
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463Juillard, EtienneAux frontieres de l'histoire et de la geographie1956Extrait de la Revue Historique
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463Linton, D.L.Discovery, Education and Research1946
463The Lord Rennell of RoddGeography as a Social Sciencerec 1949
463Maciver, ThomasCosmography 1930. Excerpts and Additions1948The Philosophers Worksheet
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463.1Kovacs, AloyseLe probleme de la statistique des nationalites1929
463.1Kress, Warren D.Modern Geography: Recommended Books and Maps for Minnesota Libraries1954Reprinted from Minnesota Libraries, vol. 17 No. 9
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463.1N/ALibrary Association, London. Reader's Guide to Geography1954New Series No. 25
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463.1Robinson, Arthur H.The Necessity of Weighting Values in Correlation Analysis of Areal Data1956Reprinted from The Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 46 No. 2
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463.1Stuckey, W.K.What's Left for Geography to Discover?1968Chicago Tribune Magazine
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463.1von Wissmann, HermannDie Entwicklungsraume des Menschen19462 copies
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464N/AAbstract of Proceedings: Anthropology1921Reprint Journal & Proc of Royal Soc of New South Wales
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464Allix, AndreMan in Human Geography1948Reprint The Scottish Geographical Magazine v. 64 No. 1
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471Manuali, B.Letter to a director asking for help with a space program preparing the operational system Geole (in French)1976Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (Missing a map that should be enclosed with the letter)
471Michnik, HugoI. Uber die Lange der Tagbogen der destirne. II. Bestimmung der Kurve, die der Hochste punkt der Ekliptik uber dem Horizonte eines Gegebenen Beobachtungsortes beschreibt1905
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471Omari, FusakichiThe Latitude Variation and the Change of Mean Sea-Level in Japan1912The Astronomical Herald vol. V No. 7 Whole No. 55 (In Japanese with a footnote in English)
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