Pamphlet 34 – 95

Asia and Australia
Box #Primary AuthorSecondary AuthorsTitleYearNotes
33Range, PaulDie Flora der Isthmuswuste1921
33Ricchieri, GiuseppeDal Cairo ad Assuan1925Duplicate
33N/AThe River of Egypt1871
33Robinson, PhilIn Osman Digna's Gardenrec 1918
33Rolfe, DeetteEnvironmental Influences in the Agriculture of Ancient Egypt1917
33Rudkowski, WilhelmLandeskunde von Aegypten1888
33Russell, John E.The Agriculture of the Nile Valley1891
33Russell, Josiah C.The Population of Medieval Egypt1966
33Sanford, K.S.The Pliocene and Pleistocene Deposits of Wadi Qena and of the Nile Valley between Luxor and Assiut (Qau)1929
33Schafer, H. und Schmidt, K.Die altnubischen christlichen Handschriften der Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin1907
33Schafer, H. und Schmidt, K.Die ersten Bruchstucke christlicher Literatur in altnubischer Sprache1906
33Schwally, FriedrichBeitrage zur Kenntnis des Lebens der mohammedanischen Stadter, Fellachen und Beduinen im heutigen Agypten1912
33Schweinfurth, G.Discours prononce au Claire. La Séance d'Inauguration. Le 2 Juin, 18751875
33Shaker, AbdelmonemEgypt Todayrec 1960
33Sidky, Abd-El-RazzakEgypt's Agrarian Policy under the New Regimen.d.
33Smith, G. ElliotThe Influence of Ancient Egyptian Civilization in the East and in America1916
33Spiegelberg, WilhelmDie Schrift und Sprache der alten Agypter1907
33Stromer, E.Geographische Beobachtungen in den Wusten Agyptens1913
33Sutton, L.J.The Climate of Egypt1946
33N/AThe Tour of the Nile1875
33Trautvetter, D.A.The Nile1884
33Vroman, A.J.On the Red Sea Rift Problem1961
33Wiedemann, AlfredDie altesten Beziehungen zwischen Aegypten und Griechenland1883
34Abbott, JacobMemoirs of the Holy Land1852
34Abbott, LymannHome Life in the East1876
34Abboud, Sammy H.From the Dead Sea- Hopes for New Prosperity1967
34Abu-Lughod, IbrahimThe Arab-Israeli Confrontation of June 19671969
34Aharoni, Y; Evenari, L; Shanan, L; Tadmor, N.H.The Ancient Desert Agriculture of the Negev. An Israelite Agricultural Settlement at Ramat Matred.1960
34N/AAiton's Travels in the East1852
34Albaum, MelvinCooperative Agricultural Settlement in Egypt and Israel1966
34Albright, William FoxwellExploring Sinai with the University of California Expedition1948
34Albright, William FoxwellA Millenium of Biblical History in the Light of Recent Excavations1930
34Almagia, RobertoNote sulla Palestina Meridionale1923
34Almagia, RobertoInformo ad una antica carta della Palestina1954
34Ankel, OttoGrundzuge der Landesnatur des Westjordanlandes1887
34Ashbel, D.The Climate of Palestine and Adjacent Countries during the year 5707 (1946-47)1948
34Ashbel, D.The Fogs which Ascend from the Dead Sea to the Mountains of Jerusalem1937
34Ashbel, D.Meteorological Normals of Israel1951
34Ashbel, D.On the Importance of Dew in Palestine1936
34Ashbel, D.Der Scirocco (Hamsin) Palastinas1934/35
34Ashbel, D.The Temperature of Jerusalem Oct. 1930-Oct. 19351935
34Ashbel, D.The Ultra-Violet Radiation in Jerusalem1936
34Ashkenazi, TouviaFundamental Problems of the Population in Palestine1948
34Aubert de la Rue, E.Les Gisements Miniers et Mineraux des Etats du Levant sous Mandat Francais1932
34Awad, HassanL'Evolution Structurale des Pays du Levant et les Regions Voisines, d'apres L. Picard1947
34Awad, HassanA New Type of Deser "Cuesta" in Central Sinai1953
34Awad, HassanL'Ouadi Ba'Ba'A Un cas de l'inadaptation du reseau hydrographique a la structure au Sinai1951
34Awad, HassanLa Peninsule du Sinai. Problemes morphologiques1941
34Awad, HassanPresentation d'une Carte Morphologique du Sinai1952
34Awad, HassanSignification Morphologique des Depots Lacustres de la Montagne du Sinai Central1953
34Awad, HassanLa Surface pre-Nubienne dans le Sinai Montagneux Central1949
34Ayoub, AntoineReforme Agraire et Propriete Rurale. Le Cas de la Syrie1971
34Baehr, KarlArab and Jewish Refugees- Problems and Prospect1953
34Barocelli, PietroL'Egitto ed il Sinai1913
34Ben-Gurion, DavidCelebrating Israel's Fifth Anniversary: A Review of Progress and an Outline of Problems of the Future1953
34Bernstein, PeretzIsrael's Economy1951Zionist Quarterly (Summer)
34Bonasera, FrancescoLo Stato d'Israele e i suci problemi1965
34N/ABritish Statesmen on the Palestine Land Transfers Regulations (Cmd. 6180)1940
34Broido, EphraimJews, Arabs, and the Middle East1944
34Brower, A.R.H.The Ghab Project in Syriarec 1955
34Brutzkus, EliezerPlanug einer neuen Siedlungsstruktur in Israel1964
34Brutzkus, EliezerPrincipes et Tendances de l'Amenagement National en Israelrec 1964
34Cattan, HenryTo Whom Does Palestine Belong?1970
34Clapp, Frederick G.Geology and Bitumens of the Dead Sea Area, Palestine and Transjordan1936
34Clapp, Frederick G.The Site of Sodom and Gomorrah1936
34Comay, MichaelArab Refugees and Middle East Peace1967
34Combier, Ch.Essai d'une Formule de Classification des Climats du Levant1948
34N/ACrossing the Desert1847
34Curtiss, Samuel IvesThe Emperor William in the Holy Land1889
34Dafni, RinnaThe Negev1960
34Dayan, MosheIsrael's Border and Security Problems1955
34Dor, AbrahamNegev's Mineral Resources1951
34Dubertret, LouisApercu de Geographie Physique sur le Liban, l'Anti-Liban et la Damascene1948
34Dubertret, LouisEtats du Levant sous Mandat Francais1933
34Dussaud, ReneLa Palmyrene et l'Exploration de M. Alois Musil1929
34Eddington, G.H.Lower Palestine during the Great War1922-24
34Eig, A.On the Phytogeographical Subdivision of Palestine1938
34Elazari-Volcani, J.Rational Planning of Agricultural Settlement in Palestine1933
34Eredia, FilippoLe precipitazioni acquee in Palestina1920
34Evenari, M; Aharoni, Y; Shanan, L; Tadmor, N.H.The Ancient Desert Agriculture of the Negev. III. Early Beginnings1958
34Evenari, M; Shanan, L; Tadmor, N.H.The Ancient Desert Agriculture of the Negev Chain Well Systems in the Wadi Arava1959
34Evenari, M; Aharoni, Y; Shanan, L; Tadmor, N.H.Ancient Agriculture in the Negev1961
34Farbridge, Maurice H.The Industrial Development of Palestinen.d.
34Feigin, H; Oppenheimer, L; Kadmon, JBudgetary Funds as a Factor in Determining the Economic Prospects of Cooperative Smallholders Settlements in Israel1950
34Feitelberg, LionelMoledeth Bnei Brith: A New Adventure in Living1949
34Fevret, MauriceUn Village du Liban El Mtaine1950
34Field, HenrySinai Sheds New Light on the Bible1948
34Finley, John H.From Beersheba1919
34Fohs, F. JuliusGeology and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Possibilities of Palestine and Sinaitic Peninsula1927
34Francolini, BrunoNote etniche e demografiche sulla Siria e il Libano1949
34N/AFrench Relations with Syria and the Lebanon1945
34Gautier, E.F.Une Excursion a Palmyre1928
34Hume, W.F.A Brief History of North Sinai and of Pelusium, the Border Fortress of Egypt1917
34Hume, W.F.The French Expedition in North Sinai1917
34Hume, W.F.Rift Valleys of Eastern Sinai: Geology of Eastern Sinai1901
34Hume, W.F.The Rift Valleys and Geology of Eastern Sinai1900
34N/AIsrael and the Arab States: The Issues in Dispute1951
34N/AThe Jewish Case. The Place of Palestine in the Solution of the Jewish Questionrec 1945
34Murray, G.W.Gebel Hammam Farun1913
34N/AThe Mutual Security Program in the Near East1953
34Naville, EdouardThe Geography of the Exodus1924
34Oberhummer, E.The Sinai Problem1912
34N/APalestine: The Solution-The Arab Proposals and the Cast on which they Rest1947
34Seward, A.C.Carboniferous Plants from Sinai1932
34Shulewitz, YehudahGeographic Names in Israel1949
34Lord SnellBritsh Statemen on the White Paper1939
34SheridanThe Desert Waters of Northern Sinai1913The Cairo Scientific Journal vol. VII No. 77
34Wilson, Edward L.From Sinai to Shechem1888
34Wilson, Edward L.Sinai and the Wilderness1888
34N/AWorldwide Jewish Migration 1951-19571957
34Wysner, Glora M.Dilemma in Palestine1944
35N/AThe Meaning of "Secure Borders"rec 1974
35Berchin, M. and Gottman, J.La vie Politique dans l'Etat d'Israel1951
35N/ADevelopment Towns in Israel1964
35N/AAn Excursion to Damascus and Ba'albek1848
35Doron, P.H.Planning Irrigation Blueprint for Israel1950
35Gertz, AaronThe Social Structure of Jewish Settlement in Palestine No. 31946
35Gertz, AaronThe Social Structure of Jewish Settlement in Palestine No. 31947Second Edition
35Gibert, AndreFevret, MauriceLa Djezireh Syrienne et son Reveil Economique1953
35Gottmann, JeanLe "creuset" des populations en Israel1951
35Gottmann, JeanEbauche d'un portrait d'Israel1953
35Gottmann, JeanNotes sur l'Etat d'Israel1951
35Gouraud, GeneralLa France en Syrie1922
35N/AHaifarec 1952
35Harman, AvrahamAgricultural Settlement1963
35Harriz, MichelSee, Know, Enjoy Baalbek1955
35Hartog, Anna E.The Jewish Communal Settlements in Palestine1945
35Hichens, RobertFrom Nazareth to Jerusalem/From Jericho to Bethlehem/Jerusalem/Holy Week in Jerusalem1910
35Hirsch, SiegfriedViehzucht und Milchwirtschaft in Syrien1932
35Honigmann, ErnstHistoriche Topographie von Nordsyrien im Altertum1923
35Honigmann, ErnstNordsyrische Kloster in vorarabischer Zeit1922
35Horowitz, DavidJewish colonisation in Palestine1937
35Hubbard, G.D.Agriculture in Palestine1951
35Imbeaux, EdouardProjet de mise en valeur des chutes a creer entre la Mediterranee et la mer Morte1925
35N/AIsrael- A Documentary Recordrec 1952
35N/ABackground Notes on Regional Water Development in the Middle East1953Israel Office of Information
35N/AIsrael Welcomes You. Information and Regulations for Visitors to Israeln.d.
35Kallner-Amiran, D.H.Geomorphology of the Central Negev Highlands1950-51
35Kimble, George H.T.The New Israel1951
35King, William H.The Jews and Palestine1939
35Klein, SamuelDie Kustenstrasse Palastinas1923
35Lacoste, HenryLa restitution du plan antique d'Apamee de Syrie1961
35Laugenie, JeanLe Port de Beyrouth1956
35Leary, Lewis GastonThe Cedars of Lebanon1903
35Leary, Lewis GastonGoing Down from Jerusalem to Jericho1911
35Lewis, Norman N.The Frontier of Settlement in Syria, 1800-19501955
35Linke, MaxSyrien und Palestina in der Karte des Ptolemaus1964
35Littmann, EnnoBeduinen-und Drusen-Namen aus dem Hauran-Gebiet1921
35Lowdermilk, Walter C.Palestine and the Refugee Problem II. Agriculturerec 1940
35McClure, S.S.Bethlehem1896
35Marcus, A.Industry in Israel1959
35Mayerson, PhilipThe Ancient Agricultural Remains of the Central Negeb: Methodology and Dating Criteria1960
35Mayerson, PhilipAncient Agricultural Remains in the Central Negeb: The Teleilat El- Anab1959
35Melamid, AlexanderThe Political Geography of the Gulf of Aqaba1957
35Menchikovsky, FelixThe Soil and Hydrological Conditions of the Jordan Valley as Causes of Plant Diseases1931
35Merrill, SelabThe Jaffa and Jerusalem Railwayrec 1918
35Morettino, AlessandroLa coltura dell'olivo in Israele nel quadro delle colture arboree1962
35Mountchoice, JosephThe Real Solution of the Jewish Problem and the Jewish State1947
35Nevinson, Henry W.The New Zion1927
35Newcombe, S.F.The Future of Palestinerec 1937
35von Oppenheim, Max FreiherrBericht uber seine Reise durch die Syrische Wuste nach Mosul1894
35N/AL'Organisation de la Syrie sous le Mandat Francais1921
35Orni, E.Forms of Settlement1950
35Orni, E.Huleh. Background and Development1952
35N/APalestine and the Refugee Problem IV. The Searec 1940
35Partsch, J.Palmyra, eine Historisch-Klimatische Studie1922
35Picard, L.Inferences on the Problem of the Pleistocene Climate of Palestine and Syria drawn from Flora, Fauna and Stratigraphy1937
35N/ARefugees in the Middle East: A Solution in Peace1967
35N/AThe Republic of Lebanon1947
35Ravikovitch, S.The Aeolian Soils of the Northern Negev1952reprint from Desert Research
35Rihaout, AbdulkaderLe Crac des Chevaliers. Guide touristique et archeologique1961
35Rowe, AlanThe Discoveries at Beth-Shan During the 1926 Season1927
35Rowe, AlanThe Expedition at Beisan1927
35Samuel, HerbertAn Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine during the period 1st July, 1920-30 June 19211921
35Zabarsky, A.The Jewish Co-operative Movement in Palestine1944
35-36Alouf, Michel M.Histoire de Baalbek par un de ses habitants1890
35-36Bernard, AugustinLa Syrie et les Syriens1919
35-36Blanchard, RaphaelLa Faculte de Medecine de Beyrouth1912
35-36Brunnow, R.Reisebericht1896
35-36Hantzsche, Julius CasarTalysch. Eine geographische Skizze1867
35-36N/ADas Heilige Land aus der Vogelschau. Darstellung der Orte und Stadte welche in der Heiligen Schrift erwahnt sind1854
35-36Horowitz, DavidPalestine and the Middle East: An Essay in Regional Economy1943
35-36Hull, EdwardThe Prehistoric Changes which have occurred in the Dead Sea of Palestinerec 1915
35-36Kruger, G.Eine Reise in's heilige Land im 4 Jahrhundertn.d.
35-36Kubitschek, WilhelmDie Mosaikkarte Palastinas1898
35-36v. Landau, WilhelmBeitrage zur Altertumskunde des Orients1903
35-36Lieder der BaumeWintertraumereien in meinem Garden in Ramleh1914
35-36Linson, Corwin KnappSunset near Jerusalem: The Evening Glories of a Semi-Tropical Sky1906
35-36Newton, EdwardA Tourist in Spite of Himself - Jerusalem1930
35-36von Oppenheim, Max FreiherrBericht uber seine Reise durch die Syrische Wuste nach Mosul #41894Also in PB 35
35-36Rey, E.-G.Notice sur le Cavea de Roob ou Scheriat-el-Mandour1886
35-36Rey, E.-G.Etude sur la Topographie de la Ville d'Acre au XIIIe Siecle1879
35-36Robinson, Charles S.Where was "The Place Called Calvary?"1888
35-36de Rohden, PaulusDe Palaestina et Arabia. Provinciis Romanis Questions Selectae1885?
35-36Serruys, WashingtonNotice sur le Liban1900
35-36N/AThe Site of Solomon's Temple Discoveredn.d.Scribner's Vol. XI
35-36Smend, RudolfBeitrage zur Geschichte und Topographie des Ostjordanlandes1902
35-36Tomkins, H.G.The Life of Abraham Illustrated by Recent Researchesn.d.
35-36Van de Velde, C.W.M.Notes on the Map of the Holy Land1865
35-36Van Raemdonck, J.La Geographie Ancienne de la Palestine1884
36Almagia, RobertoNotizie sull'incremento recente della citta di Gerusalemme1950
36N/ABeyrouthrec 1938
36N/ABibliography on Physical Planning of Cooperative and Collective Agricultural Settlements in Israel1970
36van Dyke, HenryA Journey to Jerash1908
36Ravikovitch, S.The Aeolian Soils of the Northern Negevn.d.Ktavim
36Schmidt, Dana AdamsThe Dead Sea Comes Back to Life1953
36Shwadran, BenjaminThe Palestine Commissions of Inquiry and Their Reports1946
36Soskin, S.E.Small Holding and Irrigation. The New Form of Settlement in Palestine1920
36N/ASo, You're going to Israel. Concise and Handy Guide for the American Tourist1949
36Stern, W; Jacobs, M; Schmorsk, SHydro-Geological Research. Coastal Plain Underground Water South of Nahr Rubin1956
36Super, Arthur SaulAbsorption of Immigrants1963
36N/ALa Syrie Economiquerec 1960
36Thomson, William M.The Palestine of Today1879-80
36Tolkowsky, S.Aphekrec 1923
36de Vaumas, Etienne[Various reprints on physical geography and geology of Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine.]rec 1957
36Weber, WilliamDer Arabische Meerbusen. I. Theil, Historisches und Morphologisches mit einer Tiefenkarte1888
36Weinryb, Bernard D.The Jewish Village in Palestine1947
36Weinryb, Bernard D.Palestine's Citrus Industry1947
36Weitz, JosephThe Heights of Naphtali vol. 1 no. 51949
36Weitz, JosephPalestine's Agricultural Potentialitiesn.d.
36Wilson, Edward L.The Sea of Galilee1887
36Wilson, Edward L.Some Wayside Places in Palestine1890
36Wirth, EugenReligionsgeographische Probleme am Beispiel der Syrisch- Libanesischen Levante1965
36Wirth, EugenZur Socialgeographie der Religionsgemeinschaften im Orient1965
36N/ALe Liban, Pays d'Art et de Tourismerec 1938
36Revusky, AbrahamThe Absorptive Capacity of Palestine1944
36Riccardi, RiccardoLa "Biblioteca Bio-Bibliografica della Terra Santa" del P. Golubovich1926
36Rindfleisch, GeorgeDie Landschaft Hauran in romischer Zeit und in der Gegenwart1898
36Samne, GeorgesLa Question Syrienne1918
36Sayegh, FayezThe Arab Plight in the Holy Landrec 1955
36Scheltema, Johan F.Jerusalem and the Holy Landn.d.The North American Review Vol. CCVII-No. 751
36Schneider, Alfonse MariaBericht uber eine Reise nach Syrien und Jordanien Nr. 41952
36Schroetter, HermanDas Tote Meer. Beitrag zur physikalischen Geographie und Belneologie mit Bermerkungen zur Flora der Ufergelande1924
36Seide, JacobOutline of Medical Geography of Israel1955-56
36Selo, Fawzi (Prime Minister)Achievements of Syria's Government of the New Regime during the Last Three Months1952The Directorate General of Information, Damascus
36Shanan, L; Tadmor, N; Evenari, MThe Ancient Desert Agriculture of the Negev II Utilization of Runoff from Small Watersheds1958Ktavim, Vol. 9
36Shanan, L; Tadmor, N; Evenari, MThe Ancient Desert Agriculture of the Negev VII Exploitation of Runoff from Large Watersheds1961Ktavim, Vol. II No. 1 May
36Sidebotham, HerbertThe Future of Palestine1921British Palestine Committee
36Silcox, Claris EdwinImpasse in the Holy Land1947
36N/ASports d'Hiver au Liban. Guide du Cirque des Cedresrec 1938
36Stace, W.T.The Zionist Illusion1947
36Streim, H.L.The Seifs on the Israel-Sinai Border and the Correlation of their Alignment1954Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Vol. IV, Sept.
36N/ASyria and Lebanon. Holidays off the Beaten Trackrec 1938
36N/ASyria: Land of Health, Beauty, and Sunrec 1960
36Syrkin, MarieOriental Jews in Israel1952
36Tadmor, N.H.;Evenari, M; Shannan, L; Hillel, DThe Ancient Desert Agriculture of the Negev I Gravel Mounds and Gravel Strips Near Shivta (Sbelta)1959?
36Tinnes, Dana J.Ancient Tyre's "Thousand Years of Grandeur"1928The Quarterly Journal of U. North Dakota Vol. 19
36N/ALe Tourisme en Syrie et au Libanrec 1938
36Vaufrey, R.L'Acheuleen Superieur de la Grotte d'Oumm-Qatafa IV Palentologie1931L'Anthropologie
36de Vaumas, EtienneL'Age Exact de la Grand Nappe Volcanique de la Syrie du Nord1958Bull. De la Societe de Geographie d'Egypte T. XXXI
36de Vaumas, EtienneLes Terrasses d'Abrasion Marine de la Cote Libanaise1947Bull. De la Societe de Geographie d'Egypte T. XXII
36de Vaumas, EtienneMontagnes du Proche Orient. L'Amanus et le Djebel Ansarieh. Etude Morphometriquerec 1957
36de Vaumas, EtienneLa Repartition Confessionnelle au Liban et l'equilibre de l'Etat Libanaisrec 1956
36Weir, T.H.The Future of Palestine1918-1920Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, Vol. L
36Weitz, JosephSettlement: Report from the Negeb. Record of Pioneer Outposts- Civilisation Returns to Desert1946Palestine and Middle East Vol. XVIII
36Wirth, EugenDie Ackerebenen Nordostsyriens1964
36Wirth, Eugendamaskus-Aleppo-Beirut1956
36Tadmor, N.H.; Shannan, L; Evenari, MThe Ancient Desert Agriculture of the Negev. VI. The Ratio of Catchment to Cultivated Area1960Ktavim, Vol. 10
36Wirth, EugenJunge Wandlungen der Kulturlandschaft in Nordostsyriend und dem Syrischen Euphrattal1963
36Wirth, EugenDie Nutzung des Jordanwassers und ihre Probleme1965
36Wilbuschewitsch, N.The Industrial Development of Palestinerec 1921
36Willis, BaileyEarthquakes in the Holy Land1928Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 18
36Zemach, S.Der alexandrinische Klee (rifolium alexandrinum) in Palastina1931
36.1Wilson, Edward L.From Dan to Beersheba1888The Century Magazine vol. XXXV
36.1Wilson, Edward L.Round About Jerusalem1890?The Century Magazine, Vol. XXXVIII
37Ashkenazi, TouviaLa tribu arabe: ses elements1946-49
37N/AAttraversp la Regione di Adalia1915
37N/ABahrein, Treasure Island of the Persian Gulf1950Standard Oil Co. of CA, Bulletin, Vol. 34
37Bauer, EliezerBibliography of the Arabs: the Arabs in the Past and Present: Their Economic, Cultural, and Political Life in Arabic1944
37Behn, ErnstJemen, Grundzuge der Bodenplastik und ihr Einfluss auf Klima und Lebewelt1910
37Bowen, Richard LeBaron Jr.Pearl Fisheries of the Persian Gulf1951
37N/AThe Buraimi Disputerec 1956
37Candler, EdmundLawrence of the Hejaz1926
37Crary, Douglas D.Recent Agricultural Developments in Saudi Arabia1951Geogr. Rev. Vol. XLI
37Deflers, M.A.Esquisses di Geographie Botanique1894
37Eicher, D.H.; Yackel, M.P.Exploration Gets Results in Saudi Arabia1951
37N/AQatarrec 1973Embassy of the State of Qatar
37N/AFacts about Aden Colony and Protectorate and Kamaran Island1956
37Field, HenryRacial Types from South Arabia1936
37Field, HenrySulle caratteristiche geografiche dell'Arabia Settentrionale1934
37Filali, MustaphaStructures Sociales en Arabie Seoudite1966
37Forde, G. DaryllThe Habitat and Economy of the North Arabian Badawin1933
37Galdston, IagoMedical Explorers of Arabia1937
37N/AGeneral Bibliography on the Arabian Peninsula, Palestine, Syria and the Lebanon1942
37N/AGeneral Summary of Jordan National Parks and Conservation Programrec 1965
37Geritz, AlfredDie Charakterenwicklung der Araber im Kalifenreich in ihrer Abhangigkheit von Landschaften und Lebensformen1930Duplicate
37Goepel, JohnGuide and Souvenir of Adenrec 1950
37Grad, CharlesVoyages dans l'Arabie Petree1886Le Tour de Monde vol. LXIII
37Hammond, Phillip C.Petra, The Excavation of the Main Theater1962-63
37N/AHandbook on the Persian Gulf1953
37Helfritz, HansEpisoden aus Suedarabien Die Kunst im Lande der Janrtausend alte n Kulturrec 1934
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37Holm, Donald AugustDome-shaped Dunes of Central Nejd, Saudi Arabia1952
37Hourani, Cecil A.The Arab League in Perspective1947Middle East Journal, Vol. 1 April
37N/AJerash, A Brief History and some Photographsrec 1962
37N/AOfficial Guide to Jerashrec 1962Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Dept. of Antiquities
37Kaden, WoldemarDas Gibraltar des Ostens und Assabn.d.
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37Lamare, PierreObservations geologique sur l'Yemen1923
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37Maxwell-Darling, R.C.The Outbreak Areas of the Desert Locust in Arabia1937Bulletin of Entomological Research Vol 28
37Miles, George C.Ali B. Isa's Pilgrim Road: An Inscription of the Year 304 H (916-917 A.D.)1955Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypt, T. XXXVI
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37Nyberg, H.S.En Mekkapilgrim pa Saladins tid1945
37N/APetra. A Brief History and some Photographsrec 1962
37Philby, H. St. JohnTo a Lost Kingdom. A Journey to Sheba Across the Burning Sands of Ancient Arabia1937
37N/APolitical and Economic Progress in Aden Protectorate1956
37N/AThe Proposed Arabian Pipe Line. A Threat to our National Securityrec 1944
37Raswan, Carl R.Migration Lines of Arabian Bedouins1929Manuscript
37Raswan, Carl R.Vocabulary of Bedouin Words Concerning Horses1945Journal of Near Eastern Studies Vol. IV
37Rathjens, C. Und Wissman, H.V.Lanschaftskundliche Beobachtungen im sudlichen Hedjaz1947
37Riccardi, R.L'Arabia Centrale secondo I risultati delle ultime esplorazioni1927
37Rossini, C. ContiIscrizioni Sabee1925
37Rotman-Roman, DavidSur quelques roches d'epanchement de l'Yemen1924
37Sanguinetti, Edward P.Impressions in Burnoose and Saddlen.d.
37N/ASaudi Arabia1966Emergent Nations Vol. 2
37N/ASaudi Arabia. An Ancient Land with a Promising Future1964
37N/ASaudi Arabian Monetary Agency, Research Department, Statistical Summary1965
37Schechtman, JosephThe end of Galut Yemen1950
37Schoy, C.Ortsbestamningar I den Arabiska Astronomien1922
37Schweinfurth, GeorgErinnerungen von einer Fahrt nach Sokotran.d.
37Serjeant, R.B.Some Irrigation Systems in Hadramawt1964Bull. School of Oriental and African Studies vol. XXVII
37Solch, JohannBithynische Stadt im Altertumn.d.
37Suter, H.Die Araber als Vermittler der Wissenschaften in deren Ubergang vom Orient in den Occident1897
37Tewfik, Mohamed/Huzayyin, S.A.The Desert Locus. Movements in Sout-West Arabia/Notes on Climatic Conditions in South-West Arabia1944
37Thralls, Warren H.Hasson, R.C.Saudi Arabia's Oil1957
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37N/AThe Truth about Kuwait. The Republic of Iraq1961
37Twitchell, K.S.Water Resources of Saudi Arabia1944Geographical Review, Vol. 34
37Uhden, RichardKonrad Millers "Mappae Arabicae"1933
37Van der Meulen, D.H. von WissmannVoorloopig verslag van een reis in Hadramaut en de omliggende gebieden1932
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