Pamphlet Files 371–380
Arctic and AntarcticBox # | Primary Author | Secondary Author | Date | Notes | |
364.1 | Magnani, Mario | Observaciones Meteorologicas Efectuadas Durante las Expediciones al Hielo Continental Patagonico en los Años 1953, 1954 y 1955 | 1957 | ||
364.1 | Magnani, Mario | Sulle variazioni dei ghiacciai Patagonici | 1961 | Estratto dagli Atti del XVIII Congresso Geografico Italiano | |
364.1 | Mercer, John H. | Variations of Some Patagonian Glaciers since the Late Glacial: II | 1970 | American Journal of Science vol. 269 | |
364.1 | Millosevich, Federico | Su alcune rocce della Terra del Fuoco. Rocce erutive | 1915 | Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei Anno CCCXII | |
364.1 | Moreno, Francisco P. | Explorations in Patagonia | 1899 | From The Geographical Journal | |
364.1 | Nichols, Robert L. | Miller, Maynard M. | The Moreno Glacier, Lago Argentino, Patagonia/Advancing Glaciers and Nearby Simultaneously Retreating Glaciers | 1952 | Reprinted from the Journal of Glaciology vol. 2 No. 11 |
364.1 | Quensel, P.D. | Beitrag zur Geologie der patagonischen Cordillera | 1910 | Sonderabdruck aus "Geologische Rundschau" Bd. I Heft 6 | |
364.1 | Quensel, P.D. | On the Igneous Rocks of the Patagonian Cordillera | rec 1932 | ||
364.1 | Quensel, P.D. | On the Influence of the Ice Age on the Continental Watershed of Patagonia | rec 1939 | Bulletin of the Geological Institute of Uppsala, vol. IX | |
364.1 | Quensel, Percy | Die Quarzporphyr- und Porphyroidformation in Sudpatagonien und Feuerland | 1913 | Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Geological Institute of Upsala, vol. XII | |
364.1 | Repetto, Luis G. | Estudio Geografico sobre la Region de las Mesetas y Terrazas Patagonicas | 1928 | Revista del Profesorado Num. 31 | |
364.1 | Rovereto, Gaetano | Nella Patagonia settentrionale. Da Cipolleti a Nahuel Huapi | 1925 | Estratto dalla Rivista del T.C.I. "La Vie d'Italia e dell America Latina" N. 8 | |
364.1 | Rowlee, W.W. | Plants from Southern Patagonia Collected by Charles Wellington Furlong | 1916 | Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 43 | |
364.1 | v. Siemiradzki, Josef | Zur Geologie von Nordpatagonien | 1893 | ||
364.1 | Skottsberg, C. | Zur Pflanzengeographie Patagoniens | 1931 | ||
364.1 | Spears, John R. | The End of the Continent | 1895 | ||
364.1 | Steffen, Hans | Die Landbrucke von Ofqui in Westpatagonien | 1913 | ||
364.1 | Steffen, Hans | Neuere Arbeiten der Chilenischen Marine in der Kustenregion West- Patagoniens | 1913 | Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin | |
364.1 | Steffen, Hans | El Supuesto Primer Descubrimiento de la Cordillera Patagonica desde el lado del Atlantico | 1928 | Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografia tomo LVIII | |
364.1 | Townsend, Charles Haskins | A Naturalist in the Straits of Magellan | 1910 | Reprinted from Popular Science Monthly | |
364.1 | Vallentin, Rupert | Notes on the Falkland Islands | 1904 | ||
364.1 | Van Waterschoot van der Gracht, W.A.J.M. | Eenige voorloopige korte mededeelingen over de resultaten eener reis in de Magelhaenlanden | rec 1930 | ||
364.1 | Villalobos R., Sergio | El Canal de Beagle y las Tierras Australes: su historia | 1959 | Anales de la Universidad de Chile, No. 113 | |
364.1 | Windhausen, A. | Einige Linien der geologischen Entwicklungsgeschichte Patagoniens im Lichte neuerer Forschungen | 1924 | 17. Jahresbericht des Niedersachsischen geologischen verein zu Hanover | |
364.1 | Windhausen, A. | The Problem of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in South America and the Stratigraphic Position of the San Jorge-Formation in Patagonia | 1918 | From the American Journal of Science, vol. XLIV | |
364.1 | Windhausen, Anselmo | Las Antiguas Conexiones de la Patagonia | 1915 | Del Boletin Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Cordoba | |
364.1 | Windhausen, Anselmo | Apuntes sobre el sistema hidrografico del rio Senguerr | 1925 | De los Anales Socied. Argentina de Estudios Geograficos | |
364.1 | Windhausen, Anselmo | Rasgos de la Historia Geologica de la Planicie Costanera en la Patagonia Septentrional | 1918 | Del Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Cordoba, tomo XXIII | |
364.1 | Wolfe, J.G. | Patagonia's Lost Race | 1922 | The New York Times | |
364.1 | Ygobone, Aquiles D. | La Patagonia. Sus riquezas y sus posibilidades en el segundo plan Quinquenal | 1954 | ||
371 | N/A | American Philosophical Society. Report of Dr. Hayes' Arctic Expedition | 1862 | 2 copies | |
371 | Arctowski, Henryk | Le Pole de Froid | rec 1905 | Extrait du no. 6 Bulletin de la Societe Belge d'Astronomie | |
371 | Bent, Silas | Thermometric Gateways to the Pole | 1868 | ||
371 | Chadwick, John Oldfield | Perseverance in Arctic Exploration | 1877 | ||
371 | Cunningham, Austin | Brave Deeds of our Arctic Signal Corps | n.d. | The Red Cross Magazine | |
371 | Danenhower, John W. | The Polar Question | 1885 | The Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute | |
371 | Hork, Alexander H.v.H.V.d. | Meine Reise nach dem Polarmeer und uber die Bewohner der Nordkuste | 1876 | ||
371 | Hovgaard, A. | The Danish-Arctic Expedition | 1882 | ||
371 | Howell, George Rogers | The Open Polar Sea | 1884 | A Paper Read Before the Albany Institute | |
371 | Howgate, H.W. | Congress and the North Pole | 1879 | Kansas City Review of Science and Industry | |
371 | Howgate, H.W. and others | Polar Colonization. The Preliminary Arctic Expedition of 1877 | rec 1894 | 4 copies | |
371 | Howgate, Henry W. | Polar Colonization and Exploration | rec 1894 | 2 copies | |
371 | Howgate, Henry W. | Polar Colonization. Memorial to Congress and Action of Scientific and Commercial Associations | n.d. | ||
371 | N/A | Institut Meteorologique. Resume de Travaux de l'Expedition Polaire danois Internationale | 1884 | ||
371 | N/A | The Jeanette Expedition. Argument of Hon. Wm. H. Arnoux in Defense of Capt. de Long | 1884 | House Naval Committee | |
371 | Kane, E.K. | Access to the Open Polar Sea. The Search after Sir John Franklin and His Companions | 1853 | American Geographical and Statistical Society | |
371 | Leclercq, Jules | [Review of "Nearest the Pole" by R.E. Peary] | rec 1907 | ||
371 | MacNaughton, James | The Expedition of the "Alert" to Hudson's Strait and Bay in 1885 | 1886 | A Paper Read Before the Albany Institute (2 copies) | |
371 | Malte-Brun, V.A. | Expedition Polaire Anglaise en 1875 | 1876 | Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie | |
371 | Moore, J. Hampton | Peary's Discovery of the North Pole | 1910 | 2 copies | |
371 | Nares, G.S. | The Official Report of the Recent Arctic Expedition | 1876 | ||
371 | Nathorst, A.G. | Sur la valeur des flores fossiles des regions Arctiques comme preuve des climats geologiques | 1910 | ||
371 | Pavy, Octave | Les nouvelles expeditions au Pole Nord | 1868 | Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes (2 copies) | |
371 | Payart, Eugene | La decouverte du Pole Nord | 1895 | Comptes-Rendus 6me Congres International Geographie | |
371 | Payne, F.F. | A Few Notes upon the Eskimo of Cape Prince of Wales, Hudson's Strait | 1889 | From the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science | |
371 | Peary, Robert E. | The Crocker Land Expedition | 1912 | The American Museum of Natural History Journal | |
371 | Ricchieri, Giuseppe | La "Stelle Polare" nel mare Artico | 1903 | ||
371 | N/A | Scientific and Commercial Associations in Reference to Polar Colonization | n.d. | ||
371 | N/A | Shall We Ever Reach the Pole? | 1877 | ||
371 | Varuck, A.J. | Hydrographic Expedition to the Arctic Sea (In Russian) | 1903 | ||
371 | Weyprecht, A. | Payer, Julius | Die Polar-Expedition | 1872 | Sonder-Abdruck Mitteilun. Geographischen Gesellschaft |
372 | Arctowski, Henryk | Les calottes glaciaires des regions antarctiques | 1900 | ||
372 | Arctowski, Henryk | Sur la variabilite de la temperature dans les regions antarctiques | 1904 | ||
372 | Arctowski, Henryk | Sur l'ancienne extension des glaciers dans la region des terres decouvertes par l'expedition antarctique belge | 1900 | ||
372 | Arctowski, Henryk | Sur les icebergs tabulaires des regions antarctiques | 1901 | ||
372 | Arctowski, Henryk | Sur les periodes de l'aurore Australe | 1901 | ||
372 | Arctowski, Henryk | Y a-T-IL Moyen d'arriver au Pole Sud en Automobile? | 1903 | Bulletin de la Societe Belge d'Astronomie | |
372 | Carnagev, Dale | Fighting for Life in Antarctic Ice | 1915 | Illustrated World | |
372 | N/A | Feierliche Sitzung des Komitees der Osterreichischen Antarktischen Expedition am 16. Janner 1914 | 1914 | Separatabdruck aus den Mitteilungen der k.k. Geogr. Gesellschaft in Wien, 1914, Heft 1 bis 3 | |
372 | Murphy, Robert Cushman | The Status of Sealing in the Sub-Antarctic Atlantic | 1918 | Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly | |
373 | N/A | Amundsen's Chances | 1925 | The Scientific Age | |
373 | Amundsen, Roald | Is the Pole Worth While? | 1925 | Forum | |
373 | N/A | Andree's Expedition to the North Pole (Paper Clippings) | n.d. | ||
373 | Armitage, Albert B. | Cold Lands | 1931 | Philips' "New-Prospect" Readers | |
373 | Baird, P.D. | Expeditions to the Canadian Arctic | 1949 | Reprinted from "The Beaver" | |
373 | Balch, Edwin Swift | North Pole Questions I. Admiral Peary's Claims II. Cook's Claims | 1925 | The Independent vol. 115 Nos. 3938 and 3939 | |
373 | Bartlett, Robert A. | Peary's Great Venture | 1934 | New York Times Magazine | |
373 | Baschin, Otto | Die Eroberung des Nordpols | 1910 | Sonder-abdruck aus der Marine-Rundschau | |
373 | Baschin, Otto | Zur Frage der Erreichung des Nordpols durch Peary | 1911 | Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin No. 3 | |
373 | Baughman, Roland | Variant Editions of Settle's Account of Frobisher | 1938 | Reprint The Huntington Library Quarterly vol. II No. 1 | |
373 | Breitfuss, Leonid | Um die Erschliessung der Inneren Arktis | 1938 | Sonderabdruck "Ost-Europa" | |
373 | Breitfuss, Leonid | Die Nobile-Nordpolexpedition mit dem Luftschiff | 1929 | Petermanns Geographischen Mitteilungen | |
373 | Bruckner, Eduard | Eine Flaschenpost vom "Tegetthoff" | 1922 | Sonderabdruck "Mitteilungen der Geogr. Gesellschaft" | |
373 | Charcot, J.-B. | Rapport preliminaire sur la campagne du "Pourquoi-pas" en 1929 | 1930 | Extrait des Annales Hydrographiques No. 1907 | |
373 | Cirone, Massimo | Ricorrendo il trentesimo anniversario del volo transpolare Amundsen- Ellsworth-Nobile | 1956/1957 | Rivista di Medicina Aeronautica/Estratto dal "Giornale di Medicina Militare" (2 editions) | |
373 | N/A | Clippings from NY Herald Tribune August 23 on the Finding of the Andree Party in the Arctic & Reproductions of Drawing from the Herald Tribune of July 11, 1877 | 1930 | ||
373 | Corner, George W. | The Adventures of Dr. Kane in Search of an Open Polar Sea | rec 1957 | ||
373 | Cyriax, Richard J. | The Unsolved Problem of the Franklin Expedition Records Supposedly Buried on King William Island | 1969 | Reprinted from The Mariner's Mirror vol. 55 No. 1 | |
373 | Dall, William Healey | Part A: Mollusks, Recent and Pleistocene. Southern Party, 1913-16 | 1919 | Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-1918 vol. VIII Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, etc. | |
373 | Dremliug, V.V. | Taina ischeznuvshikh zemel Arktiki | 1956 | ||
373 | von Drygalski, Erich | Die neuesten Polarreisen und die nordwestliche Durchfahrt | rec 1911 | ||
373 | von Drygalski, Erich | Peary's Nordpolfahrt | rec 1911 | ||
373 | Edwards, Deltus M. | Opening Up the North Pole Regions (To Commerce and Industry?) | 1925 | American Industries. The National Magazine for Manufacturers. Vol. XXV No. 11 | |
373 | Ellsworth, Lincoln | At the North Pole | 1928 | From the Smithsonian Report for 1927 | |
373 | Ellsworth, Lincoln | At the North Pole | 1927 | The Yale Review | |
373 | Ellsworth, Lincoln | The Dash for the North Pole | 1925 | The Winged Foot vol. XXXVI No. 11 | |
373 | Elton, C.S. | The Oxford University Arctic Expedition, 1924. I. The Biology in Relation to the Geography | 1925 | From The Geographical Journal | |
373 | Faustini, A. | Alcune osservazioni della Campagna Polare Artica di R. Amundsen | 1907 | Estratto dalla Rivista Geografica Italiana vol. XIV Fasc. VIII | |
373 | Faustini, A. | Alcune osservazioni sulla crociera dell' 'Hertha' nel mar Polare Arctico | 1900 | Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Geografica Italiana, Fasc. VI | |
373 | Faustini, A. | Di alcune pretese navigazioni polari ad alte latitudini | 1900 | Estratto Rivista mensile: In giro pel mondo An. II nn. 8 e 9 | |
373 | Faustini, A. | Fra i ghiacci dell'Estrempo Settentrione. La spedizione artica italiana del Duca degli Abruzzi | 1901 | ||
373 | Faustini, A. | La spedizione artica americana di W. Wellmann1903 | |||
373 | Faustini, A. | Tragedie Polari | 1900 | ||
373 | Faustini, A. | Uno sguardo sui lavori scientifici della spedizione antartica Svedese | 1904 | Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Geografica Italiana, Fasc. III | |
373 | Fleming, A.L. | Baffin Land Re-visited | rec 1934 | Reprinted from Canadian Churchman | |
373 | Fleming, A.L. | Scientific Work of the MacMillan Baffin Land Expedition, 1921-1922 | rec 1936 | ||
373 | Franklin, Lady Jane | A Letter to Viscount Palmerston, K.G. from Lado Franklin | 1857 | Photostat, Second Edition | |
373 | Ghisleri, Arcangelo | Roald Amundsen e di alcuni suoi precursori | 1925 | Emporium, vol. LXVII N. 367 | |
373 | Gibbons, Russell W. | Frederick Albert Cook An Enigma in Polar History | 1968 | Polar Notes Occasional Pub. of Stefansson Collection #8 | |
373 | Gibbons, Russell W. | Dr. Cook: An American Dreyfus in the Arctic?/Did cook beat Peary to the Pole?/Lure of the Polar Profits | 1968 | North vol. XV No. 2/Science Digest vol. 64 No. 3/Nation vol. 206 No. 24 | |
373 | Gorbunov, G.P. | Haken, N.N. | Bericht uber die Sowiet-Deutschen Forschungen in der Barents-See und uber andere marine Arbeiten 1927 | 1929 | In Russian, German Summary |
373 | Green, Fitzhugh | Across the Pole by Plane | 1923 | U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings vol. 49 No. 244 | |
373 | v. Gruber, O. | Uber die Photogrammetrische Ausrustung des "Graf Zeppelin" auf der Arktisfahrt 1931, uber die Auswertungsmethoden und die Bisherigen Ergebnisse aus dem Gewonnenen Aufnahmematerial | rec 1933 | Sonderabdruck aus Erganzungsheft Nr. 216 zu Petermanns Mitteilungen | |
373 | Hall, Charles Francis | Arrival of the "George Henry" at New London | 1862 | The Sailor's Magazine and Seaman's Friend vol. 35 No. 3 | |
373 | Hattersley-Smith, G. | Lotz, J.R./Sagar, R.B. | The Ablation Season on Gilman Glacier Northern Ellesmere Island | 1960 | Extract from Publication No. 54 International Association of Scientific Hydrology |
373 | Hattersley-Smith, G. | Lotz, J.R. | Transport, Equipment and Stores Used During Operation "Hazen" 1957-1959 | 1961 | Reprinted from The Polar Record vol. 10 No. 67 |
373 | Hobbs, William H. | Discovery and Exploration within the Area to the West of the Kane Basin | 1937 | Reprinted from Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia vol. XXXV No. 2 | |
373 | Holtedahl, Olaf | Brief Account of the Expedition | 1921 | ||
373 | Humphreys, Noel | Shakleton, E/Moore, A.W. | Oxford University Ellesmere Land Expedition | 1936 | Reprinted The Geographical Journal vol. LXXXVII No. 5 |
373 | Joerg, W.L.G. | Discovery by the Russian Expedition on the Icebreaker Sadko | rec 1943 | ||
373 | Jones, A.G.E. | Cyriax, R.J. | The Papers in the Possession of Harry Peglar, Captain of the Foretop, H.M.S. Terror, 1845 | 1954 | Reprinted from The Mariner's Mirror vol. 40 No. 3 |
373 | Kohlschutter, E. | Die Erforschung der Arktis mit dem Luftschiffe | 1925 | Sonderdruck aus "Der Luftweg" Heft Nr. 23/24 | |
373 | Mendez, D. Enrique S. | Un Vuelo sobre la Barrera de Filchner | 1956 | Revista Nacional de Aeronautica No. 176 | |
373 | Notman, D.N.H./Anderson, L. | Beattie, O.B./Roger, A. | Arctic Paleoradiology: Portable Radiographic Examination of Two Frozen Sailors from the Franklin Expedition (1845-1848) | 1987 | American Roentgen Ray Society |
373 | Speerschneider | Roald Amundsens Ekspedition | rec 1925 | Saertryk af Gads danske Magasin | |
374 | Leitzel, Ted | Peary's Conspiracy Against Dr. Cook | 1935/1936 | Excerpts from Real America. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. | |
374 | Lewis, H.E. | Taylor, P.F. | The British North Greenland Expedition 1952-1954 | 1957 | |
374 | Ljungdahl, Gustaf S. | Luftskeppet som hjalpmedel vid Arktisk forskning | 1932 | ||
374 | Ljungdahl, Gustav S. | Preliminary Report of the Magnetic Observations made during the Aeroarctic Expedition of the Graf Zeppelin, 1931 | 1931 | From Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity | |
374 | Ljungdahl, Gustav S. | Die Magnetischen Arbeiten Wahrend der Arktisfahrt des Luftschiffes "Graf Zeppelin" 1931 | 1931 | Sonderabdruck aus Erganzungsheft Nr. 216 zu Petermanns Mitteilungen | |
374 | N/A | London. Preliminary Report of the 1963 Imperial College Beerenberg Expedition to North Jan Mayen Island, Greenland Sea | 1963 | Imperial College of Science and Technology. | |
374 | Macmillan, D.B. | Stars and Stripes Nailed to the Pole | 1939 | New York Times Magazine | |
374 | MacMillan, Donald | Record-Hunting in the Arctic | 1918 | Harpers Magazine | |
374 | Masciadri, Guido | Una caccia Italiana nell'Arctica | 1927 | Emporium, vol. LXV N. 389 | |
374 | Masterton, J.P. | Lewis, H.E. | Food Intakes, energy expenditures and faecal excretions of men on a polar expedition | 1957 | Reprinted from the British Journal of Nutrition vol. II No. 3 |
374 | McConnell, Burt M. | Wilkins Goes Over the Top: The Story of the First Trans-Polar Flight by Airplane | 1928 | The Elks Magazine | |
374 | McConnell, Burt M. | What Can Amundsen Accomplish? | 1922 | New York Times Book Review | |
374 | McConnell, Burt M. | Hopping Off for a Lost Continent | 1926 | The Independent vol. 116 No. 3954 | |
374 | Melville, Geo. W. | Report in Connection with the Jeannette Expedition | 1882 | ||
374 | Melville, George W. | Remarks on Polar Expedition | rec 1922 | 2 copies | |
374 | Mercer, John H. | Glacier Variations in the Antarctic | 1962 | From Glaciological Notes, Number 11 | |
374 | Miller, Maynard M. | Beyond the Pole | 1954 | Reprinted from Appalachia | |
374 | Le Mis de Nadaillac | Vers le Pole Nord | 1902 | Extrait de la Revue des Questions Scientifiques | |
374 | Mitchell, William | Mutiny in the Arctic | 1934 | Liberty | |
374 | Mohb, Henrik | Norske Fangst-skipperes Opdagelse af Kong Karl-Land | 1872 | ||
374 | Nobile, Umberto | Umberto Nobile narra il suo volo sopra il polo/Come scendemmo a Teller | 1926 | Corriere della Sera Anno 51 N. 149 | |
374 | Oldenburg, Margaret E. | Copper- Mellville Island Coppermine Flight August 9-12, 1945 Detailed Report | rec 1946 | ||
374 | Olsen, N.T. | I Drift med Isen i Kara-Havet | 1891 | ||
374 | Ostenso, Ned A. | Physiography of the Arctic Ocean Basin | 1963 | Proceedings 13th Alaskan Science Conference, U of WI | |
374 | Ostenso, Ned A. | Aeromagnetic Survey of the Arctic Ocean Basin | 1963 | U of Wisconsin Geophysical & Polar Research Center | |
374 | N/A | Outing Magazine vol. LXXX No. 6 | 1922 | ||
374 | Parks, George B. | The Two Versions of Settle's Frobisher Narrative | 1938 | Reprinted from The Huntington Library Quarterly v. II #1 | |
374 | Parks, George B. | Notes- Frobisher's Third Voyage, 1578 | 1935 | Reprinted from The Huntington Library Bulletin No. 7 | |
374 | Peary, R.E. | Work Done in the Arctic in 1898-1902 | rec 1937 | ||
374 | Peary, Robert E. | Arctic Exploration and the New Stefansson Expedition | 1913 | The American Museum Journal vol. XIII No. 2 | |
374 | Peary, Robert E. | Moving on the North Pole -- Outline of my Arctic Campaign | 1899 | McClure's Magazine | |
374 | N/A | Photogrammetric and Cartographic Results of the Axel Heiberg Expedition | 1963 | Reprinted from The Canadian Surveyor, vol. XVII No. 2 | |
374 | Porsild, Erling | Byggede de gamle nordboer edderfugle varp i Jones Sund? | 1938 | Saertryk af Geografisk Tidsskrift, 41. Bind. 2 Halvbind. | |
374 | Porsild, Erling | A Biological Exploration of Banks and Victoria Islands | 1950 | Reprinted from Arctic vol. 3 No. 1 | |
374 | Pullen, Thomas C. | We Smashed Through the Northwest Passage | 1970 | Petroleum Today | |
374 | Robinson, J. Lewis | Conquest of the Northwest Passage by R.C.M.P. Schooner St. Roch | 1945 | Reprinted from the Canadian Geographical Journal | |
374 | Romagna Manola, Giuseppe | Determinazione relativa della gravita terrestre | 1929 | Instituto Idrografico della Regia Marina | |
374 | Rothlisberger, Hans | Quartargeologische Beobachtungen am Eglinton Fiord, Baffin-Land, Kanada | 1951 | ||
374 | Ryan, Jack | The Fearful Log of the H.M.S. Terror | 1969 | Petroleum Today | |
374 | Sandford, K.S. | The Swedish-Norwegian Arctic Expedition, 1931 | 1934 | Reprinted from The Geographical Journal | |
374 | Schwatka, Frederick | Extracts from Letters | 1880 | Philadelphia Daily Evening Telegraph | |
374 | N/A | Schwatka's Journal | 1880 | The New York Herald | |
374 | Shelesnyak, M.C. | The Navy Explores its Northern Frontiers | 1947 | Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers | |
374 | Simpson, Howard E. | The Friendly Arctic | 1922 | Reprint Quarterly Journal University of ND, vol. 12 No. 3 | |
374 | Slocum, Victor | The Voyage of the "Jeanette's" Boats | 1936 | Yachting | |
374 | Stefansson, Vilhjalmur | Solving the Problem of the Arctic. Hunting Caribou and Building Snow Houses Parts IV and V | 1919 | Harpers Magazine | |
374 | Stefansson, Vilhjalmur | Solving the Problem of the Arctic. Hunting Caribou and Building Snow Houses Parts I, II and III | 1919 | Harpers Magazine | |
374 | Stefansson, Vilhjalmur | Popular Science from Unfamiliar Sources | n.d. | The Literary Digest International Book Review vol. I No. 1 | |
374 | Stefansson, Vilhjalmur | Polar Pastures | 1926 | Forum | |
374 | Stefansson, Vilhjalmur | The "Blond" Eskimos | 1928 | Harpers Magazine | |
374 | Strong, James T. | The Opening of the Arctic Ocean | 1963 | From the Smithsonian Report for 1962 | |
374 | Sverdrup, H.U. | Maud-ekspeditionens videnskabelige arbeide 1918-19 og nogen av dets resultater | 1922 | Saertryk av "Naturen" Januar-April | |
374 | Swithinbank, Charles | Northwest Passage Trade Route by Supertanker | 1970 | The Geographical Magazine | |
374 | Taylor, Andrew | British Preliminary Papers on Exploration in the Canadian North | 1959 | Reprinted from Arctic Bibliography vol. VIII | |
374 | Tandberg, Rolf S. | Louise A. Boyd Expedition | 1966 | ||
374 | Ward, Henshaw | Peary Did Not Reach the Pole | 1934 | American Mercury | |
374 | Weickmann, L. | Die meteorologischen Ergebnisse der Polarfahrt des "Graf Zeppelin" | 1931 | ||
374 | Weickmann, L. | Die Wetterlage bei der Polarfahrt des "Graf Zeppelin" | 1932 | Beitrage zur Physik der freien Atmosphare Band 19 | |
374 | Weickmann, L. | Beobachtung von Strukturbden wahrend der Polarfahrt des "Graf Zeppelin" Juli, 1931 | 1932 | ||
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374 | Wilkins, Hubert | [Russian Exploration in the Arctic and Subarctic] | 1943 | National Council of American-Soviet Friendship | |
375 | Aagaard, Bjarne | Whaling and Exploration in the Antarctic | 1929 | Norwegian Trade Review No. 4 | |
375 | Ackerknecht, Erwin H. | The Eskimo | 1948 | Ciba Symposia, vol. 10 No. 1 | |
375 | Acuna de Mones Ruiz, Primavera | Conciencia Antartica Argentina | 1948 | ||
375 | Adie, Raymond J. | Antarctic Geology and Continental Drift | 1965 | Science Journal Reprint | |
375 | Adie, Raymond J. | Sea-Level Changes in the Scotia Arc and Graham Land | 1963 | Antarctic Geology, SCAR Proceedings | |
375 | N/A | Aeroclub. The Hop-Off. Radiograms of the Amundsen-Ellsworth Polar Flight | 1925 | ||
375 | Ahlmann, H. W:son | Nutidens Antarktis och Istidens Skandinavien | 1944 | Geol. Foren. Forhandl. Bd. 66 | |
375 | Allen, T.R. | Common Colds in Antarctica | 1973 | Journal of Hygiene, Cambridge. Vol. 71 No. 649 | |
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375 | Amundsen, Roald | North Pole and South | 1928 | Nomad vol. V No. I | |
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375 | Angino, Ernest E. | Turner, Mort D. | Antarctic Orogenic Belts as Delineated by Absolute Age Dates | 1964 | Proceedings 1st International Symposium Antarctic Geol. |
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375 | N/A | Antarctica. A War for Frozen Colonies Looms in the World's Latest Wasteland | 1939 | Life Magazine | |
375 | N/A | Antarctic Research Subcommittee of the Geological Society of New Zealand. Preliminary Bibliography of the Geology of Ross Dependency | n.d. | ||
375 | N/A | Arctic Yearbook. Aurora Borealis. Polar Airway to the World | rec 1946 | ||
375 | Arctowski, Henryk | Apercu sur les observations meteorologiques de l'Expedition Antarctique Belge | 1900 | ||
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377 | Hamilton, R.A. | The Determination of Temperature Gradients over the Greenland Ice Sheet by Optical Methods | 1957 | Reprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh vol. LXIV Part IV (No. 25) | |
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377 | Hamilton, R.A. | The Temperature Gradient in the Air Above an Ice Sheet | 1959 | Reprinted from the Meteorological Magazine vol. 88 | |
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379 | Faustini, A. | Alla Ricerca del Dott. O. Nordenskjold sulle coste Occidentale della Terra di Graham | 1903 | Rivista Marittima | |
379 | Faustini, A. | Di Alcuni Risultati Geografici della "Discovery" nella Regione Antartica (Quadrante di Ross) | 1903 | Rivista Marittima | |
379 | Faustini, Arnoldo | E.H. Shackleton e la Questione Antartica | 1909 | Dalla Nuova Antologia | |
379 | Felland, O.G. (Translator) | Account of Norvegia Expedition, 1928-29, West of Peter I Island to about Longitude 140°w | rec 1934 | ||
379 | Ferrar, H.T. | Note on the Geology of the Antarctic Regions | 1914 | Reprinted from the Cairo Scientific Journal vol. VIII | |
379 | Ferrar, H.T. | The Geological History of Ross Dependency | 1925 | From New Zealand Journal of Science & Tech v. VII No. 6 | |
379 | N/A | France and the Southern Antarctic Lands | 1962 | Ambassade de France, Service de Presse et d'Info. | |
379 | Gould, Lawrence M. | Antarctic Prospect | 1957 | Americana vol. 3 No. 6 (In Mandarin?) | |
379 | Gould, R.T. | The First Sighting of the Antarctic Continent | 1925 | Reprinted from The Geographical Journal (2 copies) | |
379 | Gunn, Bernard M. | Walcott, Richard I. | The Geology of the Mt. Markham Region, Ross Dependency, Antarctica | 1962 | Reprinted from the New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, vol. 5 No. 3 |
379 | Guozden, Helvio | La campana Antartica 1956-1957 | 1959 | Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 19 | |
379 | Haines, W.C. | Grimminger, George | A Brief Meteorological Summary, Byrd Antarctic Expedition II, 1933- 1935 Little America, Antarctica | 1935 | |
379 | Harlin, Ben W. | Others | IGY Meteorology in Antarctica. Inside Antarctica Nos. 1-6 | 1961 | Reprinted from Weatherwise 1958-1961 |
379 | Harrington, H.J. | Bibliography of Reports and Publications Including Maps | 1962 | New Zealand Geological and Survey Antarctic Expedition | |
379 | Henderson, Daniel | Sandy Hook Pilot Boats Probing for the South Pole | 1952 | Motor Boating vol. 89 No. 3 | |
379 | Henry, Thomas R. | Antarctic Fairyland | 1947 | The Saturday Evening Post | |
379 | Hinks, A.R. | On Some Misrepresentations of Antarctic History | 1939 | Reprinted from the Geographical Journal vol. XCIV | |
379 | Hinks, Arthur R. | The Log of the HERO | 1940 | Reprinted from the Geographical Journal vol. XCVI No. 6 | |
379 | Hobbs, William Herbert | American Antarctic Discoveries, 1819-1940 | rec 1943 | Proceedings: Eighth American Scientific Congress | |
379 | Hoinkes, H. | Die Antarktis und die geophysikaliche Erfoschung der Erde | 1961 | Sonderdruck aus Naturwissenschaften, Heft 9, 48 Jahrg. | |
379 | Holdgate, M.W. | Observations in the South Sandwich Islands, 1962 | 1963 | Reprinted from the Polar Record vol. 11 No. 73 | |
379 | Horowitz, August | The Last Frontier of Exploration | 1935 | Boys Life | |
379 | Hoxmark, Guillermo | La Argentina y las exploraciones antarticas | 1924 | Publicado en Anales Soc. Cientifica Argentina t. XCVII | |
379 | Hoxmark, Guillermo | La Argentina y las exploraciones antarticas | 1924 | Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina tome XCVII | |
379 | N/A | Ice-Bound: The Story of the United States and New Zealand in the Antarctic | rec 1960 | ||
379 | N/A | Instituto Antartico Chileno. Boletin No. 3 | 1968 | ||
379 | Isachsen, Fridtjov | Light on the "Misty Regions" of the Antarctic | 1961 | Translation of an article from Aftenposten | |
379 | Isachsen, Gunnar | Norske undersokelser ved sydpollandet 1929-1931 | rec 1938 | 2 copies | |
379 | Isachsen, Gunnar | Norvegia-Ekspedisjonen 1930-31; Omseilingen av Sydpollandet | 1931 | ||
379 | N/A | Die Japanische Sudpolarexpedition | 1912 | ||
379 | Jones, A.G.E. | New Voyage to the South Shetlands in 1819-20 | 1971 | Reprinted from Antarctic vol. 6 No. 2 | |
379 | Jones, A.G.E. | Island of Desolation | 1971 | Reprinted from Antarctic vol. 6 No. 1 | |
379 | Jones, A.G.E. | The Voyage of the "Terra Nova" | 1972 | Reprinted from the Geographical Journal vol. 138 Part 3 | |
379 | Jones, A.G.E. | The Voyage of the Hopeful and the Rose 1833-34 | 1965 | Reprinted from the Mariner's Mirror vol. 51 No. 3 | |
379 | Jones, A.G.E. | Captain Peter Kemp and Kemp Land | 1968 | Reprinted from the Mariner's Mirror vol. 54 No. 3 | |
379 | Jones, Stacy V. | Frozen Treasure Hunt | 1947 | Liberty Magazine | |
379 | N/A | Kilometer-High Blizzard. Icebound Continent Reveals Secrets | 1959 | Translated from Izvestia | |
379 | Kolbe, Raul G. | La operacion "Congelamiento I" | 1959 | Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 26 | |
379 | Kosack, Hans-Peter | Bericht uber die australische Expedition nach MacRobertsonland | 1954 | Sonderdruck aus Polarforschung III. Band, 24 Jahrg H. 1, 2 | |
379 | Kosack, Hans-Peter | Die Sudpolarexpeditionen im Jahre 1956 und 1957 | 1958 | Geographisches Taschenbuch | |
379 | Lapina, I. Ia | Novye nazvaniia na karte Antarktidy [New Names on the Map of Antarctica] | 1961 | In Russian | |
379 | Law, Phillip | Antarctic Research | 1967 | Reprint from Australian Journal of Science v. 30 No. 5 | |
379 | Leeney, R.J. | A Connecticut Yankee in Antarctica | 1940 | New Haven Register | |
379 | Rudolph, Emmanuel D. | Terrestrial Vegetation of Antarctica: Past and Present Studies | 1966 | Reprint Antarctic Soils and Soil Forming Processes Antarctic Research Series vol. 8 | |
379 | N/A | [List of] Scientific Reports of Byrd Antarctic Expeditions | n.d. | ||
379 | Scott, Robert | Vortrag des Commander Edward Evans uber die dritte Sudpolarexpedition unter Fuhrung | 1914 | Separatabdruck aus Mitt. d.k.k. Geogr. Gesellschaft in Wien, Heft 1 bis 3. | |
379 | Tauber, G.M. | Huzioka, T/Oura, H/ Kuroiwa, D. (transl.) | No. 2 Principal Characteristics of Antarctic Climate | 1956 | In Japanese? With title translated into Russian |
380 | N/A | Antarctic Journal of the United States vol. V No. 4 July-August | 1970 | ||
380 | N/A | Antarctic Journal of the United States vol. IX No. 6 Nov/Dec | 1974 | ||
380 | Aubert de la Rue, Edgar | Sur de recentes observations interessant la geologie des Iles Kerguelen | 1950 | Extrait des Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences tome 230 | |
380 | Balham, R.W. | Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958. Scientific Reports No. 14 Meteorology 2. Scott Base, McMurdo Sound | 1965 | Trans-Antarctic Expedition Committee | |
380 | Charcot, J.-B. | Antarctide Sud-Americaine | 1929 | Extrait des Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences t. 188 | |
380 | N/A | An Early Oceanographer. Captain James Wedell's Feats in Antarctica | 1934 | Edinburgh Evening News | |
380 | Kramp, P.L. | Medusae Collected by The Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1901-03 | 1948 | Further Zoological Results of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition vol. IV No. 1 | |
380 | Lang, Karl | Echinoderida | 1949 | Further Zoological Results of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition vol. IV No. 2 | |
380 | Martin, Lawrence | The Log of Palmer's Discovery of Antarctica | 1938 | Reprinted from Science vol. 87 No. 2251 | |
380 | Martin, Lawrence | An American Discovered Antarctica | 1938 | ||
380 | Mawson, D. | Wilkes's Antarctic Landfalls | rec 1935 | Proc Royal Geographical Soc S Australian Branch 1932-33 | |
380 | Mawson, Douglas | The Australasian Antarctic Expedition | 1911 | From The Geographical Journal | |
380 | Mawson, Douglas | Australasian Antarctic Expedition. Report of the Progress of the Publication of the Scientific Results | 1921 | Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Reprint from Report of 15th Meeting | |
380 | Mawson, Douglas | The B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition 1929-1931 | 1932 | Reprinted from The Geographical Journal vol. LXXX No. 2 | |
380 | Mawson, Douglas | The Kerguelen Archipelago | 1934 | Reprint The Geographical Journal vol. LXXXIII No. I | |
380 | Mawson, Douglas | Lecture on the Proposed Australian Antarctic Expedition, 1911 | 1912 | Reprint vol. XIII, Australasian Assoc. Advance of Science | |
380 | Mawson, Douglas | The New Polar Province | 1933 | Royal Institution of Great Britain | |
380 | Mawson, Douglas | British, Australian and New Zealand Research Expedition Report on the Work of the Expedition in R.S.S. "Discovery" During the Season 1929-1930 | 1930 | ||
380 | N/A | John Miers' Account of the Discovery of the South Shetland Islands | 1950 | Reprinted from the Polar Record vol. 5 No. 40 | |
380 | Mikkelsen, K. | Opdagelsen av Ingrid Christensen Land | 1935 | Saertrykk av Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. B.V.H. 6 | |
380 | Mooney, James E. (Editor) | Dedication, Amundsen-Scott IGY, South Pole Station | 1957 | ||
380 | Mossman, R.C. | Meteorological Results of the Shackleton Antarctic Expedition, 1914- 1917 (Weddell Sea Party): Preliminary Notice | 1921 | From Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society vol. 47 No. 197 | |
Murillo Ordonez, Emilio | El continente antarctico y sus alrededores (Breve estudio geofisico) | 1936 | |||
380 | Murphey, Charles J.V. | Alone/A Flight for Life | 1935 | The American Magazine | |
380 | N/A | The New Zealand Antarctic Research Activities, 1957 and 1958 Report No. 1 to SCAR | 1959 | New Zealand National Committee for Antarctic Research | |
380 | N/A | Norway and the British Claims for Antarctic Sectors | 1933 | Norwegian Journal of Commerce and Shipping (Original and Photostat copy) | |
380 | Nybelin, Orvar | Subantarctic and Antarctic Fishes | 1951 | ||
380 | O'Brien, Jack | Admiral Byrd -- Parlor Hero/Byrd in Antarctica | 1934 | Real America (2 editions, October and November) | |
380 | O'Brien, Jack | Admiral Byrd -- Parlor Hero | 1934 | Copy from Real America for October | |
380 | Olsacher, Juan | Diaz, Horacio/Teruggi, M. | Contribucion a la geologia de la Antartida occidental | 1956 | Instituto Antarctico Argentino Publicacion No. 2 |
380 | Olsacher, Juan | Observaciones geologicas en Caleta Armonia, Isla Nelson. Islas Shetland del Sur Antartida Argentina | 1958 | Contribucion No. 20 del Instituto Antartico Argentino | |
380 | Orr, N.W.M. | Food Requirements and Weight Changes of Men on Antarctic Expeditions | 1965 | British Journal of Nutrition, 19, 79 | |
380 | Panzarini, Rodolfo N. | La campana Antartica 1950-1951 | 1959 | Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 22 | |
380 | Panzarini, Rodolfo N. | La campana Antartica 1952-1953 | 1959 | Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 24 | |
380 | Panzarini, Rodolfo N. | La ciencia argentina en el Antartico | 1960 | Ciencia Interamericana vol. 1 No. 3 | |
380 | Panzarini, Rodolfo N. | Intereses cientificos argentinos en el Antartico | 1959 | Contribucion del Instituto Antartico Argentino No. 41 | |
380 | Paulter, James Charles | Byrd Antarctic Expedition II, 1933-1935. scientific Program. Scientific Accomplishments and Correspondence with W.L.G. Joerg | 1936 | ||
380 | Pauly, Antonio | Projekt einer Argentinischen Sudpol-expedition | 1928 | Sonderabdruck aus "Phoenix" (2 copies) | |
380 | Penck, Albrecht | Erich v. Drygalski: Ozean und Antarktis. Meereskundliche Forschungen u. Ergebnisse der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901- 3 | 1926 | Deutsche Literaturzeitung | |
380 | Pirie, J.H. Harvey | Brown, R.N. Rudmose | The Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Second Antarctic Voyage of the "Scotia" | rec 1905 | Scottish Geographical Magazine |
380 | Pollog, Carl Hanns | Ellsworths Fluss uber die Antarktis | 1936 | Schweizer Aero Revue | |
380 | Poulter, Thos. C. | The Scientific Work of the Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition | 1939 | Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly | |
380 | Randall, Wilfred L. | Recent Antarctic Exploration | 1922 | ||
380 | Roberts, Brian | British Naval Hydrographic Surveys in the Antarctic, 1948-1954 | 1965 | Reprinted from British Antarctic Survey Bulletin | |
380 | Roberts, Brian | Sound Effects in Polar Conditions | 1944 | Reprinted from the Polar Record No. 27 | |
380 | Robin, G. de Q. | Five Years of Antarctic Research | 1961 | Reprinted from the I.C.S.U. Review vol. 3 | |
380 | Robinson, Peter | Japan's Growing Interest in the Antarctic | 1956 | Letters from Tokyo No. 7 | |
380 | Ronne, Finn | The Main Southern Sledge Journey from East Base, Palmer Land, Antarctica | 1945 | Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society vol. 89 No. 1 | |
380 | Ronne, Finn | Robertson Latady, William | Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition, 1946-1948/ Report on the Aerial Photography of the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition | 1948 | Reprinted from Photogrammetric Engineering |
380 | N/A | Russia. Ministry of the Navy. Information Bulletin of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition 15, 1960 | rec 1962 | ||
380 | Saavedra Rojas, Eduardo | Exploraciones en el continente antartico | n.d. | Memorial del Ejercito | |
380 | Saunders, Harold E. | The Flight of Admiral Byrd to the South Pole and the Exploration of Marie Byrd Island | 1940 | Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society vol. 82 No. 5 | |
380 | Schokalsky, J. | Centenaire de l'Expedition Antarctique Russe, Comandee par Th. Bellingshausen et M. Lazarev, qui appareilla le 4 Juillet, du calendrier Julien 1819 de Cronstadt | 1928 | In Russian, table of contents and title in French | |
380 | N/A | Scott Antarctic in Memoriam Association, London | n.d. | Missing several pages | |
380 | Searle, D.J.H. | The Evolution of the Map of Alexander and Charcot Islands, Antarctica | 1963 | Reprinted from the Geographical Journal vol. 129 Part 2 | |
380 | Shackleton | Farthest South | 1909 | Taken from McClure's Magazine, vol. XXXIII Nos. 5, 6, 7 | |
380 | Shackleton, E.H. | Some Results of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-9 | 1910 | From the Smithsonian Report for 1909 | |
380 | Shirase | The First Japanese Polar Expedition | 1912 | From the Independent (Photostat copy) | |
380 | Slocum, Victor | Shackleton's Boat Voyage | 1931 | Yachting Magazine | |
380 | N/A | Soviet Antarctic Expedition | 1963 | Information Bulletin Issue No. 4 Vol. 4 | |
380 | Stackpole, Edouard A. | The First Recognition of Antarctica | 1952 | The Boston Public Library Quarterly | |
380 | Stephenson, Alfred | Fleming, W.L.S. | King George the Sixth Sound | 1940 | Reprinted from the Geographical Journal vol. XCVI No. 3 |
380 | Stoeks, Theodor | Lotarbeiten der "Schwabenland" Dezember 1938 bis April 1939 | 1939 | Sonderabdruck aus Annalen der Hydrographie Heft VIII | |
380 | Stofs, Wilhelm | Die Bedeutung der antarktischen Forschung | 1899 | ||
380 | Stuart, A.W. | Bull, C. | Glaciological Observations on the Ross Ice Shelf near Scott Base, Antarctica | 1963 | Reprinted from the Journal of Glaciology vol. 4 No. 34 |
380 | Taylor, Griffith | The Antarctic Today. Exploration of the Seventh Continent | 1956 | The Etruscan vol. 6 No. 2 | |
380 | Toja, Hirosi | Observeto al Antarkta Kontinento el Geomorfologaij Okuloj | 1957 | Oomoto Organo de Oomoto Kaj U.H.A. (Includes photos) | |
380 | N/A | Die transantarktische Flugexpedition von Ellsworth | 1934 | Neue Zuricher Zeitung | |
380 | Treves, Samuel B. | The Geology of Cape Evans and Cape Royds, Ross Island, Antarctica | 1962 | Reprinted from Antarctic Research, Geophysical Monograph No. 7 | |
380 | N/A | United States Antarctic Projects Officer | rec 1958 | ||
380 | N/A | U.S. National Science Foundation. United States Antarctic Research Program | 1963 | ||
380 | N/A | Voyage of the Tula Towards the South Pole | 1835 | Photostat from The Nautical Magazine vol. IV | |
380 | Wade, F. Alton | Petrological and Structural Relations of the Edsel Ford Range, Marie Byrd Land to Other Antarctic Mountains | 1937 | Bulletin of the Geological Society of America vol. 48 | |
380 | Wagner, Hermann | Erich von Drygalskis Polarwerk: "Zum Kontinent des eisigen Sudens" | 1905 | Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin | |
380 | Waldman, Phillip | [Letter regarding Silver Memorial to members of the Scott Antarctic Expedition] | 1913 | ||
380 | N/A | With Byrd in the Antarctic | 1930 | Mid-Week Pictorial vol. XXXI No. 12 | |
380 | N/A | Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. Oceanographic Results of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, 1933-35. Tables of Echo Soundings | 1937 | ||
380 | Zimmermann, Maurice | The Antarctic Land of Victoria from the Voyage of the "Discovery" | 1910 | From the Smithsonian Report for 1909 | |
381 | Bartlett, H.H. | Fire, Primitive Agriculture, and Grazing in the Tropics | 1956 | Reprint Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth | |
381 | Beckinsale, R.P. | The Nature of Tropical Rainfall | 1957 | Reprinted from Tropical Agriculture vol. 34 No. 2 | |
381 | Behrmann, W. | Die oberflachenformen in den feucht-warmen Tropen | 1921 | ||
381 | Blaut, James M. | The Ecology of Tropical Farming Systems | 1961 | Reprinted from Revista Geographica, 28 | |
381 | Budel, Julius K. | The Ice Age in the Tropics | 1957 | Universitas vol. 1 No. 2 | |
381 | Buechner, Helmut K. | Fosberg, F. Raymond | A Contribution Toward a World Program in Tropical Biology | 1967 | Reprinted from Bio-Science vol. 17 No. 8 |
381 | Calciati, Cesare | I termitai nel paesaggio tropicale | 1925 | Estratto dalla periodico L'Universo Anno VI N. 8 | |
381 | Chevalier, Aug. | Sur les Legumineuses de la tribu des Tephrosiees cultivees dans les pays tropicaux pour capturer le poisson: leur usages et leur distribution geographique | 1925 | Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences No. 20 | |
381 | Cutler, J. Elbert | Tropical Acclimatization | 1902 | From the American Anthropologist (N.S.), vol. 4 | |
381 | Degener, Otto | Tropical Plants the World Around | 1945 | Reprinted from the Journal of the NY Botanical Garden | |
381 | Floyd, Barry | Agricultural Land Use in the Humid Tropics: A Select Geographic Bibliography | 1965 |